Is First Years or Evenflo breast pumps any good?

When my son and daughter were born premature, the WIC offices where I lived provided a motorized Medella pump supplied from a medical supply store. Obviously this was very good. I know that Medellas are sold in Target but I also seen other brands. Is there an "off" brand ie, Evenflo, First Years, etc. that is comparable but without the price??

Medula Pump in Style and the Ameda Purely Yours are the two best breast pumps out there. In my childbirth classes, we were told that the other off brands were not recommended because they actually damage your nipples. If you search online for the Medula or Ameda, I am sure you will be able to find a good price with free shipping (these pumps will be over $130). Good luck in your search.
Take care,
Jennifer K

First Years Breastpump is not a good idea. I have owned two-one I bought and one was given to me as a gift and I should have left them in the store. Neither the First Years nor the Evenflo were good for me. the suction, even on max, was not what it should be. I currently have a medula because my sister-in-law bought it,then decided to not breastfeed and gave it to me. When I had my first two children, I used Avent manual breastpump. I know that you hear a lot of negative things about manual pumps, but for @ 40-50 dollars, this pump was GREAT!!!! Avent now makes an electric pump, but I don't know anyone who has used it. Good luck in your search, and with your delivery!!

go with the Avent Isis!!! i had a premie.. and twins that needed more then what I could produce on my own... so i had to pump to build up! and I tried them all... the Isis is amazing, and it fits right onto the bottles and they are freezer ready to!!

I have a Medela PISA which is AWESOME... but have also tried a single manual Evenflo (don't remember the exact name) for backups/emergencies and hated it. Check with your local hospital. I got my PISA at the hospital gift shop for $175 (regular $250). Also, an LC may be able to advise you the best place to get a good, inexpensive pump. It is definately worth the money if you intend on pumping for the long haul. Best of luck!

Dana--I think that it is just what you prefer. Things that work for others may not work for you. Things that didn't work for others, might work for you. Every woman is going to be different. I used an Evenflo electric pump and it was great. I started off with a manual pump and didn't like the time I had to put into it, so I switched to the Evenflo electric pump. I had absolutely no problem with it. It didn't damage my nipples or anything like that. You have to remember that every brand is out there on the market to outsell the other and they will say just about anything to get you to buy their brand instead of the other---trust me on that, I have been a manager in retail for a LONG time. I would suggest maybe looking on E-BAY since money is an issue for you on this. You might find something there! Good luck

I have a Lansinoh pump. I got it from Wal-Mart for $148.00 in April. It works very well. It is double-electric. I didn't want to spend the money some mothers do on pumps. The lactation nurse in the hospital recommended it and I love it!

If you are going back to work full time you probablyw ill need something as good as the medela. But if you will not you can probably get away with a cheaper manual however I wouldnt recommended the evenflo, first years or gerber, even the ones that have good reviews I have never met a person in real life who has done well with them (including myself, my sister and my sister in law). But you can get the Avent Isis manual for about $40 and it is a wonderful pump

When it comes to pumps, you're better off spending the extra money to get a really good pump. Evenflo and first years aren't that great, though some moms have been able to pump with them.
See if you can get mini electric pump from your WIC office, they supply them to exclusively breastfeeding moms. Everything WIC gives out is Medela. That is the best brand to go with, really.
You can rent pumps from stores, and some stores will work with you when it comes to price. That may be your best bet. You may not even need a electic pump unless you're going to work early. Once the baby has built up a good milk supply and can go for 4 hours or longer without nursing, you shouldn't need to pump very much. A good manual (that you can get from WIC)should do the trick!

PS. Ask your WIC nutritionist/breastfeeding peer counselor, if there is one at your WIC office, about their policy on giving out the Medela Pump in Style. Those are given to moms, not rented out. But you have to meet certain criteria. The ones I've given out were to moms of premature babies or babies who are unable to suck well at the breast due to medical reasons. can't hurt to ask.)

I used a single pump Evenflo w/ my son and a double pump Evenflo w/ my daughter. They worked okay, seeing that I only had to pump two days a week, but they eventually conked out. I actually ended up getting a Medela--best pump there is. So, if you're going to be pumping frequently, visit a Target, and get yourself a Medela. If you don't, and you need to save cash, go with an Evenflo.

I went with the Medela and the Avent Isis Pump in Style (handheld)... they are both great.

I have an Electric Evenflow single pump and it works GREAT!! It was only about 30 dollars and I love it! Evenflo's are a go!

I just typed this to someone else about pumps...but you may want to check on ebay. My friend got a brand new medula pump with all kinds of things for $80. She said it's still a bit pricey, but WELL worth it.

I hope that helps!
Good luck with that,

Those pumps are fine and would probably do the trick, but the Medella is the best that you can buy, and worth the money especially if you are planning more children and would need a reliable pump for several years. Ebay would be a good place to look.

Hi Dana, Im in charlotte, I have a Medela pump in style that i bought for 350 i used for 3 months. i could sell to you for about 60.00 !
you could get accessories at Target or at Babies are us for 20.00 !!!

This thing is brand new!!!! i only used it once or twice per day!
All of the parts that touch me, are disposable.

i also have a car charger too, free of charge. Let me know if you are interested, and Congratulations!!!!!

I don't know about First Years or Evenflo, but, I bought an 'Ameda Purely Yours' pump online and it was just as good as the $300 Medela pumps and I think I paid something like $169 for it. Good luck with your new little one. I don't know anywhere local that sells the Ameda pumps, I have only found them online.

You can sanitize ANYTHING, so a better choice is to get the expensive grade pump used from Ebay and sanitize it. You can even buy new parts - tubes and cups and things - if you are worried about it. Madela, Anita, and Avent have the best ratings from what I've read.
Good Luck:)

Hi Dana
My name is Tammy and I am the owner of BabyMatters in Bettendorf. You were asking about different breast pumps. We sell the Medela and Ameda brands which also have different price points. These are the top 2 brands on the market. What you are getting when you go with an off brand is not as much suction. Also the better brands imitate how a baby sucks-quicker to start with which helps with your let down. When you look at buying a pump you need to have an idea how much you plan to use it, ie daily or once in awhile. Also, are you having more children that you will be beastfeeding. The cheaper brands do not always hold up for multiply use. The other option you have is to rent a pump which is something else we do. Hope this helps.