Hi All,
I am wondering if I need an infant seat, swing, or bouncer. Which ones and which kind?
Hi All,
I am wondering if I need an infant seat, swing, or bouncer. Which ones and which kind?
I liked having both a swing and a bouncer for my kids when they were young. Especially with my 2nd baby b/c her sister was 2 at the time so I was busy and I could put her in the swing or bouncer and she was happy while I played with the older one or did housework. For the bouncer, I liked the Fisher Price Ocean Wonders one, my daughter loved the music, lights, and toys, and it was easy to take the cloth part off if it needed washing. The swing I had I didn't like very much, it was a cheap one and it only had one speed and it had the bar across the top, which made putting her in very difficult. So I'd suggest getting one with multiple speeds (the one speed one I had was too fast for her when she was a little baby), and one with an open top design to make it easier to get the baby in and out. For my next baby I plan on also getting one that has the option of swinging side to side (younger babies seem to like that motion better) or front to back (for older babies)
Hope this helps!
If I had to pick only one i would buy the swing. I would get one that lays back and can switch swinging directions. Fisher Price has two or three models out like that, ones fish, another in a jungle and I think the third is kinda plain. My daughter had the fish one and that's the only thing I could use to get her to fall asleep. She slept there for the first few months of her life, and that thing was a life saver.
I LOVE my fisher price rain forest cradle swing. It can adjust to swing side to side and front to back. It has several music choices; lullabies, rain forest sounds and up tempo music. It has several speeds, the seat can tilt up or down and it has a mobile. My favorite thing about it is that it can be plugged in or be ran on batteries. It was the only swing I could find that wasn't solely ran on batteries. That can get expensive. It does come with a tray that you can put over the child's lap, but I didn't use mine because my grandson's knees would hit it and it wasn't comfortable for him. These swings are good up to 24 lbs.
Generally infant seat means the infant rear-facing car seat, and YES you need one. You can't leave the hospital without baby strapped in one. Absolute must.
Swing or bouncer is up to you - or more rightly said, up to your baby! Different babies like different things. My first twi babies liked the bouncer much more than the swing, but who knows what my littlest (2 months) is going to prefer? I have both, so we will try both as we need them.
If money is the issue, you don't truly NEED either, but it is easier to put them in something when you are cooking, going to the restroom.... The only way I got a shower when my little ones were new was using the bouncy and swing. I put them in the bathroom with me! the bouncy is more portable than a swing, which will help if you need to go somewhere like your mom's house. Most bouncies seem to have the vibrating soother and music and lights, making it entertaining. Swings are very soothing.
Just an FYI... research has shown that bouncers can be bad for their little spines. If their bodies are not physically ready to be in an upright position, and we force them to be, the natural curves may not develop in their spines the way they're supposed to (thus, leading to future weaknesses/problems). That's one of the reasons why infant seats and swings are reclined - less stress on the spine. I've just done the research, that's all... and wanted to share! :-)
My baby loves his Fisher Price Rainforest swing and same brand jumperoo (like a stationary walker-type jumper - needs no doorway). I got good deals on Ebay. They have really helped when I just have to put him down to do something besides carry him all day. ha ha!
I always had all of the above. You can pick some up very reasonable at garage sales and on craigslist. Babies like different things at different times and prefer a change of scenery. Hope this helps. Good luck!
Infant seat - I loved being able to take my sleeping child out of the car and into a stroller. I looked at a car seat that would hold infant to toddler but being able to move a sleeping baby from car to house to store works and makes your life easier. I went with evenflo brand. Good price. Good reviews.
Swing - We used this almost daily for 3 months. My son would nap in it. We had a hard time in the beginning and the only way to get him to sleep was the swing. I didn't like the idea because of what I read about how it is creating bad sleeping patterns. Well it saved my butt when we had our first ear infection. He could sleep sitting up and if you have to go thought an ear infection any sleep is good sleep. I got a swing that would go forward/backward and side to side. It gave us options. Nathan loved to swing and look out the window. I would also read to him while he would swing.
Bouncy seat - We got a very simple one. It vibrated and was about the only thing that would help when my son had an upset stomach. When I traveled with my son I would figure a way to pack the thing. We have now bought a new one because he is to big for his baby one. This one will turn into a rocker and he can use it until about 3.
Between the bouncy seat and the swing my kid was happy. Now his is 10 months and doing great.
Look for used swings and bouncy seats. You can find them almost new and much cheaper.
I buy my car seats new -- you never know if the used car seat was in an accident or not. Just my thoughts.
Hope this helps.
I dont think u need any of them but it's very helpfull to have them.My kids loved the bouncer it's fisher price it was only $25 dollers at walmart and I had a swing with my little girl she like it sometimes at night she did not want to go to sleep and i put her in the swing and she fell right asleep.i am having another baby soon and i got a bouncer,swing,jumper,and a bumbo it's a seat for when there little. well i hope i helped
I didn't have a swing or a bouncer with my first child but as I had more children I found each item a necessity so I could get things done with the other kids and or the safety of my newborn. I love my swing, I have a Fisher Price one that swings side to side or front to back. Different children liked different motions. For a bouncer I got the Fisher Price one that can serve as a bouncer for young babies, it can transition to a rocking chair for older kids.My older children still use it as a chair. I loved the option of having it rock because I could rock it with my foot while I ate or folded laundry.
I used all three at different time and stages. My daughter did also with my grandson.
Vibrating chair
depends on the kid, imo. my first I had none of it. my second I had all of it as he cried non stop. your preference.
You definitely need a Bumbo seat and a bouncer. My daughter did not much like the swing and they are by far more expensive. The Bumbo is $30 at Target or Babies 'R' Us, and the bouncer is only around $30. The Bumbo trains them how to sit up and hold their head up. We used them so much we would throw them in the truck no matter where we went, can't really do that with a swing. Hope this helps!
If you have a 2-story house, just a swing probably won't be enough. We had the swing downstairs. But we also had a Fisher Price reclining bouncy seat (that vibrates when you turn it on) that we used upstairs and also when we would travel because it was easy to just toss in the backseat. That bouncy seat was a lifesaver and my daughter loved it.
Every baby is different and likes different things, but this is what worked for me and my kids. The swing was essential as I was active durring my pregnancy and once the baby was born they liked the swing because it was similar to the motion the baby experienced in utero. I recomend any swing with an adjustable seat. I bought a craddle rocker/papasan swing and was dissapointed when I couldn't set the seat in an upright seting position to accomidate my growing children who wanted to swing and set up at 5 months. My mom bought a cheep Grandma swing at Walmart and my kids got the most use out of it because it had an adjustable seat. The infant seat was used alot as the baby can get board with the swing and needs something different for a change of pace. The bouncer... I have recently seen where you can buy some kind of swing/bouncer/exersaucer combo. It converts into which ever item you want..I think it you can get it at babiesrus or target. Anyway, I would recomend that and an infant seat if you are on a budget and don't have a lot of space. Good Luck!
If I could only choose one: I would choose the swing. It helps with napping and calming. It keeps them out of trouble when you can't watch them closely. It can serve as a highchair too. They can sit up and see even when not swinging. In fact, my swing served as a swing, but the chair part was easily removable and used as a stationary infant seat (it looked like a bouncer, but didn't bounce). It was awesome. It also was battery operated and so I didn't have to wind it up all of the time and risk waking the baby.
The bouncer would be my second choice. It can also be used to calm or feed the child. It allows them to sit up and see. But, they can fall out of it easier, so I wouldn't trust it entirely if I wanted to take a shower or something unless I took it in the room with me. It is more portable and can easily be moved in to any room.
You can also use your infant car seat as an infant seat in the house and save some money.
A door bouncer is fun, but that's it.
I also used a walker once the kid got older. I loved it. It can be used to feed them as well. It allowed them to roam but with limits. And kept them upright to see everything.
I could not have survived without a swing, but it has been so long ago I don't know the current brands. We had one that had a flat basket that we used for naps and as a bassinet when we went visiting. Some babies love bouncers, particulary ones that can be turned on to keep moving on their own. This can easily double as an infant seat. Good luck and have fun!
We had both the swing and the bouncer. I don't think we would have survived the first few months without the swing. Our daughter ended up only wanting to sleep either in it or on me so I'm sure you know what we picked. She now sleeps wonderfully in her crib and had no problems transitioning over to it by the way. We just spent a few nights with her in the crib with the swing and it's mobil going right next to it. All was well.
The bouncer came in handy too since she loved to have me just bounce her up and down. I always thought it was a little rough but she loved it and would just grin and grin. Much better than an unhappy baby. It was also nice because she could be propped up and look around without me having to hold her all the time or without her having to be laying flat on her back to make sure she was safe if I had to run to the potty.
Which would I choose if I only had one choice. The swing. Make sure you find one that will swing both directions too. You never know which way is going to float their little boats.
We also really loved our bumpo seat. It helped our daughter be part of the group and she loved that. Now that she is eating solids it also helps because if we travel or have dinner at someone else's house we can bring it and the tray that goes on it and have an instant high chair for her.
Good luck!