is it normal for an infant to go beyond crying into a what we call a meltdown. redfaced huge tears body shaking seemingly when doesnt get her way?
My daughter went thru a phase of crying heavily nightly for a couple of months when she was an infant. This was not colic related in any way also. Luckily she did out grow it. Though it was a stressful time for all of my family we learned to watch her ques on when she was about to "defuse." Best of luck!
Hi Marilyn,
I'm a home child care provider and I currently have a baby (4 months old) that I watch that he does this. He gets so mad over everything and little things.
I also watched a little boy when he was 1 that he would get so mad he would hold his breath until he would pass out. He stopped doing it when he realized he wasn't going to get any where with me. I also have on little girl who is 6 months and when she gets mad she doesn't cry she just pulls hair and scratches whatever she can get a hold of. I could go on and on but goodluck and it's a phase, Wendy
My little girl used to do the same thing. I was told that its their only way to comunicate with us. Since they can't speak. It will soon be replaced with other acts like bitting, and screaming, and things like that until they can use words and emotion together to let us know whats wrong.
yes, kids now days want the world and then some. My 3yr old son tried that until he held his breath and passed out for a few seconds. when he came to he was fine. he also has not tried it since then.when he gets mad now i just ignor him amd after a while he stops.
I don't know if it's "normal" but my daughter did the same thing. My boyfriend and I fought a lot and unfortunately when they're an infant you can't ever get too far away so I know she was exposed to our anger. I've beat myself up for a long time wondering if these uncontrollable tantrums of hers were inadvertently my fault. I'd be curious to know if your little one was exposed to fighting at all. It would give me some relief to know he wasn't. Outside of that, it does pass some. Now, (still can't talk) she does the "uh, uh, uh" thing repeatedly, sometimes screaming until you guess what she wants. When I don't give in she'll still get pretty upset but I've learned some particular activities/distraction that I always pull out for her after she understands she can't have her way and that quiets her down easier. good luck. message back if you have any thoughts about the exposure thing.
She still does it. She is 15 months old now. The last time she did it, it lasted for 30 minutes. It is very stressful. EXTREMELY STRESSFUL. We all were out of town and she could have been tired. She may have been sick of getting in and out of her car seat and going to someone elses house. Anyway it does worry me. I hope she gets out of it when she starts to talk fluently.
Thanks all, M.