hi moms, can you please help me? i have 6 months old and want to buy infant baby activity walker but i dont know which one is good. thank you
I don't think they make walkers anymore. Do you man an exercise saucer?
There are so many of them, I suggest that you look at them on the Internet or at stores and choose which one has the toys you think your baby would like at a price you can afford. The actual styles seem to change from season to season.
Target usually have a couple. You can look at what most stores have on line and get an idea.
Hi Kika,
We have the Safety 1st - Sounds 'N Lights Activity Walker from Walmart. It was one of the cheapest ones and both of our boys love it ;-)
Hopefully you mean a suacer, "walkers" are on the big no-no list now!! They are dangerous and don't really help the babies use the right muscles. Anyway, we have the baby einstein one. My 3rd baby is using in now.They have all loved it and it has lasted through 3 boys! I like it because there is nothing on it that is too loud for me (ha) and I can take the seat off and toss it into the wash. It was about $85 I think, that was 4 years ago though, but was a great investment. We have used it more than anything else (swings,ect.). Good luck.
Take your daughter to the store with you and set her in some!
If you mean a walker, our daughter was short and the one we got as a baby gift was too tall for her. We had to purchase another one that had a lower setting when she was about 5 months old. NOW, all walkers come with a built in safety "thing" on the back so they can no longer fall down stairs! It actually works. We "tested" it. Babies LOVE walkers as they can get around and not be stuck on one place with them. (PS: I know that they are frowned upon by some but kids really do love them and both our children were walking by about 1 year so it did not inhibit their development as some claim.)
If you mean a saucer, they are all pretty nice as well. It comes down to preference on colors, toys, etc.
Just look how they are built. How sturdy they are. Etc. Go with a known brand and you should be fine!
I recommend a good Exersaucer (Evenflo or Baby Einstein) to help develop the core muscles and strengthen the spine stably. You can get these on Craig's List. Then, as your baby starts to cruise (holding onto things while trying to walk), then get a push toy so that she/he can start to take steps.
We have the Chicco walker, I think its the 70s style. It is lime green and on the base and has polka dots on the seat. My son loved it and my cousin also got the same one for his daughter and she has really enjoyed it also.
I think the advise is not to use activity walkers anymore. We got a stationary activity center that she could stand and play in. As she grew and her feet reached the bottom, she could jump up and down and spin around. And because it was stationary, it was great to keep her busy and entertained while I worked or cooked or kept busy around the house.