I need gift ideas for 9 boys who deserve an "atta boy"

I have a group of cub scouts that have been working hard to sell popcorn (our main fundraiser)
out of 50 boys only 9 have bothered to come sell, and only 3 of them have made it more than one sale site...
I know it is not the boys, but the parents who won't give their time to drive them, so I don't need counsel on that.
But we (pack committee) want to show the boys the appreciation at our popcorn party to kick off our take and sell part of the fundraiser.
So I need gift ideas for the boys. the 3 that have volunteered the most time, and the other 6....
We need to keep the price down, and want it to be fun and memorable for them. We have thought about medals and have not ruled them out, but just are looking for any other ideas.

Well thank you for your time devoted to these young men.

The first thing that popped into my mind was gift cards to the movies, Ice Cream place, or a video store. Also make sure to take a group photo and give each of them a copy. Write on the back or attach an "Appreciation Certificate" to them. You can find these pre-printed at office supply stores you just fill them in.

A gift card to a movie or something like that, but also perhaps something for the parents who took the time to bring there kids.

I agree to the gift card idea. The movies would be great! BUT will those parents take them? You & someone else might could set aside a Saturday afternoon & take the 9 boys to the movies & the 3 that did the most give them something a little extra. It would definitely make them feel appreciated & special & would encourage them to do more next time.(I would get consent forms signed by the parents first) Also it might encourage these other boys to sell & if its the parents not taking them, it might get them to hound their parents to help them participate next time, because a "reward" will be given. And they are not going to want to be left out. The early movies where we live are only $3.75 each admission. That saves $2.00 a head. It usually goes up after 6 or 7 pm. You can even go to fandango.com & pre-purchase the tickets (for a small fee). You'll get a confirmation number & you give that to the ticket counter at the movie.
Best Wishes! Sounds like you are a great giver of your time to children & I think thats WONDERFUL!!!!

Each participating cub scout gets a patch from the council (at least ours do) and this patch is pretty simple "Popcorn Sales 2009". How hard would it be to add a button or border around the patch (it can go behind it and not actually be attached) where you could have "Fantastic Job, from Pack xxx" or "Pack xxx says You Did Fantastic" (phrase to your liking)?

I had the recent experience of having my cub scout make it to 2nd place in the raingutter regata race we held this past spring. I shouldn't have been surprised, but I found him elated that (finally!) he had a trophy to call his own. He had admired his older brother's soccer trophies and martial arts medals and, as it turns out, had been quite jealous.

If that doesn't work out, I like the certificate idea. This is another way to give them a "way to go!" message which they can ticky-tack to their wall or door at home or even frame.

I can't recall what our Pack did for our cub scout with the highest sales. I think I remember that, at the very least, the pack cub master brought the boy(s) to the stage in front of everyone at the monthly pack meeting for a special announcement and handshake (oh, and a round of applause).

My best wishes to you and your pack committee for considering a show of appreciation to these boys.


Our pack buys gift cards from Wal-mart, Target or Academy with a percentage of the funds raised. My little guy got $50 for being a top seller...he was thrilled and the amount blew him away! Even $10 cards are exciting for the guys and the feeling was that this was better than the more expensive poorer quality incentives offered with the program.

Also part of the funds raised are available to them for summer camps and Cub World etc.

I have an idea that is "FREE"!

Heres an example:
My daughter has the OPTION to do summer homework through her school. When she turns in her completed summer homework folder on the first day of school, she is awarded "Homework Passes" to be used during the school year.

For example, if we have a very busy evening and time is running out, she can use a homework pass and forgo doing ONE part of her homework. She gets like 3 passes for the whole year.

For your scouts, maybe the boys you want to reward can get special privleges on the next meeting or camping trip. Maybe they get to skip "clean up chores". Or maybe you can give them perks that only they receive. My kids aren't in scouts so I can't think of specifics but you get the gist.

You could have a reward pizza/sleep over party at your house for the kids that did the extra work. Little Ceasars has $5 pizza every day, all day, cheap.

I understand that you want to honor these boys because they have done what the others should have done, so what is wrong with just giving them that verbal recognition? Make a special notice of these guys and say something specific and kind about each one of them (Chris was always willing to ask strangers to buy our product, Joe is the best salesman to people who didn't even want popcorn, Sam overcame his shyness and was there each time, etc.). I know that they would like gift cards or presents but what about a big BRAVO in front of everyone else? Perhaps also acknowledge that these 9 boys are the ones responsible for the benefits of the popcorn sales (camp is cheaper, supplies, etc.) Actually, what if you gave these guys more money off of the next camping trip because of their hardwork? (sorry, but I am thinking as I am typing this).

It seems as if we are now raising kids who get awards for "showing up" which is what ALL of the scouts were supposed to do. I just think by giving gifts then you are setting up expectations for next year - a kid begs his parents to go to each sell so that he can get the cool gift next year but then you have 50 kids showing up and then there is no gift and they get upset.

Let us know what you end up doing.

I agree with the response that says do a public "bravo" and have the boys stand up front or something. (mabye a certificate which does'nt cost much if anything) It will go a long way. I think it would go farther than a gift card. So many fundraisers use toys as a reward. Is that the purpose?

hello how are you? i have gift albums if u want to check it you can go to my site www.amway.com/simpsonint.... i hope this was alot of help and kids love that they get to pick what they want from it... also email me [email protected]