I haven't felt my baby move yet!

I am 19 weeks pregnant and still haven't felt my baby move!!! I keep reading things and people keep telling me that I should be feeling him or her soon! I'm really nervous, this is my first baby and I am just concerned about everything. When should I start feeling movements??

Have you talked to your doctor about it? You may want to get one of those fetal monitors at Walmart, Target, Baby Depot or Baby's R' Us: Basically it amplifies the babies heartbeat and movements so you can hear them . . . we had difficult pregnancies and they helped calm my nerves. When you buy them you get headphones for you as well as a little speaker to hold against your tummy in case you want to play music or your guys voices to your baby. I hope this helps and I pray your pregnancy goes well.

It can take a little longer with the first one. I don't think I felt anything until about 20 weeks. I would mention it to the dr though. Good luck. I bet you will be feeling him/her kicking like crazy soon.

What does your Dr. tell you about not feeling the baby move yet. No 2 women are the same in when they feel the baby move. My first alot of yrs ago (32) I didn't feel move untel late but my second one I felt within the first couple of months. Like I asked first, WHAT does you Dr think.

God bless and good luck


I was 4 months when a little flutter and when i layed in bed i would push on my belly and she would roll but just feel her move it was late into my 4th month and i would push every now and then just so she would move. I was told i would never have one so i was really worried so it made me feel better. When they hooked the moniters on me she would push them away. She didnt like them mashing on her it was funny. I would just tell your doctor that your really concerned about it. And he can do a ultra sound and make sure everything is ok. Lord nows i called mine enough.. Thats what you pay them for...and he or she will understand. They told me, thats what make a good mom. Good luck!

I was like another poster - the first one I did not feel move until late -and then she did not move much at all - still does not like to ( she is 10 )

the second one - he was on the go from the start - and he still is - ( he is 4) everyone is different and each child is special - but if you are scared - call your doctor.

If you have had good appointments and positive test results from you doctor, ask him/her about it but don't stress. You may have already felt your baby and you didn't realize it! It was about your time that I first felt my little one. Sometimes, it really feels like a muscle twitch or even a gas movement...most second time moms feel the second baby sooner simply because after they had their first, they knew the feeling to feel for! You'll be fine...! Oh yea, and buy some pregnancy books with a sense of humor. Too many medical based books can make you worry about every little thing! I recommend "Pregnancy Sucks" and "Pregnancy Sucks for Men". Not a negative book, just honest about the odd changes that happen with your body when you bring a new life into the world. Enjoy your pregnancy!

Most mothers have their first Ultrasound around 20 weeks and that alone should ease your mind. You will see the little fellow sucking it's thumb, pulling on the umbillical cord and practically dancing a jig, and wonder "why can't I feel that?" That's all normal! Like others have said, it's usually a little later on your first pregnancy, but one thing I don't think anyone has mentioned is the mothers body type. I obviously don't know you but I do know that smaller, more slender women usually feel the baby's movement sooner. This is not a steadfast rule but just some statistic I've read. Doctors are accustomed to all the worries of moms to be so don't be embarressed about discussing them with him/her, and just think about all the questions you'll have once the baby is born. Might as well get the doctor used to it now! The receptionists at my Docs office knew my voice and I'm pretty sure the Doc knew my # by heart! Best wishes.

Ask your doctor

Don't cause yourself undue stress by worrying. A lot of women don't feel the baby moving until they get into the 20's (weeks that is). You actually may have already felt it and not even known. The first movement I felt from my first child was like being lightly thumped in the belly button. She did it 3 times and I didn't feel anything else for a couple of days. It will happen!!!!!!!!!!

IF you are worry about thing about the baby go and see the Dr. I would ask him to give me a sonagram just to make sure that everything is ok. Then you will know what you are dealing with and can take the steps need to.

Hello Amy,
Everyone feels things differently and at different times in their pregnancies. A lot of Moms don't feel the baby move well until the middle of their pregnancy. Since this is your first time, you might even been feeling the babe, but not realize it. At first the lil one is so so tiny the kicks feel like little bubbles in your belly. Or it might feel ike gas. Once the babe is a little bigger and can really give you a good kick you won't miss it I promise :)

Jamie Roth
MS doula

Every baby is different, yours may just be a little timid. If your really concerned call your doctor, your twenty week ultrasound should be coming up anyway. Unitl then, try putting on some music with a beat, maybe she'll dance for you.

Hi! Congratulations on your first baby! I just had my first child in December after a miscarriage, so I know how nervous you are. I didn't feel her move until I was around 22 weeks pregnant and even then it wasn't a whole lot. This is just my own opinion, so take it with a grain of salt! I'm a little overweight, so I think the extra padding around the baby kept me from feeling her move earlier. If you have had an ultrasound and have seen and heard the heartbeat, I wouldn't worry too much. You will feel it and it will be the craziest most awesome feeling in the world! Good luck!

Hi Amy!

If you are going to the doctor regularly and everything looks fine, then I wouldn't sweat it, although I know you are excited to feel your babies movements. My guess would be that you are feeling it and just haven't realized it yet, it took me a while to know that was what I was feeling. When babies are inside your belly they usually face forward, so when they move you feel it against your belly. However, my best friend baby was faced the opposite way (facing inside her), so when she moved she wasn't hitting the hard outer wall of her uterus, so it took a while for her to feel her daughters movements. Next time you go to the doctor, you may see if she can check it out.

I really hope this helps you! Good luck!

Since this is your first baby you probably won't feel the baby move till 20 to 22 weeks. So be patient.

I think as long as you are still hearing the heartbeat at your scheduled ob appointments that you should be fine. If this is your first pregnancy sometimes you don't really realize what those little feelings might be. Your baby could be moving all the time but until you are able to recognize it especially early on in pregnancy you really don't even know it.

At first it is just a tiny flutter of a movement, you are probably feeling it and not realizing it. You need to be very still to feel it. I would normal feel baby in the evening, resting on my side in bed. Once you realize how tiny the movement is, you will probably think "oh, i've felt that before!"

And remember in a few weeks he/she will have both feet stuffed up under your ribs trying to stretch out!

I also had this problem- my nurse suggested to me one day to drink a BIG GLASS of ICY COLD WATER and lay flat on my back on the floor........you might try that....it doesn't mean anything- my son was so passive that all through the pregnancy he was quite still- he is pretty passive and a very pleasing and healthy 5 year old...it was just his personality.

Please don't worry! Every woman's pregnancy is different and especially since it's your first you may feel the baby later than others. To tell the truth you may have already felt the baby move and just didn't know it. The movements can feel like gas rumbling around in your tummy! it can be hard to distinguish the difference. I worried with my first one too and everything turned out fine!