My husband and I have definitely drifted apart over the years.
We have 2 girls ages 11 and 8.
I think we stay together for their sake, and well divorce is expensive.
He does NOT believe in divorce.
He is a good dad and a good provider, but not that good to me. There is just way too much to write in this post.
We have tried therapy a couple of times, and I've suggested going back, but he has no interest.
Over the last couple of years I have slept in the guest room because he snores loud enough to wake the dead.
He has gained FIFTY pounds. not 15, 50. I workout 6 days a week.
He comes home from work , doesn't join the family for dinner, goes to the bedroom and watches reruns over and over and over and over AGAIN.
He NEVER helps with anything around the house.
I've tried talking to him about this, but it always falls on deaf ears, so I just don't try anymore.
I like to keep the peace for the kids.
He lately has started smoking cigars. GROSS.
Last night he asked me to lay down with him while the kids were getting ready for bed. I was like WHY? He said, because you're my wife. I was stunned. Out of no where.
I did, and we talked, and he was massaging my back and stomach and I hated it. He smelled like cigars and booze (he had the day off and was out with friends watching the Bruins game).
I got up to go help the kids get ready for bed.
He was pissed. I'm sure it will be a fight today.
What am I supposed to say to him? You reeked? You're fat? You're lazy? You're disrespectful to me?
I actually don't want a divorce if you can believe that because the kids adore him. We typically do not fight and together we can provide things for them that apart we cannot. There will come a day that we do divorce, I just don't want it to be today.