I am 16 fat nuerodivergent and have seriously high blood pressure?

My Dr just yells at my mom and me because I am fat as $$$$ and my blood pressure is high. Dr Does not give any solutions at all on what to do.
I am 250 with a huge stomach and five foot 7 . I do exercise at the pool and at the gym .

I have severe ADHD. I don't sleep well. Without sleeping pills or some times I drink an energy drink and I pass out.

I throw up a lot and am constantly thirsty for water or milk. I have told my Dr and he doesn't listen. I mean I crave salt bad but I don't like sweet stuff ex. I am a good cook.

I mostly eat meat and fries and cheesy bread and salty snacks and tons of 🧀 energy drinks. My mom and dad and perfect sister are all skinny and we eat the same things.i want fruit but no one ever buys it

Not a parenting question.
16 yr olds just don’t hang out on parenting sites.
It’s never a good idea for anyone, even trolls, to ask for medical advice on line.

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