My husband is something of a workaholic, and really he tends to overdo everything he gets involved in. Like a dive head-first kind of guy. He is a hard worker, and has been working full time since he was 17. Since college, he has had a very demanding career in sales- rental car industry for a while and medical sales for the past 15 years. He was laid off of the job he's had for 12 years after a few long years of nervousness and stress in the company as they were sold and made swift changes, with about half the company being laid off little by little. Luckily, he found a new job and will start in a week or so. The problem is this, he is just plain tired. He didn't feel the same excitement looking for a job as he has in the past. He pointed out how hard it was to start over again and be the new guy- he's 45. He loves coaching youth sports and talks a lot about how he wishes he could just do that. I did tell him that if he really wanted to do something different, we could make that switch, which would mean me going back to work (not a problem, happy to do this for him, will be returning to work in a few years anyway so just bumping up that schedule) and downsizing house and lifestyle. He doesn't want to do that, realizes that it's just a dream and he knows he just needs to suck it up.
In a sad but amusing revelation, he pointed out that he works about 55-60 hours a week, so hours wise he has worked as many hours as some people who are ten years older than him, which means he has worked enough hours to retire. Ok, I get the logic there, especially since he is just tired! He really does seem a little depressed to start this new job, and is just not motivated. I do respect how hard he has worked for our family for so long, and I don't know what it's like to have the stressful jobs he has had, including such long hours and lots of travel. I understand why he's exhausted, but the reality is he's 45 and can't possibly retire now! Our daughter will be in college in two years.
I know he needs to suck it up, he knows he needs to suck it up. So it's not that I worry that he's going to give up and leave us broke. I just wonder if this is a normal midlife kind of thing for some people? Not sure how to support him, other than telling him he's awesome for working so hard. Sort of dreading hitting the ask question button- I'm hoping I don't find out he's the only one to ever go through this!! Thanks everyone!