how to lose my weight after my second child

I've had four kids now and 40. It gets harder to loose with each kid AND the increasing age. What I did this last time worked so well, I could kick myself for not doing it with the others. I started following Paul Bragg (he saved Jack LaLanne) and altered my diet, started with the ACV drink (THAT was magic!) and some tai-chi every morning. I now weigh what I did in high school!!! You can get your toes wet at, and/or buy their Healty Lifestyle book at any healthfood store for $10. GOOD LUCK! Love to hear how it goes for you!!!

I am the mother of three boys - my 2 oldest are in college and the youngest is a middle schooler - they were all huge babies (largest was 10 lbs. 1 oz.) and are still quite large (tallest is 6'6") - so I am familiar with having to lose some extra weight after creating such giants - my best suggestions are to exercise at least 45 minutes to an hour a day, eat raw nutritious foods (fruits, veggies, nuts and herbs) and to support and cleanse your system with a safe product line - check out my website for a completely all natural, safe and effective cleansing program.

try the south beach diet, it targets belly fat and is relatively easy to follow. You can find the diet book at target or barns and noble.
Good luck,

Geez, give yourself a break! You are amazing, you just gave birth, you're breast feeding and you have a 3 year old son (I will be in the same boat in only a few weeks).

Breast feeding will help take the weight off. If you breast feed exclusively, your baby will almost literally suck it off of you. Give it time. Do not cut out all kinds of fat while breast feeding!! If you buy and eat ALL low fat, your body will think it is starving for fat and will STORE it, not use what you have like one would think. Eat GOOD fat, avocados, olives (oils from both), full fat (whole milk) yogurts (if you and baby can handle the dairy at this time). When the body gets the fat it needs (on a cellular level), it SHEDS the fat it doesn't need. Watch the sugar and carbohydrates instead. Whole grains, fruit, veggies, protein, etc. There's no miracle pill, just eat sensibly. Most of us do best with 6 small meals a day rather than 3 big ones. When I was breast feeding last time, I often ate a yogurt in the middle of the night because I was starving!

In the mean time, if you have time, just try to do some "repair" type abdominal exercises. Take it easy and work your way up.

Get on your back on the floor and do pelvic tilts, gluteus (butt) raises, and mini sit ups (only let your shoulder blades lift off of the ground). Before beginning these exercises, take several deep breaths in and on the exhale, pull your belly button down toward your spine. This will teach you to engage your core and will begin strengthening your stomach. Much later (a few months at least) you can seek out a pilates class (YMCA?). Great for core work (stomach). There are more exercises that would be easier to explain over the phone if you choose. The exercises I know were given to me by a pediatric chiropractor who specializes in pregnancy, post pregnancy and child care.

Email me if you want to talk and we'll exchange numbers. Don't wait too long, I may be in labor myself!
[email protected]

Hello Mary.
Obviously, you've gotten a lot of responses here and a lot of feedback. We live in an image conscious society, which makes the process of pregnancy, childbirthing and child-rearing even more difficult. I would tend to agree most with the advise that tells you to be patient with yourself. I would add, and cautious. You did not say how you delivered, so I will not assume. However, you should have been given some advise on discharge, certainly at a follow-up OB visit regarding when to safely begin exercise again, and at what level. If you were not, or were given something confusing, seek clarification from your OB regarding exercise.

With regard to dieting and breastfeeding, I would do the same and consult your OB, and your child's pediatrician. Literature on dieting and breastfeeding is confusing; some tells you not to do it, others tell you ways that it is "safe". If you've made the decision to breastfeed, you've done so believing that it is the best for your baby. You did not say what duration of time you generally breastfeed. If you plan to stop upon returning to work, or when your daughter begins solid foods or when she reaches a year or later, why not give yourself a little generousity, and wait until then? Once your daughter is not so dependant on you for her optimal growth, then begin a reasonable regimen based on the advise of your child's pediatrician.

Breastfeeding can take weight off you. Understand though, that your results will be as unique as the rest of your breastfeeding experience, so it may not be what you hope or expect. If you do decide you must diet while breastfeeding, I suggest you follow the nutritional guidelines you were given or can find for eating During pregnancy. These should ensure that your breastmilk contains what it needs to for your daughter's optimal growth. Calculate at least an additional 500 calories per day for your target weight to allow for your daughter's needs coming out of you in breastmilk. Start slowly, and watch your weight closely. The general rule for healthy weight loss is no more than 10lbs per month. As some of this is "baby" weight, you might allow yourself a couple extra pounds, but if you find you're shedding rapidly, you need to consult your physican and your baby's pediatrician.

You are a mother. No matter what you look like, it is absolutely angellic to your son and daughter (and you might be surprised what your husband thinks). There is no more beautiful person in the world to them; please consider that the highest compliment.

You can rid of your baby weight through a home remedy mummy magic weight loss tea. I lost this 40 pounds weight in two months.

I gained 34 pounds with my pregnancy but was lucky this time than you that I got rid of this pp weight. I was using an organic weight loss tea called Mummy magic tea. I am also bfing my baby.

Thank you all I will take all your tips into consideration and will try my hardest at it. after I get the okay by the doc first.