how much for house cleaning

hello moms and grandmothers, I've been thinking about getting some one to clean my house, I just can't keep up with it all by myself, and someone else's post has prompted me to ask, how much do you pay for house cleaning? do you pay by the hour or by the job, how many hours does it usually take to get you home clean.... I mostly want kitchen baths vacuum light dusting, that sort of thing, maybe an occasional deep clean... I'm sure the size of the house matters so I'll go ahead and throw that info in, I have a 2 story 3500 Sq Ft home 5 bdrms 3 bath in the Keller area

thanks for your help

I wanted someone who was bonded and insured. Call around to some of the companies. They will walk your house and tell you exactly what's included in the price. I use Molly Maids. The first time the came it was $250 I think. They sent a crew of two and were there for 3 or 4 hours. I think the max you could be charged fro was 4 hours, if they went over I wasn't going to have to pay. It's sooo worth it. I pay $100 every two weeks. They always send out the same ladies (which is nice). I went from working full time to part time and I can't seem to give it up. I have a two year old and a two month old with NO time to clean!

Avg is about $90. Sometimes you get it for less, but if you go with a name brand company it can be more. I have just talked with friends and gotten good recommendations that way (I live in the Keller area). It is definitely worth it to have someone come even it is only twice a month.

I cleaned houses for a long time, but it has been a long time since then. It sounds to me that your house might fall between 80.oo to 100.oo if you have it done every other week or every three weeks. Finding an individual instead of a company is DEFINITELY the way to go. A company will likely start your house at about 120.00. If you want to pay per hour you're looking at close to 25.oo per hour. The first time I cleaned a house the size of yours it took me 6 hours, but on a regular basis it took 3 to 4 hours. The house I am speaking of was not a real 'dirty' house. Everything was always picked up nicely, and all I did was clean. Only 2 people lived there and they had a small dog and 3 cats. All this could be taken into account when someone works up a price for you. Tipping is not usually done, and a xmas gift of 50.oo would be suitable for an individual that comes into your home to clean for you every couple weeks. There are other "what ifs" and "what abouts" to be considered though. Hope this helps, let me know if your want more info. Take Care!!

My house is just under 3000 sq ft 4 bed 3 1/2 baths and I pay $80 every other week.

My house is 2400 sq feet. I paid $120 for a first cleaning. Now I pay $80 every other week for everything to be cleaned and the beds to be changed (I put the sheets on the wash before I leave for work). On the off week I pay $50 for the floors to be vacumed and mopped (1/2 my house is tile).

I'd be happy to help. I would charge $50.00 a week for the light cleaning. A deep clean would be $75.00. If the kids rooms are included , add $20.00. I am off work from the school cafeteria until August, so I have time on my hands. Hope to hear from you. Valerie-mother of 5

Hi Sally, I am in the Keller area too. I am a single mom of 4 and clean to support my kids. I also go to school in the fall and spring. I currently have an opening and can work at your home every other week. I normally charge between $150-175 for a first time cleaning and it would probably take me 5-6 hrs the first time. (I work alone). After that, it would more than likely take me 3-3.5 hrs and I charge $100. I have many references if you would like to have them. Feel free to meassage me privately if you would like to set up an appt. Thank you

Hi Sally

I have had the same house cleaning person for over 10 years. She would more than likely charge between 80 to 100 after 1st time cleaning. She is wonderful. If you would like her name and number let me know.


I know you are in Texas and I am in Ontario however, I do have a cleaner myself who comes out once a wk. unless I need her more. Her fee is $15.00 per hr. and she does a fantastic job. Vacuuming,dusting,bathroom,floor washing, pretty much what I need done. I don't ask her to do any climbing because then you would have to have some sort of insurance that would pay her if she were to hurt herself. My cleaner even shampoo's my carpet when I need it done. I wouldn't pay any more than $20.00 per hr though, this is high enough. I have a 3bdr.2bthrm.home and it usually takes her about 3-4hrs. which I feel is good because she does do a fantastic job. Good luck, check the papers, and if your not going to be home make sure it is someone who is bonded. I wish you luck and hopefully you can find a cleaner as good as the one I have.

I am a solo cleaner and have around 6 homes in Keller, 2 homes of of your size and I charge $90. I clean all floors by hand and never had a complaint. I think that is average for a home your size. If you choose a bigger company expect to pay around $120 a week for a basic clean.
Good luck.x