just curious mine is 8 will be 9 in july and on the tall side. just curious to others children in what they weigh? just a question. thanks!
Please share with us what your child weighs if you want to know what ours weigh.
But hey, why not. My daughter just turned 9 and she’s of normal height and she weighs 75 lbs. She’s not stick thin, she’s certainly not “chubby” or anything - she’s just a normal child.
I change my mind - my kiddo must be tall or you all have short, skinny kids, lol. I’ve always looked at her as “normal”, I guess, but see what a question like this does? Now I think she’s huge. She also wears a size 7 shoe in women’s.
My son is 8, will be 9 in September. He is very tall for his age, plays premier soccer, and is very athletic.
He weighs in at about 82.
I weighed my 8 year old daughter in January and she was 97 lbs. She is 4’8.5" with a size 7.5 - 8 women’s shoe.
My boy is a year older - he was about 53 pounds at his 9 year old well visit last summer. (We grow em small - my 12 year old is only about 75 pounds).
My son will be 9 in September but is small for his age. He weighs 50 pounds.
My son will be 9 in July and he weighs 84lbs and 4’6". He is the same height and 5lbs heavier than his brother who will be 12 in July. He is the athletic child.
My son just turned 10 and he weighs 65 lbs.
My 10 year old is little, almost 11 and weighs 55lbs.
Kids come in all shapes and sizes
Our daughter is pretty little too. She will turn 9 in July and though I can’t remember her exact weight now, I think it is between 50 and 55 pounds. We don’t focus on it much because her brother has always been around the 10th percentile for weight, and compared to him, she is well-rounded.
As Jenny J says, kids’ sizes vary, and I’m not even so sure we can guess how big they will be as adults based on their childhood patterns. My cousin’s son was short and thin, but something happened in his teenage years and he turned out a 6’ broad shouldered young man.
If you’re concerned that your child is too heavy or too thin, talk to the pediatrician, who will know where your child is on the body mass index used to gauge all kids’ average development. I mention this because on here, people sometimes post “just curious” questions when really they want information for comparison to their own child because there’s a concern. Is that the case here, really? If so – different genetics, body build, diets, levels of activity mean that what other kids the same age weigh won’t help you much with judging your own child’s weight.
My nine year old is 89 pounds. He’s really tall though, so he’s weight/height proportionate. He’s almost my height and I’m 5’3. When I ask our ped about it she’s not worried. If your wondering ask your pedi. They know more about where children should be.
My 9 year old boy is 4’6 and weighs about 65lbs.
I have a just-turned-7 year old who is 4’6" tall and 67 lbs. If you’re just curious about range, it’s pretty amazing how variable it is. If you have a concern, talk to your pediatrician - it doesn’t really matter how much our kids weigh - there are too many variables for it to be helpful to you.
My just turned 9 year old (april 2) is 45 pounds. He is also really short and barely on the growth chart. Needless to say, the kid is still in a high back booster car seat at this weight.
My daughter is 9, will be 10 in July. She’s tall, probably 5’2 or 5’3, she wears a size 9 womens shoe and weighs about 100 lbs!
My two younger boys were weighed a few months ago when they were 8 & 9…the 8 year old was 56 lbs and the 9 year old was 78. The older one is average height and very muscular and the younger is just a teeny tiny peanut of a boy who is both short and slender. He weighed 40 lbs when he was 6 though so I’m pretty happy with his recent growth.
My 8-1/2 year old is almost 50 pounds. I don’t know how tall she is, but she is one of the shortest in her 2nd grade class. She could easily pass for a kindergartener. There are some girls in her class that look like they could be in junior high!
75 lbs. He’s tall and muscular from year round sports.
“Weight” does not matter. Unless a child is medically or nutritionally sub-par.
All that matters is what the Pediatrician says.
Every child’s… weight/height and BMI ratios, will vary.
And it is PER a child’s individual percentages and proportions, that matter.
So even if for example, my child is the exact same height as your child, their weight and BMI will differ and their proportions.
My 7 year old is about 65 pounds, and is at least 4.5 feet right now. Although it looks like he recently had a growth spurt. And he, compared to the other kids in his grade, is in the taller end of things.
My daughter is 11 and is about 5’ or 5’ 1" or so.
Forget how much she weighs, but she is lanky.