How many mama's husbands do the cooking?

I am a horrible cook so naturally I don't like cooking. I make breakfast, lunch, and dinner for my daughter if my husband isn't home, and I love baking, there's always something yummy for dessert in our house!

My husband is a very good cook and he enjoys cooking, and most of the time he cooks for the family, even after coming home from work (I don't complain if he doesn't feel like it though). There are times where he comments that he thinks he's the only husband who does that and I'm interested in showing him that he's not alone, so bring on the responses so I can make him feel better about his place in our family circle!

Well aren't you lucky!! Sorry, I am with your husband though, my hubby has cooked dinner for the whole family about two times in the five years we have been married. And when he says that he is going to make dinner, we go out!! I sure wish he cooked more.

Both my husband and I like to cook. However, most of my energy has been going to making food for my daughter, so my husband has taken on more of the dinner-making duties. He probably cooks dinner 4-5 nights a week, sometimes more. Now that my daughter is 1, she should be able to eat more of what her dad and I eat, and I'll be able to cook dinner more often. (I cooked dinner about half the time before my daughter was born, and I would expect it to be similar in the future.) And if it makes your husband feel better, most of my married (male) friends at least share or are primarily responsible for meals.

My husband loves to cook! When I was pregnant with our older daughter, he did ALL the cooking because I was working full-time outside of the home and he worked from home so he was there all day.

I had no idea how to cook anything from scratch when we got married, but my husband has taught me gradually (and very nicely) so that now I cook mostly during the week while he's at work (since I stay-at-home) and he cooks on the weekends to give me a break (and because I love his cooking as much as he loves to cook!).

My dad also cooks a lot. My mom is a stay-at-home mom (I still have younger siblings at home - they're 13 and 15 years old) and my dad still cooks dinner about half of the time. So, there are two good examples for you :) I know my father-in-law cooked sometimes also, but not as regularly as my dad or my husband do.

I hope that helps your husband feel not quite so alone! I even got my husband a wall-hanging that reads, "Real men wear aprons" and he hung it up in the kitchen!


My husband is packing our daughter's lunch as I type. That's after he bathed her, read to her and put her to bed. I spent the day with her and made dinner. Sometimes we do it this way, other nights it's my turn with the night time baby routine. Bottom line is we are a team and do whatever it takes to get through the day with a measure of sanity. There is enough to do around the house that both of us are always busy with kiddo, dishes, laundry, whatever.

Both of us LOVE to cook and we take turns depending on energy levels. Your husband is certainly not the only one!

Hope this helps!

My husband does all the cooking!!! He enjoys cooking even after working all day. And I'm a stay at home mom! Sometimes when I know that he is working late, I will stick a frozen lasagna in the oven but other than that he cooks all dinners. And on the weekends he does breakfast too! YUMMY!

I have a friend who's been married 40 years or so. They had no children. But yet he's been the cook of the family this whole time. He loves to cook and she doesn't. They both worked outside the home.

I do most of the cooking. (My hubby's basic work schedule consists of four ten hour shifts, and he rotates from day shift to night shift every two months . . . AND it's a surprise when he gets off on time (he was supposed to get off a 5 pm and it's now 11 pm!) so it's not really practical for him to cook for the family every night.

But my hubby is a pretty good cook and he makes a point of cooking several meals each week. He makes the BEST breakfasts you could imagine. Oh, and his Italian dishes are to die for. He's a whiz with a crock pot. He makes magic with the grill. You get the idea.

And, probably like you, I LOVE to be able to brag to my friends and family about how well my hubby takes care of his family when he's in the kitchen.

My husband cooks dinner almost every night, he is a good cook (I'm not), and I do the dishes. It is a pretty good arrangement for us.

I honestly can't remember the last time i made dinner. I usually make breakfast and lunch but i think my husband really enjoys cooking dinner because it is some time alone to be creative.

Hi TJ, no your not alone, my husband cooks a lot and I'm a chef, not a working chef at the moment but I know how to cook and my husband knows I get burned out so he cooks. We don't have a "formal" dinner everyday, too much work, just simple meals, it's nice to share the cooking, especially for my son, he will learn from daddy that mommy's and daddy's cook. It all works out... Take Care

Hi TJ,

Right now, I stay at home(kids are 17, 16, and 9), and still, my husband will cook if I don't feel like it, or, if it's something we want to have that he makes particularly well. He cooked 99% of the time when I worked full-time, and about 50% whenever I worked part-time(here and there), and we've been married almost 19 years. But I have always done most of the cooking since I have only worked on and off during our marriage.

He learned to make some dishes while he was away working in Alaska and Hawaii, that I just wouldn't make as well as he does, so he makes them. Not dishes native to the regions or anything, just dishes he learned to make while in each place. Eggrolls, enchiladas, this stuff he made with plantains that he hasn't made in awhile(gotta get him to make that again lol).

He isn't a "cook" perse, and before we got married, like alot of typical soldiers at the time, he either ate in the mess-hall, ate ramen and hotdogs in his room, or ate out, but while he was single, he had learned to make a dish we call spaghetti lasagna that I do make every now and again, but he makes way better.

And on weekends, he makes a skillet breakfast that is magnifico :o) , and I can't even begin to touch his pancakes, so if we have those, he makes them.

Of course, he does all the grilling unless he's away and I feel like having bbq.

Long story short, tell your hubby he's not alone. Maybe try and figure out a break for him once or twice a week? :o)

Kat W.

Boy Howdy - I am glad I am not alone myself. I don't cook - I am horrible at it and afraid sometimes. My husband does almost all of the dinner cooking. I make my son his breakfast and lunches and snacks, but at dinner time I am actually at work. So, I don't get to have dinner with my family during the week. So, we have family day on Sunday for our family dinner. I think it's an even trade anyhow - He needs to pull his weight in the house so I will take the dinner cooking since I am a bad cook.

After reading your letter and thinking about it. I realized all the men in my life cook. My sons both cook for their younger siblings and my x cooks for them when the boys aren't available. I am a cook by profession but work swing. So I am not home to cook dinner any night but Sunday. Then my brother who lives next door cooks for his family and my neighbor on the other side cooks for his wife because she works out of town and gets home late. A lot of men are very good cooks and it gives them a way to share in the daily duties. I think that it is one very nice thing that they can do for their families that says how much they love them. I know how much I appreciate it... Charlene

Mine fact i am such a bad cook that if He thinks i am in the kitchen to start a meal he will come in and take over. I am good at preheating the oven for say pizza and stuff out of boxes that just needs to be reheated and also mac and cheese..but if it actually intales me getting out mixing bowls and spices forget it. Its like a become handicap and loose all control of my senses!!! He loves it so i dont intrude...i think he likes showing off for the kids with his talents and he almost has his feelings hurt if my three year old doesnt like something he makes...he doesnt quite understand that three year olds can be the pickiest eaters out there but oh well!!

My husband also does the cooking in our house. He was raised to help his mom in the kitchen and eventually took over cooking for his family. I, on the other hand, was raised in a fast food family. We would have it for dinner usually 4-5 nights a week. On the nights where we didn't have fast food we had various frozen meals. Needless to say he is much better at cooking between the two of us! Please let your husband know he is not alone!

Unlike many of the people who have responded to this, I can cook, but my partner and I share the responsibility. He always tells me what a good cook I am. He used to be a line cook, so he can cook lots of things that I would never think of! We don't have a daily schedule that we keep for whose turn it is to cook, but we share the load and if one of us isn't doing it when the other wants to eat, we just start cooking...and trade off when we are both tired! We make everything from scratch for the most part, even mac-n-cheese. My son absolutely refuses mac-n-cheese out of the box now (he's 3 1/2) LOL. Guess we kind of spoil him, but you are not alone. My parner cooks at least 50% of the time. He even makes special dinners for valentines, my birthday, mother's day, etc. I enjoy mexican food, so one time he found a recipe for authentic mexican tamales (from scratch) and surprised me with them. It's not so unusual for men to cook. Look at all the chef's out there! And men seem to have an affinity to fire, so most of them whether or not they "cook" LOVE to do the barbequing....sort of a claim to fame or some sort of stereotypical role.

Wow! First of all, you are sooo lucky to have a husband who cooks! Mine can only cook plain spaghetti and that only happens once every few weeks or month. He was brought up in the south and believes that women should do all the work in the household. I work 35 hours a week and don't believe that at all! Tell your husband that any woman would kill for a hubby like him. Maybe he could teach cooking classes for men! Ha, ha!

My husband has taken over dinner duty, slowly over the years, now almost always. Over the years my mom and I have given him nice knives, cookware and books, even aprons, for birthday and holiday gifts. Now I see that it was an unconscious conspiracy that worked out really well for me and our 2 sons! Plus he likes to go out and sample other chefs masterpieces to try and replicate, and even watches Top Chef with our teenagers.
My boys try to hide their disappointment when I am cooking dinner. I do all the baking and sweet stuff though to keep in their good graces!

for the past 10 years my hubby has been Mr. Mom! We just recently switched rolls. He does dishes, diapers, cooking, scrubbing and kissing boo-boos. We share most things but I hate dishes so it's very rare that I do that. Also my dad was the cook in my family. My mother could only make 3 dishes! I can also tell you that most Philipino men do the cooking.