How do you know when....

Hi,this is my first request... so let me see wher do i start my husband and i are parents to a beautifal baby girl she is 6.5 months old and she is wonderful, My mother and i are really close and she is all over me DOUBTING me.. adn i am so tired of it i can't seem to get a straight answer from the Pedi doc. so i thought i would come here.. Does anyone have an opinion on when you would start using sippy cups.. heres the thing 1)if my daughter can't hold her own bottle should i introduce a sippy cup? 2)If i do introduce a sippy cup do i put formula in it or juice.. i have tried the juice but all the princess does is keep it in her mouth and spits it out and gets her outfit all wet... Also when is it time to move to the second food group with gerber.. I have already done so without talking to the pedi doc, i kind of feel like to be brutely honest she's not raising my daughter we are so why do i have to wait for her to tell me ok todays the day you can start giving her some new food.. And what about Formula should my daughter be taking food all day long and an 8 oz bottle,, I am sorry for my first request to be all over the place it's just that.. I dont really know where to turn... HELP PLEASE!!! :)

Thank you.

hello michelle,
first if she cant hold a bottle she shouldnt be using a sippy cup. babys that young still need to have a sucking sensation so i would continue using the bottle. i personally have never used formula i nursed until over a year then they went on whole milk. as far as food if you feel your baby isnt full off of the formula or the food you are giving her i dont see why you would have to wait for your pediatrition to tell you to feed her more. its YOUR baby and you know her best. but as always one new food a week to make sure there are no food alergies. there is no one way to take care of a baby. each baby is an individual and has to be treated as one. what works for one wont nescesarily work for the other. do what you feel is right. if it doesnt work try something else. you will recieve so much advice from family friends doctors and such but only you and your husband know whats right for your family. im not saying dont listen to other peoples advice but in the end take the advice you think is right for you and not what others think is right for you. good luck

Hi Michelle,

You shouldn't feel guilty about anything! Mothers are like that you will see... in any event - My son took a bottle for one year - when he could hold a cup I introduced the sippy cup and it is not abnormal for any baby to push the cup away if they are use to the bottle!! it happens. Just keep giving it to her, she will get the hang of it. As far as food-- my son was eating scrambled eggs at 6 months old! so it is kind of trial and error! You know your daughter and what you think she can handle - listen to the advice its constructive. But, again do not feel guilty!!! Peditrican will give you advice to stop the bottle at one year - and food slowly.
I hope this helps but, really it is up to you and what your baby can do.


When we started Emma on solids @ 5 months we also let her "practice" with a sippy cup. It was a couple of months later before she became proficient but we just wanted to get her acquainted with it when we started solids. I would suggest that you put water in the sippy since it's easier to clean up. Also, a good training cup to start with is the Nuby with the soft spout.

For the first year of life a baby gets its main nutrition from breastmilk or formula. Solids are just for practice.

Well...I am the mother of three children, who are still alive despite my going against everything everyone recommends. There is no benchmark for using sippy cups. Let her try it once a week, she'll be able to use it when she's ready. I started by replacing one drink a day, from bottle to cup. Your best bet is to stick with juice in the cup and formula in the bottle so as not to confuse her. Don't hesitate to try several different kinds of cups, I had the best luck with the soft spout ones at first.

In regards to the food thing, I say as long as you introduce one at a time to rule out allergies(I found that out the hard way), I say the sky's the limit. I don't remember what the rules are about caloric intake, but if you go to some websites you could absolutely find out how much of everything she should be having. I want to say might have that info. Warmest regards...Karen

Michelle, just remember, we were all "first time moms" once!!! My kids are older now (16 and 12) but I gave them sippy cups when they could hold the bottle. I used water at first (helps with the laundry!) It is hard getting advice from your Mom, I know, but just let her say it, listen and do what you want! (it is your kid! lol ) and you do know your child better than anyone. My oldest son at 6 months grabbed at my ziti on my plate at supper and from then on he hated baby food! depends on the number of teeth they have (he already had 6 at 6 months old!) You can always try something, if it does not work, then go back to the other food for a while. Mothering is a learning process, go slow and have confidence! : )

Hi michelle seeing as though this is your first child its not odd to wonder what to do or to feel you should or should not listen to a doc, well from my personal experience being a mom of a 9yr old and a 3yr old and on due in 6 weeks, I can say that you know your baby and changes should be made when you think she is ready. If she is going to use a sippy cup you should only put juice or water in it usually when you introduce the cup that means that the bottle is leaving soon, but I usually take away the bottle right before they turn 1yr and I take away pacifiers at 6 months but you can tell by what the child is doing if she cannot hold a bottle then she is not ready for the sippy cup, if she was drinking out of a cup that you drink from that would be a hint that shes ready. I hope I have helped a little if you have any other questions just e-mail me at [email protected] good luck!

Honestly, you are the best person in the world to know if your daughter is ready. If she eats Stage 1 well, try stage 2 for awhile. When my son was 6 mo old he was on Stage 2....I introduced the sippy cup then, but just with water so he could get used to the idea. He is 10.5 months now and he LOVES his sippy cup with water or diluted juice. He still gets his formula in the bottle.

Go with your gut!! If you want to try, then try there is no harm in it! Best of luck!

Hi Michelle-
I agree with the other Moms. Parenthood is trial and error. You follow YOUR instincts. As far as the sippy cup, you could try one of the first cups with the handles on the side. She may just think it is just another toy, but if you introduce it now, she can get used to it. Once she can hold her bottle, she can hold a sippy cup. You could try to give her diluted juice or water in it, but I actually put his formula in the cup. You can switch to regular milk at 1 year old. My son stopped formula at 20 months (would not take regular milk). As far as the stage 2 foods, it really depends on how well she can eat them. I started my son at 4 months on cereal & fruits and veggies with his cereal shortly after. He had no problems with stage 2 when I started it at around 6 months. They didn't seem all that much thicker than stage 1. If she is taking it with no problems, then there is no reason she cannot continue on it. Just make sure to start one new fruit of veggie at a time b/c of allergies. My son had some bottle, then ate cereal/fruit/veggie at all of his meals. He eventually wouldn't eat baby food and I found table foods he could manage.

hi michelle i am a mother of two precious angels 1 is 6 and the other is going to be a yr on the 27th. i feel that it is best to wait until the princess can hold her own bottle i would give her an empty sippee cup to explore with there is nothing wrong with that but allow her to get used to holding her own bottle so she gets used to the motion of having to tip it to get more once u see her mimic the motion with the cup then i would just put water in it then if she spills on her out fit it is just water. i have learned my lesson with my little 6 yr old girl that they learn fast and grow up to quickly i wouldnt rush her but keep new challenges in her path so she is still progressing in a good mannor and that wonderfull brain continues to progress. also i would not put juice into a sippee cup right away juice creates alot of bacteria and stains the rubber in the cup this is just my opinion. just remember hun ur mom is a wonderfull peice of knowledge but this is ur child and u need to do as u feel you are the one that knows ur child the best and you have to live with the decisions you make for her not your mom. your mom has raised her children and if she is confident with how she raised you then she will stand down and know that if you need her knowledge you are strong enough of a person to ask for her help i mean that is what grandmas are for. they have a right to there opinion but you aare the parent. make sure that is known but in a non hurtfull mannor. i feel the same as you when it comes to foods my son was off of baby food at 8 mnths of age i introduced a new table food each week starting at 7 mnths i also started him on 2% milk at 6 mnths of age bye the time he was 7 mnths he was off of formula and strictly on 2% milk and now well like i said all he eats is table food he hated most of the baby food i gave him at 8 mnths so i had to do something ya know he was on all table food minus meats other than hot dogs he even feeds himself by infant fork and spoon as i fed him with a spoon he got one to hold at the same time same with a fork remember they mirror your actions so give the princess the chance to learn with mom. you are doing fine im sure but i hope i have helped take care of your little angel im sure she will grow up just fine. take care missie d

Hello Michelle,

I read your post and wanted to let you know what we have done. I have a 7 month old son so I'm in the same boat as you right now as far as age. 1- As far as the sippy cup: we have just recently introduced this. They make them with a soft spout so it is more like his bottle. My son can't yet use the cup himself nor can he feed himself the bottle. He holds everything great but the spout/nipple seems to end up everywhere on his face but his mouth so we give him that assistance. We have been putting a few ounces of breast milk in the cup and a few in a bottle - if he's eating well with the cup I pour the remaining from the bottle into it, otherwise I give him the bottle. It's working out well so far and our daycare has begun to use it too. My son is not at all into juice yet - if he takes a taste he gets this face and doesn't drink anymore. 2- As far as stage 2 food: with our pedi's advice we started stage 2 after my son had tried all of the varieties of stage 1 and did well on them. He was just under 6 months for us - we started cereal, then fruit, then vegetable at 4 months. He's even had some of the biter biscuts and wagon wheels at this point since he has been able to lift his tummy for a little while now - these he feeds himself.

I hope this helps.


Oh sweetie, don't stress yourself!! I too have doubting family members everywhere!!!

as far as formula goes, cut back a little if you are mixing it in her cereal. she's still getting the same amount, just in a different way. If she's still hungry though, give her a bit more formula. It's all trial and error. Second foods are a bit lumpier, so start them when she figures out how to "chew". it's good practice for her tongue and strengthening her lips for those foods , so if she's ready for them, go for it. It may not seem important about that stuff, but I have a son with a speech delay and trust me, you want them to practice!

with sippy cups, that's a mess.. get one with a no stop flow. yes she will get soaked, but if she is ready, she'll do it. Help her hold it in her hand and show her what to do. if she is drowning herself, she's not ready. What I did with my daughter, is when she was ready for milk (9months with my dr, but every dr is different) I only put milk in the cup and formula in the bottle. She took to it right away. My son, who never held his own bottle, also took to it pretty fast, he I think was about the same age. BUT - every child is different, you can't base what I did with what you do for your kid. Like I said, it's all trial and error. If you try it, and it works, great, if it doesn't work, it's ok, try again another time.

good luck...

Hello Michelle, I"m a mom of three kids so i know where you are comming from. I started my kids on the food as soon as i saw that the food they were getting were not holding them through the night. If you feel that she is ready, go for it. I healthy baby is one that will eat anything that you put in front of her. Also the sippy cup, you can put the formula in there but if shes not holding her bottle yet i would wait alittle while. I would start getting her to hold her bottle. Try putting her in a bouncy seat when you know when she wants her bottle and just give it to her and encourage her to hold it. she will get it after a few tries. As far as mom part. That is very hard because i had the same problem with my mother. She was always telling what to do with the kids. You havve to find a way to tell her to back off alittle without hurting her feelings. My mom was really good about it. Now that my kids are 8 6 and 4 i turn to her for more advice then my docotor. So good luck

you poor thing.....I'm 44 and wish I was your mom. my girls are 12 and 9 and i don't think things have changed too much since they were babes. babies differ and the right time to introduce different foods , sippy cups , etc. is when the child accepts the next stage. Maybe your daughter likes the closness of having you feed her the bottle.Maybe that's why she doesn't hold it.........try this (if you want). When you feed her foods @ the high chair....include a 4 oz bottle.If she drinks it ,fine, if she doesn't save it for the next meal before tossing it out. when she starts eating more, you will only need a 4 oz before bed. my daughter was on milk @ 6 mos. and she liked juice. (are you diluting a little with water?) and as far as the next food groups go, i was told one a month but, you can bend that one also...they just say that as a gide and IF there are any food allergies, it's easier to pine point what the food is. keep a list of what your little on eats and when you introduced the new food, that's all.
I bet she's just precious and since she is your 1st, enjoy her with everyday, they change so so much over the years. Remember, she is yours and you can raise her YOURSELF! you decide what and when, etc. as long as it feels right to you! Youe mom needs to step back and be the granmother.....although, it's her 1st granchild???
Take care sweetie and be confident....Your're doing fine!

HI Michelle,
Don't worry about your mother. They did things alot differently back in her day. And the pedi probably isn't going to be much help either, because every baby is different and he/she doesn't live with yours.
I didn't introduce a sippy cup with my 2 until they were a year old (at that age they aren't as messy with it). As far as food goes- maybe about nine months. and very soft foods (Cut up spagetti, spagettios, cherrios, Cut up carrotts) You do not need to buy "Gerber stages" you can feed her the same thing you are eating as long as it is soft and cut up very small. (I did however spring for the gerber teething biscuts).

The one thing you mentioned that concerns me though is about the bottle holding. Is your daughter trying to hold it herself and can't grasp it, or is she not even trying?

OK- there are a few issues here that I can see. You are right- this is your daughter and you have every right to decide when to intro foods and such. Your mom, having raised a child or two herself, is probably trying to be helpful and has your and your dd's best interests at heart. I would sit her down, talk to her, and tell her that you appreciate her concern, but that as long as you aren't putting your child at risk, you would appreciate more her support in your making your own motherly choices.
As for sippy cups- I have a strong opinion on those, and as your daughter's mom, please feel free to disagree. I work with infants and toddlers in a home visiting program (Early Head Start), and I recommend you skip sippies altogether for a couple of reasons.
1. Language development. In order for children to learn to speak properly, they need to develop certain muscles in the mouth. This happens when they learn to drink from a cup- not a sippy. A sippy, if over-used, will actually cause speech delays because it is so much like a bottle. Your baby can learn to drink from a cup now- I started mine at 4 mo- as soon as I started solids. It's a messy process, and you have to hold the cup for her until maybe a year, but it can be done.
2. Teeth. Tooth decay is caused by a bacteria. Bacteria feeds on sugars. Juice, milk, formula all have some type of sugars. With a sippy, a child can take a few sips, leave it, take a few more sips 10 mins later...this gives tooth-eating bacteria a constant food supply, which can cause lots of problems now, and can also affect permanent teeth.
If you still choose to go with a sippy, put only water in it, and don't use it as a replacement for the bottle. Skip juice altogether for now- baby doesn't need it at all. The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) recommends no juice before age 2, simply because there's not a whole lot of benefit from it. Give her real fruits instead.
And the bottle and foods- dd should be still drinking around 32-40 oz of formula daily, give or take a few oz depending on how hungry little one is. It's ok to give her fruits and veg with cereal- I assume 2x a day right now? Cereal and fruit for breakfast and cereal and veg for dinner? That's really all she needs along with formula. As long as you are introducing foods slowly (1 each week or so)- that way you will know what caused it if she has an allergic reaction. Also, please be careful to avoid because of allergy risks- nut products, milk, milk products (cheese and yogurt can come at 9 mo. or so), honey (can cause botulism poisoning), berries, citrus fruits (including tomato and tomato sauce). Wait until she's at least one year to start these foods. Nuts and peanut butters should wait until 3 yo because of choking risks (as well as raisins, hot dogs, popcorn, hard candies, gum, etc.).
As for second group of Gerber foods- just be sure she can take the texture of it ok. You'll know because she'll mash it around in her mouth before trying to swallow it.
I hope I didn't come on too strong- it's ok for you to ask people when to intro new foods to your baby to be safe. There's so much info out there to try to keep track of. Your mom may or may not know what the latest info is, but your doc may be very helpful with the latest recommendations. Or, please feel free to contact me offlist if you have ANY questions. Remember, she is your baby, and you can choose to raise her however you'd like. But it's also your resposibility to make informed choices. Trust your instincts in the end, but get the info in the beginning. Good luck!
PS- It's ok for baby to not hold her bottle at this point. You want to see her put her hands on it, but don't be in a hurry to put her down with it. She could choke, inhale it into her lungs, over eat, and it's best for her to be held and cuddled during this so short infant stage.

I didn't start my daughter on a sippy cup till she was about a year old that way I knew she could hold it on her own. I started with milk after the transition from formula to milk and I used juice. As far as asking the pedi about stuff, I didn't either. I have two childre who will be 9 and 3 in the next couple of weeks and I did the same thing, if I felt they were ready then I did it. You just want to make sure you aren't giving her so much solid that she can't digest it all properly and have bowels, thats there biggest concern...

Honey children have there own eating schedules. If you have tried to feed her ones and she eats all of them and than some I would start feeding her 2s. I have two kids of my own and have raised numerous children. I started all of my kids on 2s when they were eating more than the ones. I also tryied to introduce a sippy cup about 4-6 months. You can put either formula or juice in it. With cups they dont drink as much so if you think that your child is eating too much it may be better to put her on a cup. It is a hassel if she dont hold it herself yet but you can use that as bonding time with one another. My son didnt hold his own bottle until he was 8 monthes old. I wouldnt go cold turkey to the cup but ween her off the bottle. Like only make her drink out of the cups at meals than work on a little more a day and if she needs a drink before she goes to sleep give her a bottle. When my kids were 1 the bottles were history. Straight to cups or nothing. I tell you what my kids didnt strave cuz they realised that they had to drink out of the cup if they wanted something. you need to go by your own instincts and ideas for your child you are the one raising her and if you cant get answers from your ped. i would switch cuz it seems that she cant tell you what is going on with your daughter with life. If you have anymore questions please feel free to email me at [email protected]

Well, I can't tell you what you should do but I can tell you what I did for our daughter. When she was about 6 months I bought a cup with two handles and a soft straw. I found one by Nuby and another by Gerber. We introduced the Nuby cup to her first and we usually give her water, although I first introduced the cup to her with watered down juice. At first I would hold the cup for her. Then we put the cup in front of her and she dragged it towards her so she could get her mouth on the straw. Now she can hold it herself.

We tried a traditional sippy cup but a friend of mine who happens to be a pediatrician said it can be difficult for a child to raise a cup above their head so she recommended the straw type. I read somewhere that two handles are better for little ones also. This type of cup is working really well for us. Now I wish they could create a cup that doesn't leak and fits into the cup holders on the stroller ;-)


Hi Michelle, I haven't responded to many of these so I hope you take this as another opinion. We introduced sippy cups to our son when he was about 10 months old. Wait until your princess can hold her own bottle before trying to get her to take a sippy cup. Once she is ready, get a sippy cup with handles on both sides. That seemed to work the best with our son. We tried formula in the sippy cups, but he never liked it - it's like he knew bottles were for formula and sippy copus were for water and juice. As for the second food group, I'd stay with stage 1 foods until 7-8 months, then add in a stage 2 mid-dsay so you can see how she tolerates it. I agree about the pdei doc - you are her parents and you know best even if your name doesn't have an MD after it. Besides - I always wondered... how does the baby's body know when it's old enough to try new things? It doesn't! Moms and Dad's know best because they see their baby grow and can gauge what they may or may not be ready for. I say stick with 2-3 bottles of formula a day (8 oz each), even with food - so they are nioce and full and sleep like.... babies. Good luck!! It's much easier as they get older.