Do you go all out, or just a wreath here on the door, maybe a pumpkin on the stoop? I would love to hear your decorating ideas/processes! I need inspiration! If you have any links/pics/websites to direct me to that would be great!
Oh man, I am supposed to decorate for that? Oh crap. ;0)
Well, I usually go pretty all out decorating a visual display on a fireplace mantle, but I just moved and don’t have an area like that anymore
So, I’ll just do some little vingettes here and there, do some pretty fall pumpkins and such in the yard. Then do the Halloween thing in October.
This is what I did last year:
I have a wreath, I put several pumpkins on the front step (which will later be carved for H’ween), and I usually have a bowl of gourds as a centerpiece on the table. When I get around to raking I use the orange jack-o-lantern bags and leave them out until after H’ween. We also get our Xmas lights (plain white LED’s) up by H’ween so we can turn them on for the trick-or-treaters. Oh yeah, I forgot the Scarecrows! I have a big one, and a few little ones I stick in the flower pots.
I made a couple of fall flower arrangements years ago and just reuse them. I put a pumpkin(s) on on the front porch along with some mums in pots. Close to Thanksgiving, I add a few decorations to the tables in the kitchen and formal dining area.
I go all out I LOVE decorating for Holidays.
I do a lot of “fall” stuff vs. Halloween/Thanksgiving. I do a lot of pumpkins, scarecrows, hay bales in the yard, wreaths, leaves, signs, orange lights around the porch, etc.
I do put out Halloween stuff 2 weeks prior to halloween (bats, mr. bones, jack o lanterns, etc.). Then 2 weeks before Thanksgiving I take out a few turkeys and crafts my kids have made. But I keep the fall stuff up all season.
Waht I don’t do in the fall is the graveyard theme! i find it pretty tacky & gross to see body parts sticking out of the ground, or witches/ghouls bodies hanging from trees. I do pumpkins and mums. As a matter of fact I just got giant mums from Costco the other day.
About a day before Halloween I buy a pumpkin that never gets carved. Yeah, I am not a decorator.
Now, Christmas, they should name a disorder after me. That was Troy’s first comment, you are going to put all this up??!!
Simple, 2-3 pumpkins and a few mums on the front steps along with 3 cute scarecrows. I have a bunch of country like fall decos that I put out all around the house, I inherited them from my mom and MIL. I put away the summer scented Yankee candles and pull out the fall ones and set them in some small fall wreaths. A few fun things for the kids closer to Halloween, like skeletons and haunted house decorations. I also like to buy different gourds and put them in a basket.
I don’t decorate for fall, but if i lived where it was cold I’d get a pile of those cool looking gourds and funky colored pumpkins (grey and yellow with white). But it drives me nuts in CA that the pumkin goes rotton in the October heat. Frankly I loathe halloween decorations, to a lesser degree fall decorations, and easter decorations. It generally falls under the category of kitchy- i run as fast as I can from kitchy. The exception is a floral/ foliage arrangement for the dining table. It will be a cold day in hell when I put up a Halloween decoration. Now Christmas is another story. My kids can enjoy other people’s decimation of their living space when we trick or treat. Bah humbug.
I do put some Halloween decorations out, though not nearly as much now that the kids are practically grown
As far as fall decor, I love the mini pumpkins (orange and white) you can get at the grocery store this time of year. You can put a few on the mantel, a couple on the dining room table, and single ones on the end/coffee tables, hall table, etc. and “voila!” instant fall decor
I like to decorate here and there, not too much, but I hang a wreath on my front door, a couple of '“friendly” scarecrows at the entrance, some hay ; 4 little pumpkins around my mailbox, and for Halloween, I hang some little white ghosts from my door lamps, and 2 big pumpkins on the floor. I don’t like to place scary stuff (my husband put them, and secretly I take them out, lol!)…some little kids get scared, and I don’t like to do that.
I enjoy these holidays…it is just fun!
We decorate a LOT for Halloween, we do the lights and inflateables and whatever else we can find.
After that we put scarecrows out and some other things that are more fall and not scary.
Don’t even ask about Xmas, its embarrassing really. =)
I make the kids pick up all their damn toys and put them away
My birthday is mid-October, so over the past 20 or so years two of my husband’s sisters give me harvest decorations and scarecrow decorations. I have 3 metric shittons of scarecrows. I think once we went apple picking one year and there was an apple cider festival at the main market house and I must have commented on the harvest decorations and how nice they were, because that’s the style they buy me every year. ::sigh:: You can find this sort of stuff at JoAnn’s and Frank’s and other craft stores.
I like to warm up the color inside my home. I might change my comforters, throw pillows. Orange is my favorite color so the fall is perfect for me for Halloween and Thanksgiving. I’ve got lots of Halloween decorations. I use to give my daughter a Halloween party for several years. I put those out from time to time when I can dig them out.
We have inflatables, and do some pumpkins, and lots of mums!! My husband bought me 4 big ones today, in orange, yellow, red, and purple. I like to sit them mostly on my back deck, and the pumpkins in the front. I don’t do much with the inside of my house, except for when Halloween gets near, I set a few nick knacks around and a big bowl of candy, then after that, it’s time to get out the Thanksgiving stuff, and I do lots more of the same.
Hi! I did it already! I pulled out all the throws and fuzzy socks and littered the living room with them. I have the fuzzy socks on and the cat is hunkered down on a throw- two actually. My son had socks on, he left them here on the floor when he went out. I’m sure he will put them back on when he comes home!
Seriously, we do a big, scary Halloween every year so before that all we have is our mums (almost ready to bloom) and pumpkins. We are Chunkers so fall is reserved for getting ready to go. We have been doing scary Halloween for so long people that we scared as children are now bringing their kids. This year involves choices and monsters.
After Halloween and the Chunk we will rest up until it is time to put up the Christmas decorations, lots and lots of them!
Oh, I do have some indoor Thanksgiving stuff and we will have another Thankful Tree.
I keep all of my sons fall artwork, and put them all over the house. I have a scarecrow, wreath outside, and little fall decorations all throughout the house of pumpkins, leaves,candles, etc. I love the fall!
I don’t really do a ton, but I make a little effort. I have fake autumn-ish flowers in the hanging baskets on the porch—yeah, I said it. I’m short and have a black thumb, so I’d rather fake than dead, lol. I have a basket with an olive green fabric in it that we put the best or coolest pinecones and prettiest multi-colored leaves that we gather during our walks in the woods. This year, we already bought 2 pumpkins, cut off the top 1/3, hollowed it out, and roasted the pumpkin seeds. One batch was spiced seeds (worchestershire sauce, garlic powder, salt, a couple shakes of LA hot sauce, etc) and the other batch was sugar and spice seeds (cinnamon, allspice, sugar). The kids had fun doing this, and Joseph felt great when his friend had a little fit over how good the seeds were at lunch, when he shared. We planted a couple uncooked seeds in each of the empty shells (the boys scooped all the soil and water it); I think it’d be neat to see the plant grow out of the shells. We have a sweet little scarecrow from Michaels that stays out all season (and he mans the candy bowl when we go trick or treating). I always get some mums because that’s tradition. The year I was pregnant with our first child, I got mums instead of roses or whatever for my birthday, and Jer said he did that because I was a “mum” now (he’s British)…I went into labor within the hour! And closer to Halloween, we put out Halloween stuff. Our Halloween stuff: fake pumpkins we’ve decorated over the years (one a year) line the porch, we make one real jack o lantern, and the boys do fake spider webs and big spiders on the porch, little things like that. Thanksgiving: we have some crafts that have more to do with autumn, harvest, being thankful, and blessings (different ones each year). My favorite made a tree for the dining room table and each wrote things we’re thankful for, or little gratitude notes, on different colored leaves and clipped them to the tree.