How do I make a bow stay in my daughters hair?

I see lots of babys with cute bows in their hair but I cant get one to stick. I've tried KY, toothpaste, I dont know what else. Help!

Karo Syrup... that is what I used and it worked great with the tiny little bows that do not have clasps. It comes out with water.

i always used toothpaste gel. It worked well for me.

I found some tiny bows at Clairs (in the mall). They are itsy bitsy and have a little velco on the back. My daughter did not have a lot of hair AT ALL, but these actually stayed in! They also had some tiny ones with the snap back. They both worked for my daughter. I had looked everywhere!! and this was the only place I could find them small enough for her little no-hair head!! Good luck!

My mom, my aunt, my sister and myself have all been subjected to scotch tape. It works. You get yourself a row of ribbon, tie your bow and tape it to the hair. It does not hurt or stick it actually comes right out. The bow will stay in place and I think it is less bothersome to the child than velcro, toothpaste and also the hard clips on the barretts. Give it a try.

I would use those tiny rubber bands that you use when you have braces....they are very small, just put them in and put your bow behind it...also, the best clip is an alligator clip....those that are used in a hair salon...I would use those and then take a pair of pliers and flaten down the gap (near the end of the spring end) and it would not slip...I used those clips without the bands on my youngest daughters hair...If you can't find a bow with those clips and you find a cute bow with a large clip on it, go to Sally's Beauty supply and buy a box of 100 for a couple of dollars, then remove the center piece on the bow that you have purchased, remove the bow from the clip and reassemble on the small clip....I could never find really cute bows for a small child but always for a larger one...

You should look at these do stay in. I ordered one for my baby girl and she really doesn't have any hair still and with just a few pieces it stayed. Also I have heard that with the alligator clip if that doesnt want to stay you can put contact paper on the inside of it to keep it from slipping out. Good luck!!

Hey Emily, I have boys so I will never experience this myself. But there are headbands and things that dont clip that should stay on. I have a friend with a little girl and she is 18 months old with no hair to put a bow in so she keeps a headband on her.
Their hair is so fine and soft I am surprised anything stays on.

I hope this helps.

Ok - have you ever seen the "shelf and drawer grip liner" that has kind of a rubber or styrofoam feel to it? People also use it to but under those tie-on chair cushions, or put it under rugs to make it nonslip. It looks like mesh and has holes in it. A friend of mine makes bows and she hot glues a little strip of that stuff to each of the barrettes and it is completely non-slip on that baby fine hair. HTH!

Here is a link to this grip liner that I am talking about. You should be able to get it at Walmart or Target, sometimes even the dollar stores.

I was reading the responds and it is kind of funny the things we go through to put bows in our girls hair.

I always used KY. I couldn't get it to stick at first but after I adjusted the amount and it worked. So I would either try more or less depending on how much you've tried also try putting some on the bow and let it dry on it for a day. Then apply a fresh "drop" when you apply it to the head. Also what size bow are you using. We always used one a little smaller than a quater that you can find in the craft section at Walmart. They come in little bags and there are four or five in each bag.

My daughter didn't have much hair for the longest...but, she did have a few on top and I would buy the bows with alligator clips (they have little teeth on them)!! (you can find them at dillards)They worked great!! Then I had to start using small bands because her hair was thin when it started coming in more.... You can find the small bands at Target they have clear and ones with diff. colors!

My SIL made me bows out of white nelons. They can stretch to fit from a new borns hair or work in a three year old girls hair. All you do is buy white neloyns and hot glue the bows you want onto it. Just cut the neloyns into strips. I have three boys and finnaly a little girl so I try as much as posible to put something in her hair.

I agree with the person about the scotch tape. I have boys, but I remember 23 years ago when my little sister was born... she was as bald as a cue ball lol. Back then they didn't have all the stuff like they have now. So my mom would put the little bows in her head with scotch tape. I know it sounds funny but it worked lol!

ok, Don't laugh! When my oldest was little, she didn't have much hair and I tried everything. I used to use elmer's glue. just put it on your finger until it's almost dry, and then smear on her head and attach bow. It will wash out with water in the bath.

So glad I found this post! Oh....cant wait to try some of these on my daughter!

hi, Emily! I have a beautiful daughter and I know how you feel. I also have twin 6 month old cousins. My cousin puts hair bows in both of her daughters hair with elmers glue. The hair bows never fall out. Both of the twins are completly hairless. I know if it works for them them it can work for you. I hope this helps you out!

go to the website i saw this in american baby magazine, they say that it is a No Slippy Hair Clippy, i don't have any girls so i dunno if they work.

If toothpaste doesn't help, you can try Elmer's Glue. Between having to do the same with my 8 year old and I have 3 friends who has really tall mohawks that use this to keep their hair up straight (chuckles that's who I got the idea for Elmer's Glue from) and it washes out real easy because it's non toxic and latex based.

Bitty Bows are the ONLY bows that work for us! My girl has almost no hair, but these stay in!