I feel the same way. People wonder why children can't sit still all day in school. Well maybe it's because they are sitting at home doing hours of homework instead of running, playing and spending time as a family. As you said, I don't like to work all day and then bring work home so why should I expect to my child to do it. You should check out the Charter schools in your area. Go to http://www.ncpublicschools.org/charterschools/schools/ . Charter schools are NC public schools but they do not have to follow the state cirriculum and children are not assigned there. You can actually have a choice as to the school you child attends. Charter schools tend to be more "hands on" learning and less homework and testing. They are a wonderful options. The only problem is that the enrollment is by lottery and so many children are trying to get in that it can be difficult. You would think that this would be a wake up call to the state but I guess they don't really care about the decline of our children's education.
We attended an open house at a charter school in Davidson last year and the principal said there have been many studies that show homework does not translate into a child doing better in school. She said she would rather have her students sit down at the dinner table with their family every night and talk about what they learned instead of doing homework. The only "homework" she assigned was for parents and children to read together each night. Check out the Charter schools in your area. It may be a great choice for you and your children. In the mean time I think I would have a talk with the teacher and even the principal if necessary to express my concerns about the amount of homework. Maybe there are alternatives you can do like reading together, family learning games and nature walks. Don't let them intimidate you. You should be in control of your child's education! Not the state government! Good luck.
I believe that kindergarden is a little young for homework. I also believe that most teachers send way too much work home with the older children, however, I wouldn't make too big a deal of it around your children. If they think that you don't agree with it, it may cause you more problems in the future when they don't want to do it at all. Homework is a good time for both of you to spend together teaching and learning.
I, unfortunately, had to work when my children were in grade school. I wish I had had the opportunity to sit with them to help, to talk and have a daily routine that truly mattered.
Up until I had my baby 4 weeks ago I was a Kindergarten teacher. It was always my policy not to give homework. Each week I sent home a newsletter to parents that described what we were learning in class and I attached a list of suggested "practice" activities. Kindergarten can be stressful enough: a new environment without mommy and daddy, new friends, and new rules. Children don't need to be sent home with added work. But, I do highly reccommend that the work in school is supported by fun, engaging activities at home. And ALWAYS take time to spend at least 10 minutes each night reading with your kindergartener...this will foster a love of reading that will last a lifetime.
One thing I feel is really important for children just starting school and even growing up through High school, is parents that help them want to do their home work. Homework doesn't necessarily destroy childhood, it just gives children more opportunities to prove themselves. Help your child with her homework each night. Do not stress anything, but make it fun to sit down and work together. You will find that your child will not only begin to enjoy homework, but she will enjoy spending the time with you, learning from you.
I have a 7 yr old little girl. She is in the second grade. She has about 40 to 50 minutes worth of homework. However when she was in kindergarden she only had a little reading and in the first grade, spelling, reading and some math. the teacher did say at the begining of the year if it took longer then 30min, that was to long and to talk to her. However the second grade is different, she reads for 20 minutes, has math and spelling. If she is getting sick, then talk to her teacher. How can a child want to learn if it is making them sick. I don't know how much homework she has, but some reading should be about it. When I say reading, I mean, Dog, Run, The Moon, The Car, The Blue Ball. so forth and so on. No more then 3 or 4 words.
. Good luck to you and your little girl.
I totally understand your concerns. As a mother of a 3rd grader and 4th grader, the homework just keeps coming. The only advice I can share, is that maybe a magnet school might be a good alternative for you. My children are both in elementary traditional settings, and have had homework since kinder... as well. One of my daughters could've benefited from a magnet school environment with less homework perhaps, and a focus in learning by computer explorations or a school that was project driven......at any rate- you may want to investigate alternative academic environments for your child- hope this helps
AMEN TO THAT, Cindy!!!
I have a first and second grader and in my opinion there is just WAY too much focus on homework and the End of Grade testing than on educating children on what's important and making learning fun. This is partly due to the No Child Left Behind and partly due to making sure North Carolina gets certain funding.
Each night they have at least one hour of homework. I am all for education, but this is excessive and it is a struggle each night and it is not fun for them. I am from up north (A Yankee!) and things are MUCH more relaxed in that regard and the children are still learning.
Sorry to say, but it gets worse as the children get older -
I really feel bad for all the single parents out there who work full time + and then have to come home, cook dinner, do homework, showers, etc. I'm a firm believer of what gets done, gets done. If they don't finish it is not the end of the world, not at this age. Once they get older is a different story, but right now they need to be more focused on social skills and getting the hang of school, especially in Kindergarten
Best wishes and good luck to you! It is so nice to know there is someone out there who feels like I do!!
Hi Cindy......
Okay i have a son who started Kindergarten and he does not have homework, but comes home with 10 pages of stuff they did in the classroom, im also really shocked with how much they do...But my friend up the street said her sons K teached is very young and and is making them have weekly spelling tests..Personally, i think its great to encourage your child to think of the sound of the letter they are trying to write but the first half of kindergarten is teaching them to read and learn things as an extension of preschool concepts..
Is your daughter in Private or Public school? Have you talked with her teacher and shared some of your concerns...not to mention, she will be in school for the next 11 yrs plus college if thats her plan...
katie t
My daughter is now 20 yrs old and in college. I don't remember her ever having any homework in kindergarten but to study a few words or read a small book of some sort, nothing that took much time. She excelled in grade school and made straight A's. When she went into junior high, the first week, she had homework every single night from two of the teachers, would start on it as soon as she came in at 3 and was sometimes still working at 11 and not done. She was staying stressed out, sick, for the first time didn't want to go to school at all, crying and lots of emotional problems. After about the first 6 weeks, I had enough and went to parent conference when the grades came out. Before I went though, I found out from other parents the same things was going on with their kids also. Plus if any of the kids on the block were here in the evenings, they all were sitting at my table doing their homework and it was the same although they may not have had the teacher at the same time during the day. The kids had no life, we even had to miss church thru the week for her to do her homework. All the warm evenings when they should have been out playing they were sitting and doing all this homework. At the conference I was told by one teacher that my child just stared in space and didn't do anything in class when I asked what they did in class. I then asked if all the kids were doing that because it seemed they all had the same homework every night. The teacher was really rude and got up, turned the light out in the room and walked out. Needless to say, I was very upset then and went straight to the principle. I explained it all, and the principle told me the county rule was no more than 30 minutes of homework a night could be assigned in junior high, and it was even less in grade school. She then said she would put a stop to it, the teachers knew better than that and they would be teaching in the class and not expecting the parents to do the teaching at home. It did stop after that. I don't know the rules of the county you live in, but it might be something you might want to look into. They do need to learn study habits, and responsibility of doing homework as they age, but it needs to be age appropriate too. From what homework my daughter has now in college doesn't even compare to what she had then in junior high. Also, too much will absolutely cause more problems when they get stressed out over it, I saw that first hand. Keep a handle on it and talk with the teacher, if it goes on, go higher than that, don't let your child get burned out too quick. There are some good teachers out there, but occasionally you will run into one that is just there for a paycheck and does no teaching in the classroom. So beware and be informed. Good luck!
Wow, I'm years late in finding this thread but I too had a kindergarten teacher who assigned over an hour's worth of homework every night and my daughter learned to read everything by the end of her year. It was my nightmare and the nightmare may have lessened somewhat or I acclimated but I am still sick to death of teachers and homework. If she ever gets a zero it is my fault. It's all on the parents to see to it that all this unnecessary "busy" work gets completed. I had to create the whole entire science project because she's a clueless 8 year old, and the best I could do is just have her watch and explain to her what and why. I have a brilliant 3rd grader who is more intelligent than anyone I have ever had a relatioship with. Thankfully I completed a bachelor's or I would already feel inferior to my child. At any rate, I am sick of the world trying to mold her and push her into some kind of indentured servant, already responsible for as much work and activites as an adult. I just want to run away to the Northwest territories, build a log cabin and guard it with dogs and a gun. Go away you pushy world and leave me and my family to peace.