High Chair

Hi Ladies, Can't thank you enough for all the feed back on the long flight question...

My next question is can anyone recommend a good high chair. The one we have right now doesn't have a tray.
Our daughter is almost a year and we would like to get something that we can use for a couple more years.
Thanks is advance.

At around a year, both of our kids were ready to get out of the high chair, so my recommendation would be more to look at a booster that you could either push up to the table or has a tray with it.

This FisherPrice one is ~$25 and is great!

IKEA also has some really highly-rated high chairs according to Cookie magazine. Ours is a wooden one from BabiesRUs - its base wasn't as wide as most of the plastic ones with caster wheels.

I would recommend the Graco Blossom 4 in 1 chair. It transforms seamlessly from an highchair to an infant feeding booster, a toddler booster, and finally a youth chair. My family loves it!!
We got it at Babie R'Us for about $180.
Kinda pricey but ok since it will be used for years to come.

At 8 months my sons were thrilled to be pushed up to the table and feel included in the meal. We bought them the stokke tripp trapp which they love and grows with them through 160 lbs. and looks like a great piece of furniture.

I used the $20-$25 booster with a tray from Fisher Price for both my kiddies. I didn't have room for a high chair and couldn't spend $100 on one either!

I use an evenflo chair. The only thing I don't like is the wide footprint but this really isn't a big deal. It reclines and easily adjusts in height. I think the weight limit is 32 lbs. It will definitely last me until I decide I'm done having kids.

The Chicco high chair is great, but we didn't use it much. We ended up getting a booster that straps to a normal chair. They have a tray, but then that can be taken off, and she can be pushed up to the table. I actually haven't thought to put my 2 year old in a high chair in the last 8 months or so.

I highly recommend the Keekaroo. It's similar to the Stokke but not nearly as expensive. It can be a high chair or a toddler chair. LOVE it. http://www.keekaroo.com/


We got this highchair for our daughter and have used it since the day she was brought home from the hospital (it reclines all the way back)

You can put it right on one of your table chairs so when you pull your child up to the table she is at level with you. My daughter is now 18 months and most times we use the tray but its also nice to have to option to pull her right up to the table and use it as a booster seat ( i believe it converts into one)

I second the high chair that Sarah F recommends below. We have the same one and it DOES convert to a booster seat, although darned if I can remember how.



I highly recommend this over the one Sarah recommended, even though both are great. We got ours for super cheap at a restaurant that happened to be going out of business that night and sold us the seat our child was using. I also have the one Sarah recommended. This one is prob the most popular option, but most people don't realize how compact and convenient this one is! Worth every penny and we are so glad we fell upon it. Only thing is you would have to start feeding your child at the table, since there is no tray, but I think it's better for the child too and super easy clean up. I just wipe the table with a wet cloth when we're done.

I'm selling ours. Contact me if your interested.

I would suggest the Hippo Hook-on High Chair from Chicco. I love it because it gets my daughter right up to the table with us, and it is easily portable. It also comes apart easily to stick in the washing machine.

We have the Chicco Polly High chair and love it. It's very neutral, vinyl seat so it's easy to clean, two trays, reclines, can be used low or high (at table height), good for both babies and toddlers (the brown chair insert can be removed and there's a padded toddler seat underneath). About $150. I liked it so much I bought a second one for my baby girl (I have twins on the way).


I was surprised at some of the negative reviews out there as this is the easiest-to-clean high chair we found. We just use clorox wipes to clean it down and the top tray comes off easily for washing. It doesn't fit in the dishwasher but why wait an hour for it to get clean when you can wash it in the sink in 20 seconds?

Another great and very affordable option, particularily when your daughter starts feeding herself, is this booster chair (Fisher-Price Healthy Care Deluxe Booster Seat). We used to put down a vinyl mat on the floor, and this little booster on the floor against the wall (so my son would not topple backwards) and let him go to town eating. He's almost four and still uses it at the table (with a towel underneath to protect the dining room chair) when eating or when I need to give him haircuts (I plop him down in front of the TV, it's very comfortable for him).
