Help With House Cleaning.

Hi, I work full time - with crazy crazy hours and I have two small children. I am in need of help with house cleaning. I was thinking that maybe about two times a month and it would probably only be bathrooms and kitchen, dusting and vaccuming. Does anyone have a someone come in to do this in their home ?? How does it work out ?? Does anyone have any suggestions on someone, I live in Livonia. And what is an average cost of something like this ? Thanks, Joanne

My mom dose it. she has done ths for 20years! she comes and looks at your house ,sees what you want done and gives you an estiamate.(its usually 60- 80) for an average house. let me know if you want her phone #!

Hi Joanne,

I have a few people that I know that do house cleaning for a living. I'm not sure what they charge but if you would like I could give you there info. and you can talk to them.


I might be able to help with this personally. I am a clean-freak stay at home mommy of a three year old boy. I used to clean houses for a living a few years ago, but now being a mom I think I have improved. Prices are negotable (I am reasonable!!). Email me: [email protected] if you are still interested!
I will not let you down! :)

home: 313-565-0255

I use Marta Blaga. She cleans but also coordinates other ladies to clean homes. They are Russian and don't speak very good English. Marta is great and speaks english very well. Her number is (313) 872-1125 and her cellphone number is (313) 980-1119. I currently pay her $60 for 5 hours every week. She may charge more if everyother week. You will need to negotiate that with her. Good Luck!!

We use to have someone come in and clean every other week for us. We have a 3 bedroom, 1.5 bath bungalow in Dearborn and we paid $55 each time and it took her about 3 hours. She would clean the kitchen, bathrooms, dust, vacuum and clean the hardwood floors. She was a college student that has since graduated and found a regular full time job. It really does make a difference to have the extra help. We started using her before I got pregnant when I was working 50-60 hrs/week. Wish I could recommend someone for you. I know Mollymaids and Merrtmaids offer services twice a month but they were more expensive, they wanted to charge $75 each time, they do give free estimates. I think they would have done a more thorough job than a college student, but we were happy with what she did.

Hi Joanne

I do offer professional cleaning services, you can visit our company website ( for more information or contact me directly at (734)320-9984. We are fully insured and bonded for your protection and peace of mind. I work with each client individually to design a program that meets their needs and budget. Many things are taken into account when figuring the cost for service, sq. footage, number of people and pets living in your home, what you want cleaned and how often. That is just to mention a few things and that is why it really takes meeting with you at your home and reviewing your wants, needs and budget and designing a service that meets that criteria. That is absolutely free to you and you are under no obligation. I am flexible and do not require any long term contract. If you started service and decided you wanted more or less service we are willing to work with you to figure out what works best for you. I wish you the best of luck in finding someone to help you! Wendy

Hi Joanne! My aunt actually cleans houses. She use to work at KMart HQ in Troy, but after being laid off, she started doing this on the side to make extra money! If you are interested, email me at: [email protected] and I will forward your email to her.
I know exactly where you are coming from! I just returned to work after having my second child, and I am considering paying her to come to my house every other week!! The price probably depends on your home size, what you want done, and how often. My guess would be $50 ??? That's a guess though!!

i could help and we could talk about a price that would fit in to your budget my name is paula and i have a job as well but am in need of another job to make financial cituation better so i figure why not do something i enjoy if you have somedbody for this job or are interested my name is paula and my number is 801-577-4906 thank you and god bless

Hi,i would be more than happy, to help you out with your home.