I'm looking for a little money advice from the frugal moms on here!
We're hitting kind of a rock bottom financially and are looking for ways to change things so that we can afford our basic bills.
A little background: we have NO extras except cell phones and internet... no cable/satellite (just bunny ears with basic channels), we cancelled streaming Netflix (only $7/mth) and i really don't want to cancel the internet! We go out to eat maybe twice a year, we try to keep our use of paid time off to a minimum so it will get paid out for Xmas money. We just have utilities, student loans, child support and the basic costs of the children we have together. But we're still finding expenses are going up and paychecks are not.
My husband is close to possibly getting a job in local law enforcement (he's been dreaming about this for years, has passed all his tests & is only 1 interview away). I work part time, and just picked up as much time as i could there, so i'm looking into a 2nd evening/night position.
The only other variable things we have control over are the gas we use in the car and groceries. Gas is hard because we drive 3 hours total every other weekend just to pick up my stepdaughter... but we try to keep the rest to a minimum.
Any advice on how to save on grocery costs? I've never been a coupon cutter... i guess it just intimidates me and i don't feel i ever really saved when i tried. Plus i feel it takes up so much time (probably because i don't know how to do it well). Is it worth it?? I buy store brands with a shoppers club card, the coupons rarely apply to those. But i'm open to anything. We spend about $400-500/mth for our family of 4 (sometimes family of 5 when my stepdaughter's with us). If you don't mind sharing, what does your family pay per month in groceries? How do you keep costs down?
Any other saving ideas are definitely welcome too... just trying to figure this out before we get to a point where we're in crisis! Thanks for any help! :)