My 13 month old daughter developed a sudden diaper rash with two very raw areas that look like popped blisters (approx 2 cm in diameter)right where her bottom cheeks meet. Otherwise the bottom is red rashy looking. She has only had a little rash once before in her life, which healed completely within a few days. This is the fourth day of this and I'm starting to wonder if it is more complicated than just diaper rash. Any thoughts or advise on how to care for this. She doesn't act like it is hurting her much, but it really looks horrible on those areas.
Just three words...Boudreaux Butt Paste. You can buy it at Target or CVS, etc. It's wonderful. If that doesn't work, you might want to see the pediatrician.
Let her go without a diaper as long as you can. The best cure is just air. Put a couple of towels down just in case.
And also use butt paste.
They can get a yeast infection diaper rash that is more serious. When my daughter Kaitlyn had it really bad, I took her to the dr but it wasn't I went and bought Balmex and it cleared up by the next day! I actually noticed a difference after the first diaper change!!
Also, while you are waiting for it to clear, warm baths help! It was the only way to sooth Kaitlyn before the Balmex.
Hope this helps!
I always used plain old corn starch from the grocery store. My oldest would break out in a rash that was like the one you described every time she would drink apple juice. We would put corn starch on it and within hours it was clearing up. I have heard that buttpaste works from some of the parents at the day care, but I have never used it myself.
Take her into her dr ASAP! Think of how painful it must be for her everytime she wets that diaper. If she's had it 4 days already she needs a fast response. Imagine how we feel when we get a yeast infection--4 days is an eternity. She may need antiabiotics and you shouldn't waste any time on home remedies at this point. Abuela
My son had a bad rash when he very little. That turned out to be a staff infection over a yeast infection or the other way around. My son is now 27. If a rash doesn't clear up in a few days after using the stander A&D ointment I would call the nurse to and explain it over the phone. This doesn't sound like an normal rash.
Hi Amy,
I'm not sure about the severity, if they are open wounds you may definitely want to take her to a Dr to have it looked at and treated. Sometimes using no products, even wipes, is better then using something on her skin with wet diapers. Urine is sanitary because of the high temp. I'm guessing something you are using is showing up with some type of sensitivity. Are you familiar with Arbonne products? They have a really great, pure, safe, beneficial diaper cream. It is ideal for little ones with sensitive skin. It is only available through an independent consultant. If you do not already have a contact, let me know and I would be happy to get you a sample.
It could be a yeast infection. You should see your pediatrician, but in the meantime I would try an over-the-counter anti-fungal medication like lotrimin AF or clotrimazole. If it clears up it is probably caused by yeast.
Try vitamin E capsules. Just pop them with a pin and spread it around. Works like magic!! I have used this on more than one occasion with my bunch.
I would take her to your pedi, it sounds like a yeast infection. My daughter has had 2, and you need a special cream for it to go away completely. Good luck, I know how frustrating this can feel!
Sounds like it could be a yeast infection I would take her to the doctor. If it is just a diaper rash my doctor always tells me to use vaseline.
Give her a cornmeal bath....Just draw up a little bit of warm water in the sink, put some cornmeal in it and let her soak her bottom for a wile. My son had really bad diaper rash a few weeks ago. So a friend suggetsted this and we tried it and sure enough it cleared up rather quick and seemed to take some of the pain away.
Call your pediatrician, it could be a yeast infection. Both of my kids (3 yrs. and 13 mos.) get this occassionally. Your pediatrician could prescribe something for you to use. In the meantime, I would suggest using just powder or cornstarch, not diaper rash cream - that seems to exacerbate the problem. W
I just got done dealing with this with my 17 month old son. and when I say "just" I mean this week. His came from a lot of diarrhea from a prescription he was on... The doctor told me to use "Lotrimin AF" 3 times a day and in between, to load up on Desitin. Funny enough, the doctor warned me, when you buy it, it's going to look like your buying something for Athlete's foot, but that's what you want. :-)
Hi Amy,
My youngest gets this all the time and it's so sad. His doctor told me it's a yeast infection and to use Lotrimin which is actually a foot fungus cream. Sounds weird but it works like magic. It takes a couple days for it to heal completely but after it does I use Neosporin for a few days until his tush is all back to normal.
Good luck!
Hi Amy,
Take her to your pediatrian to get some sauve for the yeast overgrowth. I think it is called "Vision." You need to get a prescription for this. It is too overwhelming for over-the-counter stuff. Good luck. Donna
The best thing for diaper rash is time without a diaper on. Try taking her diaper off for 30minutes at a time. If naked time doesn't show improvement within a day and it looks very raw I would have the dr. look at it to make sure that you don't have an infection developing. it is amazing what a little air will do. It can make a night and day difference.
see your pediatrician right away- could be rash- could be allergic reaction to food ingested- could be contact with something (fungus)
don't wait
check it out with a doctor
Hi daughter has had similar issues. Call your Dr. for treatment, it most likely is an infection. We have however been able to associate our issue with certain foods. If my daughter eats grapes, tomatoes or especially raisins she will develop the rash. The more acid the food contains, the worse the rash. We've cut all of these out until she is completely potty trained. Hope this helps! Good Luck!
Allison H.