My 2 year old is a little picasso. He is obsessed with coloring. so much so that he colors all over the walls, furniture, books, etc.. I have such a dilemma with cleaning our walls. We rent a townhome and whomever painted these walls before us picked a very hard to clean color--yellow. It's a flat paint and i have tried almost everything to clean my walls. Did i mention that both of my children have dirty hand and fingerprints over every nook and cranny of my house? I have tried magic eraser (and this only makes the streaks appear cleaner, but does not remove the crayon markings or dirty hand prints). i have tried tons of cleaners, but i can't find anything that works. I guess my final resort is to just paint over everything (which is going to be a daunting task). Is this really necessary? Do i have to paint over stains every couple of months because i have 2 very hyper boys? Or is there an easier way? Someone help me..I dread having company over. The stains are very noticeable and not only in our front room--in our guest bathroom, our hallway, our bedrooms...I hate looking at's driving me crazy!!!:-) Thanks in advance for all of your comments and suggestions! Blessings!
I really think your best solution is painting. Magic Eraser is great... so great in fact, that it removes the paint too! We had the builder's white in our house and I've had to paint with a scrubbale flat paint, with the exception of the bathrooms, which I did in an eggshell finish. It will make the walls SOOOOO much easier to clean.
I really don't think there is an easier solution. I know a good painter who is very quick, clean and does a fabulous job at a cheap price if you need somebody and just don't want to face the job yourself. He painted the trim our two story home for 500 bucks.. not a lot of painting involved but many wanted to charge us upwards of a grand because of the height...
I have the same problem and dread having to paint everything again. I painted the whole house when my son was an infant. He is now 2.5 and also a stinking Picasso. He hasn't missed a wall. Washable crayons came off easy, but he managed to color three walls with a non washable crayon somehow. Someone told me to use baking soda and it actually worked. Then you have to clean the baking soda off of your walls, but it got the crayon off. You have to scrub it in really good and hard but it works. Finger prints just use a degreasing soap like palmolive, I think that's your only hope. IF you paint again, definitely use a flat scrubbable paint like the other poster said.
I vote for the Mr Clean eraser as well. Just make sure your kids don't get ahold of it as there is a potentially SEVERE allergic reaction. Google it.
Just paint it! A semi-gloss paint works good for wiping down. It will brighten everything up and then you will be able to clean the dirt easier! Ofcourse, ask the landlord, they might even reimburse you for the time, and paint.
I've heard toothpaste works great for crayon removal. The chalky kind, not the gel.
Chalkboard paint? (gives the kids a place to create)
High Gloss paint? (wipes easily)
Erasable crayons? (Hmmm.) Yes, cRaYolA sells them!
I'm a PK teacher and former ART teacher...
The world is a kid's canvas...
I don't know if your in the IL area but if you are and in need of painting that is what my husband does for a living. he could even just suggest paint that may be better
Go to your Friendly ACE hardware store and ask about their stain resistant paint, it has teflon or something in it that makes it easier to clean.
Hi Catrissa,
Shaklee has a wonderful product called Basic-H2 and is a miracle worker on a lot of stains while being safe and nontoxic. I would be happy to send you a sample so you could try it out. If you're interested, just send me your mailing information and I will send it out today. Don't forget to send your last name also with the mailing address.
Hi Catrissa and God bless you and your husband's work!
My daughter is 8 now but when she was little like that I made a rule that she only got crayons and art supplies at the table, the rest of the time they were put up where she could not get them. Don't get me wrong, she got to use them ALLOT, but there were rules attached.
I hope that helps!
If you're renting, they may paint your townhome when you move and charge you for the cost. It would be cheaper to do it yourself, but don't use flat paint - it's not washable at all and shows EVERY mark. Use an eggshell finish and keep the extra for when you move out to touch up any fingerprints (easier than washing IMO). The kids should know that now that the walls are clean there is to be no more coloring on them.
Hi! Before we moved form our old house to our new one, I had stained walls that I wanted to clean before showing. I used a Mr. Clean Magic sponge. It worked really well and there are different brands out there, too. Just make sure to test the area first, before you really start rubbing. Some areas that are painted with certain paints might lose the paint at the same time. These little sponges are strong!
P.S. It worked on my marked up trim, as well.
Keep all writing instruments tucked away, that would certainly help!!
Mary H.
It sounds like you are pretty stressed out. As Super Nanny says, you have to gain control of your house. First of all, put all the crayons, markers and pens out of reach. Set down the boundaries. "There will be no more writing or coloring on the walls" "You may only color on paper" If they break the rule, then they are not permitted to color for a time period or put them in time out. Only let them color at a specific time and place until they have broken the habit of coloring on everything. About the dirty little hands. In our home, we wash our hands every time we enter our home. We are only allowed to eat in the kitchen at the table, no toys at the table (they get grimy from food) and we always wash our hands after we eat. (I wiped my toddlers hands with a rag until she was older.) We explain that God has blessed us with our home and our things and that we must take care of what God has given us or why should He bless with more. Hope my perspective helps.
Hi Carissa,
I am a mom to two boys(20 months and 5 years old)as well and I keep our crayons, paint and markers safely tucked away in a bin with a lid that neither can open. Both of them love to paint and draw and we do it often--but only under my supervision and only at the table. Coloring on the walls isn't even an option--they don't ever have the opportunity. Regarding dirty hands- we always wash ours when we come in from playing, after eating etc. We keep fun smelling soap in the bathroom and it is just something that is routine in our house.
Also, never ever use flat paint--it is the bane of every mother's existence. I would recommend repainting, I just don't think you'll be able to get the stains off of a flat paint. Use eggshell or satin on the walls (flat should only be used on ceilings) when you repaint and then a semi-gloss on the trim. Good luck and enjoy those boys! :)
I use a biodegradable, all natural cleaner that breaks down waxes and I have been able to get crayon off of walls.
I have samples if you are interested, get back in touch with me and we can work out something to get them into your hands.
Catrissa, I know of a product that WILL take all of that off of your walls and it is very safe too. I have a home business and I am partnered with a wellness company and it takes of permanent marker from walls and floors and also red lipstick from beige carpet, etc.........
I would love to share more with you.
Could we exchange anymore information?
I also have a home business and if you are open to listening, I could share all about how you could stay home and bring in some extra income for your family
Lynda Guinnee
815-432-5166 Home
Well the problem starts with the flat paint, which is not washable. The best thing to do is to repaint with a washable paint. Benjamin Moore makes great washable paints that hold up to kids "wear & tear". Another option is tha after you paint you can use a clear sealer over the walls and then you can usually just wipe down the walls with a wet paper towel. When I paint a clients house, and they have children, I usually suggest the clear sealer and they are really satisfied. Hope this helps.
Theresa, Decorative Artist