We had unexplained infertility and after 8 yrs of tests drugs, etc. we decided to have HSG test. The interventional radiologist told me that 95% of her patients became pregnant within 6 mos. of having HSG. Almost 6 mos. to the day we found out we were pregnant:)Just wish I had done it sooner.
Hi Kristy,
You may want to add some organic superfood to your already good excerise program...sometimes the cause is at the cellular
level and it can be helped..I have a product that you may want to investigate...email me if you want to discuss it...I read the last entry here and that woman said about douching...well that could very well be also as it chages the PH balance in the vagina....acid ph is not good
[email protected]
what concerns me is that if your tubes are blocked, or partially, then your doctor is risking your having an ectopic pregnancy till this procedure is done. I kind of think this is something he should have looked at four months ago, to prevent that risk.
One thing that really helps is dietary. Animal products are full of their own natural hormones, and then a lot of animals are pumped full of hormones to make them grow faster before they're slaughtered. This can throw people's hormones for a real loop! I read an article on this. The author said that the right diet for conceiving is high in complex carbs (not the sugary simple ones!) like fruits, vegs and grains, and low in animal protein.
Good luck!
Hi Kristy,
I had the HSG test. It was not a good experiance for me. I don't want to scare you but, you should not go by yourself. (Just in case) I had a lot of cramping, bleeding and also upset tummy. My doctor did not tell me this would be the case so I went alone and then dove myself home. I hope you have a better experiance than I did. Good luck.
Hello, I just wanted to tell you that I had an HSG on a Tuesday, and eight days later I had IUI done and became pregnant. I did a lot of research on them, and I found that pregnancy rates tend to go up after an HSG with an oil based contrast is used. Good luck!!!!!!
As far as the pain of the procedure...yes, it is uncomfortable, but nothing unbearable....and the outcome, my daughter, is well worth it all. My doc told me to take Ibuprofen before the procedure...don't remember how much, and to have someone there to drive me home.....I did have some cramping, but like I said it was all well worth it!!!!!!!!!
I also have PCOS (like many previous posters). I had a HSG early on in the fertility struggle. It was one of the first steps before clomid and femara. The femara worked for us, but it was after many clomid rounds. Femara is used with breast cancer patients, but not to fight cancer. It is used to regulate hormones in breast cancer patients. It was far less traumatic for me than the clomid. I didn't have the hot flashes,cold seats, or moodiness.
I have never been on the receiving end of an Hystrosalpingogram(hsg), but I have assisted the radiologist in the past to perform the exam.
If you would like the procedure explained, I will be happy to assist you if you email me privatly.
Hi Kristy,
I have two daughters and had trouble getting pregnant with the first. I had an HSG, and it came back that my tubes were blocked, I have not heard the procedure can clear a tube, anyway, the info may have been incorrect, because subsequently I had another surgery and my Dr. did it while I was asleep and my tubes were cleared, he said it was very unlikely that they just cleared, that probably the test had had false results the first time. We had moved at that point so I didn't follow up with the dr. who administered it. I did an invitro round, that was not successful, but had a complication that my embryos were frozen etc, I did clomid with artificial insemination for 5 months with no success, then our nurse at the fertility specialist stated that we could be more aggressive, so the next month we did shots, much more expensive, but it was successful.... I have a three year old, One of the drugs was called Follistim. Then seven months after she was born I ended up pregnant on my own, no drugs. I had tried to get pregnant for a year and a half years before seeking medical attention for it. If your tubes are not blocked I so reccommend the shots, I know it sounds awful but it really wasn't and to get pregnant, was an amazing blessing. I am 38 so time was pushing me to be successful, but it is awful to have to go through the rollercoaster of trying and trying. I feel for you, Clomid was very hard on me emotionally, it mad me cry a lot, so the shots were also a welcome change with that. I know it is very hard to keep trying, but don't give up at all, there is hope and a lot of other things to try. I wish you all the best, I hope this helps.
my husband and i have been trying for 2 years. I had the HSG test and yes my dr. stated if they are clogged they can clean them, which is to clear, usually the dye can help with this. My tubes are blocked on both sides, he was able to get dye into one but not out, so one tube is blocked in two places. My friends that had to get the procedure was sucessful with the cleaning. My next step is IVF. There is a support group that meets twice a month. I get alot of info. out the meetings and sometime they invite drs to come discuss. Good luck with the procedure prayfully your tubes will be cleared after the HSG.
I had a HSG done in 1999 after six years of infertility and two miscarriages. As I recall they told me to take lots of pain meds because the procedure could be painful to my cervix. (I had had other infertility procedures done that were very crampy so I took them to heart and was "flying high" by the time I got called back.) Anyway, the nurse filled my uterus and fallopian tubes with dye and we all got to watch it fill up. Once the organs were full of dye they looked just like a dove...which I took to be a good sign. It wasn't painful at all.
I believe I was pregnant a few months later (the 3rd time) though I'm pretty sure it had nothing to do with the HSG. I went on to have a wonderful baby boy, a tubal molar pregnancy, then two more normal pregnancies. The babies I carried were also due to being on very high levels of progesterone. After six pregnancies and only three children I decided I was done.
If you could have told me ten years ago that I would be glad to get my one remaining tube tied I would have been devistated. But, God knew when DH and I needed to become parents and it didn't happen before He was ready. Never mind that we are in our 40s!
Hi, I am so sorry to read your story. Have you introduced changes into your lifestyle? In this link you will find tons of recommendations to boost your chances: Fertility Road - IVF Treatment Explained By Top Experts All the best
Thank you to everyone who responded to my question. Now for the update…We went in for my trigger shot and surprisingly found out that I was almost 6 weeks pregnant. I was so shocked as was the doctor. I am now 7 1/2 weeks pregnant and we are both doing great. The baby has a strong heartbeat and we confirmed that I am only having one! My husband and daughter are just as excited as I am and my daughter says it is a girl and has named her “Little Girl Camri”, which we have a dog named Camri. Anyway, thank you all very much for your prayers and support. Looks like another Christmas baby! December 15 - 16 is my due date, which is close to my daughter’s and mine. Thanks again everyone!