My electric bill was $720 this month (although we keep our thermostats at 76 downstairs and 78 upstairs)!
Has anyone switched from TXU to another electric company and actually seen savings?
My electric bill was $720 this month (although we keep our thermostats at 76 downstairs and 78 upstairs)!
Has anyone switched from TXU to another electric company and actually seen savings?
Absolutely! TXU has the highest prices in the area. You can switch to just about anyone and see savings over their rates. We switched to Stream Energy last year and locked in a great rate, which, sadly, is about to expire, but we have seen tremendous savings over the past 12 months. Check out to compare current rates of providers.
we switched to gexa energy and have seen great savings. I also get AA miles for every dollar I spend.
a comparison site I heard about is
Before you switch, you need to know how many kilowatt hours you use in a month because rates depend on usage. Once you know how much you use, you can compare the rates of different companies for that particular usage.
Check out for comparisons. I have just switched to Reliant because of some cramming issues but I know that there isn't going to be much of a savings.
I have been monitoring my electrical usage since we bought an old house. Our air conditioners are not energy efficient so I have been looking at other ways to save. I do not use my dryer now. I have a web of clothesline hanging in my garage and a few drying racks, I do about one load a day. I noticied about a $90 savings when I first stopped using it. It's an old house, 3700 sq ft with 2 old air conditioners and my bill was $520 for last month.
We have switched to reliant and have been with them for a while now. We did see a nice change. Our average billing for a 2200sqf house, with a temp of 80 degrees is $206 per month
If your electricity bill is that much with that high of a temp setting, you've got to have something inefficient going on - leaking out windows, attic, something. Don't the electric companies come out for free and do a survey of your home and find ways you can help reduce consumption? I would try that.
That's awful - I thought ours was bad! We had a $550 bill last month, which was about $150-$200 more than normal. We have a 3700 sq ft house that we keep at 72 deg. down and 73 up, and we use CoServ. We actually tried to switch last month but I don't think we have any options where we are, from what I understand. There was a new company out of Carrollton profiled on today's business page (Dallas Morning News) called Choose Energy. Apparently you can go to their website, and it acts like an Orbitz but for energy prices wherever you are located. You might want to check it out!
We use Coserv and had a $344 bill this past month for a 3800 sq ft home. We gradually raised the degree in our home to 81. It is actually very comfortable since we did it gradually and has saved us significantly.
Reliant Energy! I've seen at least a $100 savings since switching from TXU. TXU is a rip off. Good luck!
p.s. I've also learned to read my own meters. It's really easy. Just FYI.
We had TXU in the past and switched to Stream Energy. We are VERY satisfied and glad we did! We keep our temps set up/down at 77 daytime and 76 at night. Your bill is at least twice as much as ours.
Good Luck,
I agree with Samantha. I think that dollar amnt is way too high - unless you have a mansion that you're cooling down. You can have the electric company come out and do an efficiency test/rating. My brother recently found out (from an A/C guy's report and he showed my brother) that his A/C was working many times harder than it should have to because of a flaw in the way the home was built. A/C's are designed to circulate the air in your home so it's constantly just working to cool down 78 degree air or whatever the temp is in your home..... well, my brother's home (a new home built just 5 or 6 yrs ago) was pulling air from the attic and trying to cool that air down - and circulating that to the home --- working way too hard and thus causing outrageous electric bills. Crazy!
So I'd investigate what's causing this sky high bill. Oh and definitely switch to another provider like Reliant Energy. All the competitiors to TXU are about the same prices. You can go to to see the rates.
Good luck!
YES. When I hear of anyone on TXU- I try to get strangers to quit. I switched to Direct Enegy because there was no deposit and no contract to stay on. Never had a bill under 300 with TXU and now our bill is never over 150. Im not sure if Reliant is cheaper but they require a deposit.
We have switched to Reliant Energy and have noticed some savings.
Stream Energy provides energy to home owners just like TXU, Reliant, Green Mountain & other energy carriers but offers their services at a lower rate. In North Texas TXU has the strong hold on this market. Deregulation has provided customers with opportunity of choosing there own provider. With TXU having the monopoly in this area the state regulates their rates and by law are unable to offer lower rates than what is mandated. They are the price to beat. Meaning TXU must offer a certain rate at all times providing this area with e So if you have TXU (or any other company) for your home electric provider we can save you about 6% monthly as well as savings over other electric providers. The agency that reads your meter and fixes all problems will remain the same per PUC regulations. The electricity is the same, you will get your bill from a different vendor that charges a lower rate. So if you are interested in saving money on a monthly basis give us a chance to show you how we can save you money....remember it's the same electricity……nothing will will just pay for it at a lower rate...
Take a look at our website and you can watch a presentation and a news report. It is really easy to switch. You can do it at this website.
Please give us a call at 469-471-3166 or you can email us if you have any questions.
Chad and Sara Fox
Hi Adrienne, I recently changed from TXU to Dynowatt. It takes about 4weeks for the change though. I'm sure I will definitely see a difference in our bill, since their billing rate is much lower. We used to keep the temp downstairs at 76 and upstairs at 78, now they're both at 78. You just get used to it, and we turn the ceiling fans on if we need it to feel cooler. They waste a lot less energy. According to the TXU website, 78 is the optimal temp setting for savings..of course the higher the better. HTH!
I have changed from TXU before to Direct Energy. I switched back to TXU. It has never worked out for me when I have switched to other providers in the past.
I am with Stream Energy and they are simply wonderful. You can check them out on my site. It's very easy to switch.