Has anyone been diagnose with Placenta Previa?

Hello Ladies,
My name is Taca. I am 21 weeks pregnant and I was diagnose with placenta previa at my last ultrasound. However, I have not seen my midwife yet.
If you have been diagnosed with the same, please send me some lines explaining your experience. I am not sure I would have to be in bed rest or if I can just go along until birth date, in which I would have a c-section. Also, my doctor in my home country explained over the phone that the placenta might move to the side. Has taht happened to anyone you know?

Hi Taca,
I had an ultrasound at the very end of my pregnancy because my doctor (also my husband's uncle) felt the baby was breech. What we found out was my placenta was located very low and the tech couldn't see the complete borders. He HIGHLY recommended a scheduled c-section because he didn't want me to risk hemorrhaging. Sometimes the placenta will move prior to delivery, they do additional ultra sounds to monitor the position. Placenta previa is VERY serious, some doctors won't even do a pelvic exam unless you are in the hospital, in case they need to do an emergency c-section. If you have ANY bleeding you should call you doctor ASAP. Have your midwife recommend a good OB if you don't already have one. As for the c-section itself, I had no problems and was up walking the halls the next morning. Email me if you have any questions and if I don't have answers I will try to find them. I married into a great medical family so I get alot of free advice!:) Take care and try not to stress.

Hi Taca -

I was diagnosed with partial placenta previa at 12 weeks pregnant after being taken to the hospital by ambulance with bleeding. My placenta only partially covered my cervix, and I was so early in my pregnancy and my bleeding had been light and stopped on its own shortly after entering the hospital: I was taken off work, ordered not to lift or carry anything or do any strenuous activities, and no sex for the period of one week. I was NOT confined to bed since the the bleeding had stopped and I was having no contractions and was not dilated at all. After one week, I returned to the doctor and had an ultrasound which still showed partial previa but there was no blood and the baby was perfectly fine in every way. By my second trimester, the previa had moved aside on its own I returned to my very physically strenuous job (special ed preschool teacher) and worked full time up until the day I delievered with no complications. The birth was vaginal, easy, and with absolutely no complications.

Women diagnosed with placenta previa in the third trimester are in far more danger than those diagnosed in the first or second trimesters: they are often confined to bed and some must have emergency c-sections if the bleeding cannot be stopped. Women who are diagnosed early in their pregnancy usually continue on with it with little to no complications, and as the doctor from your home country said, they often correct themselves. In fact, every 1 in 200 women are diagnosed with placenta previa, so VERY OFTEN it takes care of itself with no problems or medical intervention.

I had placenta previa with my younger daughter who is now 21 years old. Back then it didn't even show on a sonogram so we didn't know until I went into labor. I had her naturally and then they rushed me in for a D&C to clean out the uterus. It's good they can see that before labor now.

Hi Maria,

I was also diagnosed with placenta previa at about 18 weeks. There are many different cases as to the severity and it may move. You just need to watch your body and should take it easy. I was fine until I hit about 22 weeks at which I was put on bed rest because I started spotting the beginning of December 2007 and I was due April 1st 2008. I did end up having the worse case scenario. At 26 weeks I was admitted to the hospital on Christmas morning because I was hemorrhaging pretty bad (3rd bleeding episode). I was in the hospital for 3 weeks before I delivered a premie boy at 29 weeks.

While in the hospital, there were a couple of us in there for placenta previa. One woman went home after a month because her bleeding had stopped and was safe for her to go home (she supposedly had it worse than me). But, the placenta can move even later in your pregnancy.

The best thing you could is really take it easy, each week matters and is a milestone for your baby. My son is doing great and is really healthy. Ethan was born on 01/16/08 29 weeks at 2 lbs and 11oz. He is now 14 1/2 months, 25lbs, happy and healthy.

A little about me:
I am turning 31 years old this month, Ethan's my first child. I do hope to have another child soon, even after this past experience. I also work full-time as an HR Mgr.

I actually had an undiagnosed Placenta Previa during my pregnancy. My OB/GYN had told me my placenta was "low-lying" and not to worry about it too much. I carried on as usual which resulted in massive bleeding towards the end of my pregnancy, emergency C-section and the premature birth of my son. So, I would definitely recommend taking it easy. It's better to be safe than sorry. Hope this helps.

I was told after my ultrasound that I had PP. My Dr told me the same thing that it could move and may or may not cause problems. She schedualed another ultrasound to check if it had moved for later before delivery. I had a completely normal pregnancy with no bed rest, I even exercised up to the day before I delivered. At the second ultrasound it showed that it had moved far enough up that it was not touching or covering the opening. I had a normal delivery and a beautiful healthy Boy.

Hi Taca, My name is Sylvia, and I had a placenta previa with my second child, who is now 23 years old. I was able to hold on to him until I delivered him 6 wks. early. He was 6lbs. 8ozs. Sometimes there is bleeding inside when the placenta separates, as I had. We both came home on Valentine's Day, and he's been healthy ever since! Best wishes.

Hi Maria,

I had it also at 39 with my first. I had to go on modified bed rest, which meant no working out at the gym and no long walks. I could still work at my desk. I felt great and my daughter is amazing, but it is a very serious condition. Mine did not move and I had a planned C-section. Please keep in close contact with your medical folks and do not ignore it. If you start to bleed, it can be potentially fatal for both you and the baby.

Best wishes for a healthy pregnancy and wonderful baby soon!

I had placenta previa with my first pregnancy and one of my good friends had it with her second. Both of us had the placenta move from the vaginal opening in the third trimester when the uterus really expands and had vaginal deliveries. I'm sure your doctor has told you the same thing - no exercise other than walking and no sex to protect the placenta from being damaged. My friend experienced a couple bouts of bleeding and was put of bed rest, so you have to be gentle with yourself.

Hi Maria,

I had partial previa. I had to be careful to not strain or lift heavy things or do anything strenuous. They'll monitor you again and check to see if the placenta has moved back. If it gets worse then yes you could be put on bed rest. Just take care of yourself and don't over do it. Good luck. Donna

Hi Taca,

My sister was diagnosed with Placenta Previa during her pregnancy. She had other complications that put her on modified bed rest from about week 28; however, I understand if you do not experience any particular challenges (e.g. bleeding, etc.) along the way that you don't necessarily have to go on bedrest for Placenta Previa, they just watch you more carefully and perhaps a couple more ultra sounds along the way. All it means is that your placenta attached at the bottom near your cervix opening and that the placenta then may be in the way of the exit when it's time for your baby to be born -- if so, they do a c -section, if your placenta moves to the side a little (which I guess is common) then they may be able to deliver naturally after all. My sister ended up being able to deliver naturally, no problems. Hope that helps?

Good luck!

Hi Maria.
I had the same thing with my 2nd of 3 sons. It is not an uncommon thing to have. If you don't already know, the placenta is covering the cervix which, if it stayed in that position would increase the chances of you having a c-section - and- possible early birth of the baby if the placenta ruptures.
However, as the baby and uterus grows the placenta most often (can't remember the percentage of the time, but, it's very high), the placenta will adjust to another position. My doctor had me rest with feet up and not lift anything. After rec'g an ultra-sound to ensure the placenta had moved (I believe this was around 24 weeks), I was able to continue with life. It's important to note, my placenta previa was discovered when blood appeared post sexual relations in about my 12th week. As you are further along and the placenta should have already started to move away from the cervix, your concern may be more serious. I would strongly recommend getting an ultra-sound. I don't believe your mid-wife will not be able to guarantee the positioning. Months of rest are worth it!

Hi Taca,
I had a partial previa in my current pregnancy and 2 of my friends also have in the last year. None of us had any complications, no reduction in activities and by week 30 the placenta had moved away. Hopefully you will experience the same.

I was also diagnosed with placenta previa around 20 weeks. It moved up and out of the way long before my due date. But, mine did move to the front of my uterus which meant I had to be very careful not to bump into anything too hard with my stomach. But, I would not worry at this point yet. I have known a lot of people that are diagnosed early on, then it moves out of the way. Good Luck:)

dont let any of your dr.'s tell you that you must have a c-section because of this until they've done an ultra-sound just before the delivery. American Dr's are so much more willing to do c-sections when they don't need to. The placenta can definitely move out of the way by 40 weeks.

Good luck!

I was diagnosed with marginal previa at about 18 wks. As your uterus grows so does the placenta - I am now at 21 wks and my placenta has moved further up. In most cases, the placenta should move as your uterus grows. Just to be safe, do take it easy - no strenous exercise and you may have to refrain from sex - your doctor may have told you this already.

I was 20 weeks when I was diagnosed with placenta previa. Please talk to a medical Dr. before you see your midwife as my Dr. said (at least in my situation) that I couldn't have anymore vag. examines, intercource etc because of the risk of bleeding. I was put on modified bedrest which basically meant that I had to be off my feet most of the time and if I was sitting that my feet had to be propped up.
My placenta never moved and I did have to have a c-section. Because I followed Drs. orders and stayed down as much as possible they only took her 2 weeks early. I have a healthy little girl now. Please be careful and don't overdue it I had a friend who had the same issue and didn't stay down was too active, the placenta tore away and she had to have an emergency c-section 6 weeks early. While the child is fine now she had to stay in the NICU for 3 weeks and has breathing issues still.

Hope all goes well for you

I had this with my second pregnancy. I have heard that it can move, but mine did not. I didn't have to go on bedrest until I started having episodes of bleeding, and early labor. I ended up on bedrest for 3 months- I was allowed to get up for around 5 minutes at a time- use the bathroom, shower, make a snack and go to my doctor appointments. I seemed pretty daunting at first, but all in all it wasn't that bad. the hardest part was I had a toddler at the same time, and even though she was in daycare, it was hard for me not to be up and caring for her. I did have a c section 3 weeks early as to prevent going into labor. I had another baby just this last year and had no issues at all!
if you do have to endure bedrest, I have alot of tips for you-
feel free to contact me if you do!

Hi. my name is Heidi. I have a 2.5 year old girl and a 8 week old boy. Both times I had placenta previa and both times had normal pregnancy and births. 99 times out 100 it moves out of the way in time for birth. Don't worry about it.