Greasy hair during and after pregnancy

Hi Moms! I am a first time mom and have been experiencing hair issues ever since I was 30 weeks pregnant. Around that time my hair started getting greasy at the scalp and roots at the top of my head (like by where I part it). I contributed the issue to pregnancy and started using a clarifying shampoo plus only washed my hair every other day. I thought this would go away after having my daughter but it has now been 9 weeks and it seems to be getting worse! I see that this is an issue for several women during pregnancy...but what about after?! If so, how long until your hair was back to normal?

Bleh... Hair issues! I totally had them... My hair was greasy and it was all falling out! I thought for sure I'd go bald! I really didn't get rid of the greasiness and grow it all back until my daughter was about a year old. It was when I got my period back and decreased nursing to a few times a day. Everything did straighten itself out, though. Good luck!

I was a grease after giving birth too. It fixed itself after I got my 1st period after we wrapped up the breastfeeding. I had a freind that put baby powder in her hair. I never did because I have fine hair. I just had to wash it alot more often than I was used to.

I don't have this issue, but I know (from a few friends who work with hair) that if your hair is greasy that you should then wash it every day...the reason they tell you not to wash it every day (usually) is because it can dry out your hair...but that's what you want...make sure you keep using a clarifying shampoo or you can look for one specializing in greasy hair (you can find those at beauty stores like Ulta or at a salon {even a hair cuttery})...hope this helps a little.

I had this and thought I was the only one! I found Aussie cleanse and mend shampoo and it was the only one that helped! Plus it's cheap! Wash your hair everyday!!! A hairstylist told me after the fact to wash hair with seabreeze facial astringent every other day until not so greasy and then once a week. Have not tried that but he was sure it would help...My daughter is almost 3 and my hair is ALMOST better, still wash my hair everyday, but way better than the first year!!

My daughter is 1 now and I still don’t feel like my hair is back to “normal” but it is certainly better than when I originally posted this!