Grandma's 90th Birthday!

I would like some ideas on what to get my grandma for her birthday. Also, if you know of any other things to decorate. It is so hard to know what to get for someone that already has everything. All ideas are very appreciated!

How about a big basket filled with her favorite things - special cookies, crackers, chocolates, cheeses, fruit preserves, teas, coffee. I know that my Mom loves receiving extravagent "edible items" that she would never dream of spending her small pension on. Barbie.

i dont know if your grandma still goes to a hair salon to get her hair done, but thats what we usually get my grandma. there isnt much she needs so we get hair certificates or just money or lottery tickes, etc and she loves those types of things.

I know my grandma likes personal gifts. She loves for the kids to make her things and also loves pictures of the kids or the family.

How about her life story in a book? Great for her and then can be a keepsake for the rest of the family too! I'm a consultant for a company called Heritage Makers and we specialize in storybooking and digital scrapbooking. Check out my website at and let me know if you have questions!

Been there! My mother, age 80, has everything she needs or wants. So on her last birthday I found an incredible gift for her! It's called a photo bouquet. You can personalize it with any pics you want! Just email the pics to Jessica, the lady who does the bouquets, and she'll get in touch with you to get the specifics. These bouquets are BEUATIFUL!! And my mother was so touched at the thoughtfulness of it, she cried. Good tears. :)

Here's the email: [email protected]

Be sure to include your request and contact info in your first email to Jessica. Her work is FANTASTIC!! Hope it helps!

Just Me!

P.S. You may not see it in this response, but there is an underscore "_" between the words comfort_everlasting in the above email address.

I gave my grandmother a 90th birthday keepsake CD. Her family and close friends from long ago called a phone number and left her messages and told her why she was special. I was able to download the recordings and make a CD. You can get it from here: