Good Gift for mom expecting number 2!

I make these "taggie" blankets that my kids love. They are the fleece square blankets with ribbons around the outside for the babies to hold on to. Something unique that really can't be handed down from a sibling. I can send you pictures if you are interested. I charge $20.00. You can e-mail me at [email protected]


I really needed extra sheets, waterproof pads and covers for the diaper changing pads. I also found a baby bjorn and at about 6 months a backpack REALLY useful so I could have my hands available. I especially used the carriers for grocery shopping.

Diaper cake. This is such a great gift. You just roll them up and place them in rounds, use adorable ribbon, some travel size baby items, rattles, bibs, hats and mittens, socks, bottles,stuffed animals and even blankets can all be put on it. In the center you can even put a bottle of wine to hold it all together. I use a wooden dowel but have heard of doing this instead. You can google how to make a diaper cake and get lots of ideas and just personalize it yourself. I have even made these for wedding shower gifts with towels and kitchen utensils.