Good birthday present for a 7 year old girl?

My neice will be 7 this weekend. She is a very imaginative little girl - likes to play pretend and dress up. She is a girly girl for sure - not really into outdoors or sports related things. Already has everything Disney / princess related. I would like to get something unique that others wouldn't think of - either related to pretend play or arts/crafts or ? If you have a 7 or 8 year old daughter what things do they like to play with? Thanks!!

Are you familiar with Discovery Toys. They are all educational toys with lifetime guarantee. Right now is a big sale, and we have a Sticker making kit for $6.99, a jump rope that you attach to your hose and get misted while you jump for $6.99 , and so much more. If your interested let me know and I can get you more info and the toys can be shipped directly to your door.

Hi Janet,

I think it would be a neat idea if you took your niece to a Build A Bear Workshop, where she can stuff her own animal and dress it up as a 'girl.' Or you can to a 'Color Me Mine' studio and have her paint a cup or plate or there's other similar shops that also have young children do arts and may want to get her a gift certificate for that.

I'm not sure how much they are but Mom Owned and reviewed by a few of the moms here- seems to have REALLY cute dresses, designed for the GIRLY Girl. Also, all of my nieces LOVE all things Arts & Crafts. I end up at Michaels for almost all of their birthdays. Hope it helps~ Jan

Hi Janet! :)

A handmade custom rag doll might be the thing! ;) (Though maybe not for this birthday--no time to make it! hehe)

I LOVE making rolls--especially for children! With a close up shot of the child's face, I can get the doll to look pretty similar. I can usually get them finished in 2-4 weeks, depending on the details.
Check out my page and if you think that might work for you--for Christmas or her 8th birthday, give me a hollar! ;)

Best of wishes,

My daughter is now 9 and is VERY girly ... but loves to be a tom boy too. Friends of ours (parents of teenage boys) give her the BEST gifts. She can't wait to open their gifts because she knows it's gonna be awesome!!

She has gotten a finger puppet stage setup where she decorated the finger puppets, a bead art set, an art set (kinda like the bedazzler of old) made for 6-10 age group where she could decorate articles of clothing (it came with a plain t-shirt and shorts), a knitting machine (for Christmas ... it's too warm for that now), a hat decorating kit with 4-6 plain hats with instructions on having a tea party (the girls make the hat to wear for the tea party and take it home with them), a jewelry making set, one of those loop sets, a soap and "fizzer" making set, the list goes on and on. Most everything she has gotten has been easy for her to understand with very very little help from me (which is wonderful). My daughter now makes gifts for her relatives which they find endearing.

I finally asked our friends how and where did they find such gifts and was told in the crafts aisle of a craft store.

Hope this helps. But ... if you need brand names to search ... respond and I'll run upstairs to her room and look.

Hi Janet A great gift would be American Build A Bear

They are similar to Build A Bear Workshop but much softer and cuddlier. The child can stuff it then play with it, dress it, and everything. Even the adults enjoy doing these lol. It is also more economical. For the price of one Build A Bear (aprox.$60 out the door)you can get her one of these animals or dolls and a few outfits and accessories. The shipping time is pretty quick but you can request expedited shipping and have it shipped directly to her house if needed and possibly gift wrapped as well. They specialize in birthday parties. They provide everything from the stuffing to a Birth Certificate for the toy. IT even comes with a harness for the child to wear the toy (like a baby carrier)They are very cute, very soft, well made and you can purchase a recordable sound chip for it too then record a special greeting that can be later changed by you, mom or the child. They even have matching pajamas for the child to dress like her toy. Here is the link again.

Even if you don't go with that let me know what you think I am always looking for feedback.

why not make her a kit for creating jewlery. At 7 she is surely old enough for working with simple tools. You can go to a neat bead shop and pick out some unique beads along with the other supplies. craft stores carry multi-purpose boxes for such things. you may also get some FIMO clay in which she could make her own beads. a book might also be nice to round out the gift and give her ideas and ways of creating what she thinks up.

A creative child myself, I loved gifts like this.

How about a Scrapbooking gift basket. I am sure her mom has a lot of pictures. She can create her own book. There are so many really cute scrapbooks out there. Get all the extra stuff for her to start like scissors that cut different trims, whole bunch of stickers, die cuts, extra scrapbook paper, themed cutouts, markers, tape etc..... There is so much stuff for scrapbooking. You could even get her an gift certificate so she can go get more stuff if she wants. I am doing this as a craft for my daycare kids and they are really looking forward to working on them.

How about covering the costs for an arts & crafts class? I'm sure this little girl has tons of toys already so check w/the mom to see if she wants to take a kid's pottery class or some other kind of crafty class.

Dear Janet,

Maybe you could get her started with music lessons of some sort. Or take her to a musical event.

Carolyn N.

I'am an independent crew member for Noah's Ark Animal Workshop. We are a traveling workshop that comes to your events or you can just simply order what is called a Noah-to-Goah kit. It comes with an animal or doll of your choice, and your child will hand stuff the animal, wish on a wishing star, dress it, then fill out the birth certificate. The kit can run you anywhere from $30-40 dollars and kids love it! you can visit my website if you like @ or give me a call @ 661-472-7476 Have A Great Day!

The jewelry making and craft kits are all great ideas. Another one that I found that I liked because it lets kids use their imaginations is called is a link:

It would be good for a girl or a boy, but they get to write and illustrate their own story and then you send it in the pre-paid envelope and they typeset it and bind it into a nice hardcover book. It's 100% their own work and creativity. What child wouldn't want to see their name in print on their very own book?

Hope this helps.


I have a 7 year old daughter. She LOVES "High School Musical" - anything about it. They just came out with Barbies from the movie. They are $20 at Target or $36 for the two main characters together. They talk and sing a song. My daughter loves hers.
My daughter is also very into Hello Kitty. At the Hello Kitty store they have great premade gift baskets.
My other suggestion is that girls like make up at this age. I just let my daughter have tinted lipgloss and nail polish (she doesn't need any more than that). She gets very excited when someone gets her new make-up.
The other thing my daughter keeps asking for is to go to the Build-A-Bear store. Maybe your neice would like a gift certificate for there. I heard there is one at te West Side Pavillion. Personally, I have only seen the ones at downtown Disney and Montclair plaza.
Hope that helps!

Since summer has arrived and school is out, my 7 year old daughter has been begging for season water park passes and movie passes for her and her friends. I don't know where you live but movies and water fun seem to be the thing around here. The other thing she likes to do is crafts, we gave her a budget for the craft store and she chose many paint colors and some wood bird houses to paint. All kids are different but this is what my 7 year old girl loves! Good luck!!!!

Create a dress up box for her. Get a Big Hat Box or a fun toy box and fill it with, dresses, shoes, jewelry, hats, gloves, crowns, boas, you name it :) She would have a blast with this. And if its too expensive, maybe someone else could go in on it with you :) Good Luck

My daughter is 6 1/2 and she was recently given an Easy Bake Oven. I think shes a little young but she was so excited that we were cooking right away. The box says 8yrs+, my daughter loves it. Also she likes her craft set where she's able to crochet pot holders.

I got my daughter Littlest Pet Shop for her birthday. She is 7 1/2 but still seems to love it. She also loves Build-a-Bear (there is one in The Oaks mall, too). She loves grown up things like purses and makeup, and Arts and Crafts.

Hi Janet, I took my two daughters to this birthday party on the weekend, my oldest is 13 and her friend is the same age. My daughters friends sister turned 8th. apperently at that age most girls like painting. We bought her a jewerly box and it came with brushes, pain, stickers, etc... She love it. Good luck...

My 5 year old got a mosaic stone kit for her b-day and it was a big hit! It came with lots of shiny stones, tiles, etc and you mixed the concrete, poured it into the form and pressed in the decorations. It is now in our garden. Beading kits are also fun, too.