Hello. I am having trouble coming up with a gift for my son's preschool classmates. I like to do homemade gifts, but the only thing I can think of is caramel apples. Any ideas? Thanks
Is it standard to do gifts for classmates? I usually only do stuff for the kids at Halloween and Valentines. But I do give a gift of appreciation to the teachers at christmas.
Anyhow, my suggestion would be to buy the long pretzel rods and drizzle holiday colored chocolate over them, and maybe even roll them in special holiday sprinkles. You'd probably have to buy the little specialty bags to put them in but they sell them at the grocery store. You child could help with the drizzling and rolling and I bet would love to sample a few. Tie it with a pretty bow and wa-la.
You could try familyfun.com, allrecipe.com. marthastewart.com for other ideas.
homemade playdough...choc covered pretzel, animal crackers
Why do you need to give the other kids gifts? Is it a Poliana? If so then get an age apprapiate toy and I wouldn't spend more than $10.00. I don't think it's appropiate to buy the other kids gifts.
Thinking back to last year, my son got chocolate covered pretzel rods w/sprinkles, new pencils, crayons, candy bags, etc. I think it's a case of "less is more" -- what about a baggie of chocolate covered pretzels or even a certificate for a free Frosty from Wendy's?
How about buying little bubbles like you use at weddings? I know party stores have different kinds, sizes, or packs. Don't have to worry about food allergy's that way and they can all play together with them!
Homemade caramel corn is pretty easy...you could put it in christmas plastic bags...
i just give lollipops to each kid.
My daughter is in kindergarten and this year I plan on giving each child a glitter ornament. You can use glitter fabric paint to write their name and the year on each ornament. They are inexpensive, pretty, and can be used from year to year.
Do the pretzel rods! They always turn out so cute and the kids love to help with them.
The Oriental Trading Post (I think that is what it is called) catalog has a lot of little inexpensive gifts that you can buy in groupings of 8, 12 etc.
Last year I made chocolate covered pretzel rods and marshmallows. The kids and teachers loved them!
My boys are 2nd and 4th graders, this year I opted out of candy....Target had mini slinkys for $1.00 each. I did one for each child and will have my sons wrap them.
Good luck
We made salt dough ornaments. My daughter and I made the dough and then we used cookie cutters, baked them and then painted them. They were great.
I was just thinking of something for my children to make for their preschool friends and I think something your child can help with would be great. Make glitter ornaments, toothpicks in the shape of a star with construction paper cut out on top, apply glue and then sprinkle with glitter. Maybe a pipecleaner made into a candy cane or just a regular candy cane along with the candy cane story/ legend.
A glitter snowflake ornament along with the snowflake story/ legend.
Or maybe a personalized cup( dollar store plastic holiday cups with their name written in marker or glitter glue) with a hot cocoa mix a small package of miniature marshmallows(labeled reindeer poop) the children will love it.
I hope this is helpful.IF you google any of the stories or ideas, I am sure you will be fine. If you have any question, please ask.
You could ask the teacher for something the classroom would enjoy (new blocks, crayons, whatever) and buy it for the classroom.
Depend on the age and the money you want to spend. I went to a craft store bought a few packs of beads with letter, plain beads, key chain clips and string. We are going to make keychains they can attach to their backpacks, etc with their names on them. My daughter will be able to help spell her friend's names, count out the 6 additional beads we add to the top and bottom and hopefully string them. I got the idea from a keychain I bought in a store for myself.
Hey there!
if you want to gift a preschooler with a really unique plant, I saw this really cool one called “The Tickle Me Plant” …check this out: When you grow the plant and you touch it’s leaves…THEY CURL IN!!! It’s so cool! Check it out at: www.ticklemeplant.com
One fun idea is to grow a pet TickleMe Plant from seeds and watch how the leaves fold together like magic when Tickled! Who knew!
One fun idea is to grow a pet TickleMe Plant from seeds and watch how the leaves fold together like magic when Tickled! Who knew!