Gift ideas

Hi moms,

I am hoping some of you can help me with a gift idea. My youngest daughter has been in the same preschool for the last three years and will be entering kindergarten in the fall. Her teachers have been wonderful all three years and I would like to get them each a gift (there are 3 of them)expressing how much I appreciate everything they have done for my daughter. I would like for it to be meaningful but not too expensive. For Christmas each year I always get them a gift card to Barnes and Noble, but I want the gift to be more meaningful than a gift card. Does anyone have a really great idea. Thanks for any ideas you have.

Last year my kids painted a small flower pot and planted a little flower like a marigold in them and gave them to their teachers. I thought that was really cute. Alittle something personal.

Another great idea is a bagful of "teacher" things. Such as stickers, stationary, things for their classrooms. A mold of your childs hand or write out the work THANK YOU and ask your child what each letter means to them about their teachers. Have fun! Last resort is gift cards once again. Everyone loves gift cards!!

The flower pot idea is great. You could even put hand prints on it and write "thanks for helping me grow" across the top of the pot. Draw stems on the handprints to make them look like flowers. A note letting them know how much you appreciate them would also be nice.

I'm a teacher, and I'm always delighted when I see a parent asking for advice for teacher gifts. As I'm sure you know, teachers get a lot of stuff we don't really want.

You could get them each a large, beautiful, easy-care plant in an attractive pot, for their classrooms. I once got a gift card to Bachmann's from a mom, and I spent it on a lovely plant and pot. I think of that family whenever I see it.

You could get them each a gift card to a salon, for a massage or pedicure. We teachers love to be pampered, as it happens so rarely.

Or you could get them each several excellent picture books for their classroom collections.

Or you could give them each a gift card to Lakeshore to buy supplies and toys for the classroom.

The MOST important thing to do is write each one a letter telling them specifically how much you appreciate them and what they've done for your child. They will really love that.

I used to be a preschool teacher and this was one of my favorite gifts I received: a little girl decorated a plant pot using glue and ripped tissue paper and her mom wrote on the side "Thanks for helping me grow!". It was simple and sweet and gave me some foilage just in time for spring.

Of course I'm prejudiced, but I think a gift of soap is awesome! Because it is practical, everyone uses it, and it is earth-friendly, kind to the skin, beautiful, etc. It is something that will get used up, which I think is important for teacher gifts. I can advise on the scents which are more "universal" to make it easier as well.

Hi Christina,
In the past my kids have painted Terracota Flower pots for
their teachers! They paint them and then I spray them with
a Gloss Poly inside & out. Then you could plant a flower in it!

I really like the personalized flower pot idea with an easy care plant inside! Another idea would be a little Willow Tree figurine. They can be found at any Hallmark store or specialty gift shop. They're just over $10 each, and they each have a different theme - "Thank You" and "Angel of Learning" are two that might be appropriate. There are many others, too.

I taught preschool for nine years and I think the best gift you can give is a personalized thank you note to each one telling your feelings and/or your child's feelings about them--tell them what you liked about what they did. You could include your child's picture on the note and the years she attended preschool with them. I'm sure they will keep it either in a scrapbook or on file and look at it often. If you feel the need to add more to this gift then I would give them something they can use for the classroom or a gift certificate as others have suggested.

When my kids left their pre-school I was in the same quandry. I ended up getting something for the classrooms...I made a basket with some of their favorite books, CDS, and some games from Barnes & Noble. All hardcover with my kid's names in them dedicated to their teachers. I figured then everyone could share the "loot."

I have been a classroom teacher in the past and currently tutor privately. I've moved across country twice and have needed/wanted letters of recommendation from previous parents for my portfolio. It has been very difficult for me to ask parents once I've moved or relocated.

So, above a personal note and/or gift, I think writing a professional letter of recommendation for each teacher would be highly appreciated, as well as, a letter or testimonial for the center that could be used for marketing or placed in an easy to read location that new parents may see.

If you feel uncomfortable with writing a letter of recommendation now, offer it in your personal thank you note with your email address for future use.

Just a thought. Things are so precarious in this economic situation. If these teachers did such a terrific job with your children, give them a tool that could help them find another employment opportunity if they needed it.


Willow Tree Figurines - I am a teacher and I love them. They are anywhere from 8-10 dollars to 25-30 dollars. I find them to be very sincere, thoughtful gifts and love the very meaningful message they convey. I hope this helps! You can find them at Hallmark stores, and many other gift shops.

How about a scrapbook of various pictures of your child? Or a nice photo of your child with the teacher?

The best gift ever you can give your parents is portrait from their photo! It’s always nice and beautiful I guess. I like such gifts; it will be forever on your wall. A wonderful gift for Father’s day, birthday, Christmas or just any day to tell him thank you and I love you. Personalized kids gifts are great for birthdays, Christmas or just to show them how much you care! So create your own unique kids gifts for them, today!