gift ideas for high school boys basketball

I need ideas for a gift for the senior boys on my son's high school basketball team. Traditionally, all the graduating seniors on the team are given a small gift - a token to remember their years on the high school team. Last year it was a photo of the kid in action during a game. I do not have a camera to take photos plus 2 of the boys rarely get any playing time. Any ideas?

Hi Deborah, how about key chains? Most boys really want to drive or are driving. The ones who are driving will use it and see it everyday. The ones who don't will keep it until they do or use it on their house keys. And you can get them with any design these days. My friend gave me a keychain with my initial and I adore it and think of her every day I drive. It is more fun than you might think!

Frame a picture of the mascot with a basketball or word "basketball" and have the boys sign all around it. Don't forget to put the year! Even though 2 boys rarely get playing time, they're still part of the team and should remember that... supporting the team is just as important as playing in a game. Plus, a game is 32 minutes. Practice is 2 hours a day, 3 to 4 times a week. We as parents forget to see the big picture of a team sport. Don't minimize those 2 boys efforts and love of the game.

keychains with a basketball on them


basketball trading cards or posters of NBA players

i-tunes gift cards

jamba juice gift cards

My son was give a Glow in the Dark basketball for his birthday - he is out shooting hoops late in the evening its a great idea!!

Hi Deborah
If you go to Things Remembered in Oakridge and purchase a key chain with their initial and the year they graduate.

Check out for amazing

basketball gifts for guys: They also have a 1800 if you have questions.

Thanks to everyone who responded. Not only did I get some great ideas, but it really made me feel like I had people to count on for help. This is my first request from mamasource and I am so pleased.