Getting & Staying organized

What I need is an organization Nazi to help run my home office! What are some ideas for
1.) Getting motivated- I seem to be the best at being a creative procrastinator
2.) Getting my home office & spare room organized-office floor is covered in boxes of product inventory and paper stuff, spar bedroom serves as office storage
3.) KEEPING it clean & organzied.

P.S. The rest of my house is not only picked up & orderly its clean too. Beds are always made, kitchen is always clean and tidy, pillows on couch straight etc. Any ideas will help...Thanks!

Let me add that my office is very cute, pink walls, black sheers with a damash patterin curtain, shelves on the walls, 2 large bookshelves with product, a small bookshelf with paper, books etc, 2 rubbermaid type set of drawers for gift wrap etc. desk with chair, pictures on the wall...its cute! Still NOT motivated!

I am always most productive late at night. Sometimes my husband (who is in the Army) will give me a huge pile of ACUs and undershirts after he's been out in the field for ten days... but he usually gives them to me after dinner, around 8 pr 9pm. While he is passed out on the couch, I usually take that time to deep-clean the kitchen, do the dishes, etc. I would just get in there and do it... most people can't really get motivated to clean. :/ WalMart and Target have really inexpensive office supplies. Take advantage! Buy a little shelf and buy little containers to keep stuff in and it will keep the clutter off of your desk, the floor, chairs, etc. Another thing that might motivate you to KEEP it clean and organized once you're done, is to paint one of the walls, or add a nice border on the top. Buy some inexpensive curtains or keep a small fishtank or something... something that will want you to keep it looking nice, so it's not so boring and "office-y".

You could even buy a little cat litter box (they're like $1) - they're shallow and the perfect size for paper. I use one for my printer paper and it's in the closet totally safe. For storage, I use the big rubbermaid tubs. Label them with exactly what's in there, so you know what is in each of them, and stack them along the wall. It can be a storage room, but still have plenty of room to talk around.

The little container idea even works for my husband. We have a shelf in the garage that I make him put his Army stuff on... after reminding him everytime he gets back from the field, he started just doing it on his own. You just have to make a habit of it, and then it will come naturally.

Hope I've been some help. Happy organizing!

There are going to be lots of options to organize everything. I'm always trying to organize my friends but I've learned two things: don't hide what you're always using and declutter as much as possible (that's why it's so easy to kept a bed and couch clean, so little to clean up). My two organizing ideas: I use a letter holder for all incoming paperwork, when it fills then it's time to sit down and a bin by the stairs to get stuff up and down in less trips. I hope you have success in your project. The more you want it, the better the outcome.


There are going to be lots of options to organize everything. I'm always trying to organize my friends but I've learned two things: don't hide what you're always using and declutter as much as possible (that's why it's so easy to kept a bed and couch clean, so little to clean up). My two organizing ideas: I use a letter holder for all incoming paperwork, when it fills then it's time to sit down and a bin by the stairs to get stuff up and down in less trips. I hope you have success in your project. The more you want it, the better the outcome.

Do you have an Ikea near you? Just walking through there and seeing all of their displays gets me motivated. They sell a lot of great organizational items, and it's cute and inexpensive. Also, set small goals, like today I will go thru this box and shred all of the papers I don't need, tomorrow I will empty this drawer and toss things I don't need, etc. etc. Good luck!

I think someone already mentioned breaking down the project into smaller steps that are easily achievable. Help yourself succeed by not forcing yourself to do it all at once. And reward yourself for each step you finish!

I find it easier to start by organize stuff into like items. IE- create a box with stuff to file, organize product boxes with like items, have a box just for things that don't belong in that room, a box for give away items, put all your writing utensils/office supplies in one area, get the idea. Once you've organized all you have to work with, you will have a better idea of what type of space you will need to store it all. Then create specific 'homes' for all your items. I have a continual box for 'stuff to go thru' that helps me keep the other areas more clutter free. I designate one day a month to go thru it and tell myself I can't make excuses for the one day that I have to 'work' on my clutter! ;) I've found that rubbermaid bins are my friends! I may come up with a more attractive storage solution once I've downsized some more, but for now- I have a bunch of neatly organized and labeled bins for things such as my extra purses and bags, party supplies, winter items, etc...
Good Luck finding a method that works for you!

shelves, shelves, portable draws that can fit in closets, various baskets,
and hutches or benches with hinged tops for various storage, also hefty zip locks gallon sized. and good luck; blast your favorite songs and shake that booty as you work and sing loudly!