Gas Pain & Fussiness

my son had the same problem. We used Gas drops and enfamil gentlease. That pretty much solved his problem.

We had the same problem with our baby. I took the do nothing/wait it out approach. I continued to excusivly breastfeed. It got a lot better at 3 months of age and 4 months was even better. She is now 5 months and she only spits up a little and fusses when she is sleepy.

My advice be patient and let your baby know you love him by just being there when he is having problems. My baby liked sitting in a reclined possition (45 degrees) and my bending her knees toward her chest.

My son was basically the exact same story. I felt so bad for him, and was told it would eventually just go away. I used Gentlease formula (there's a generic @ Walmart too!). That helped alot! BUT, it still was bad, so I tried Udo's Probiotics from the internet. It's a supplement to put the "good" bacteria back in the babies colon. Google probiotics to learn more. It seemed to help him alot. Also, has a velcro band that is heated that puts gentle pressure and warmth on their little tummies. Good luck, and know it DOES get better!

Our 6 week old daughter has the same problem and has been diagnosed with reflux. While the medicine seems to have helped she still has gas so we give her Gripe Water when we can't stop the crying. This is a natural supplement of ginger and fennel water. It also helps with hiccups. She loves it! We got it at Walgreens.

My 6 week old has been having the same problem. The gas drops seemed to help a little, but he was often still very uncomfortable. Our pediatrician recommended that we try gripe water. This can be found in the infant section at Walgreens (I know they don't have it at Walmart....not sure where else they sell it). It is a natural remedy and I believe that ginger is the main ingredient (which I also know has been used for car- and sea-sickness). You are supposed to give a teaspoon at a time for my son's age. The dropper is only a half-teaspoon and by the time I have done one dropper full, he is usually calm before I even give the second. I thought I was going to have to cut out milk products, which I was not looking forward to, but this seems to have done the trick.

Also, our pediatrician said that gas often peaks at 6 weeks and tends to start getting better after that, so hopefully you are on the up-swing now. Good luck!

We had gassy tummy troubles with our daughter, and Baby's Bliss Gripe Water worked wonders. It's homeopathic, so you can give it as often as needed. We needed to order it online through Order two bottles at once so you're ready (if you choose to try this). Good luck. It will get better!

My sister-in-law also had a gassy baby (he is 5 months now). She tried massaging his chest/tummy to help move the gas bubbles along and it worked like a charm - he was always much more comfortable after that. Search for the technique online... hey, it definitely won't hurt!

There was no need to stop nursing him. However, you use babies magic tea to soothe your child from tummy bugs. If you are breastfeeding your baby (I know not now, but next baby), you also drink this tea and it will pass through your milk to your baby.

I don’t think that if a mom is eating something that is causing the gas problem in their newborns and, for this reason, you stop breastfeeding. There are lots of home remedies to cope with this problem. I had the same problem with my LO and I treated him through giving him and drinking myself babies magic tea.

Thank you to everyone that responded. We were able to narrow it down to his reflux vs. the gas. His pedi changed his reflux medication to Prevacid and he is now doing much better. We are also feeding him more upright and keeping him upright for 30 minutes after feedings. He is a much happier baby in just a weeks time. Thanks again for all your support!