Hello again gardening mamas! Early this spring I prepared the garden soil and then covered the whole area with landscape fabric mulch. I have planted my broccoli cauliflower peppers tomatoes- all plants- with no problems. Works great! Then I realized i wasn't thinking far enough ahead. How am I going to plant the seeds- corn and beans, etc? Anyone done this? Ideas,etc?
I don't want to remove it- I am not great at keeping up with weeds so this garden fabric mulch is a great thing!
Help! TIA
Poke a hole in it... then plant the seed.
It should be fine.
good luck!
Yep, what Susan said. Make sure the hole is large enough to accomodate the grown plant, not just the first sprout, so the sprout doesn't get itself choked by the fabric as the stalk widens. By the way, you may know this already, but if you plant a pole bean seed next to a corn seed, you get a "pole" for the bean plant to grow as the corn stalk develops. The root systems don't interfere with each other.
move the dirt/mulch and use a knife to cut an x in the fabric. Plant the seed there and lightly recover.
One more idea, buy a few peat pots and start your seeds in that. Once the seedling is well on it's way, you can cut the hole in the fabric large enough to accommodate the peat pot and plant.