I Have 3 kids 15, 3 and 2. My oldest was a dream when it came to eating. However my 2 lttle ones don't like to eat. My 3 yr old daughter is just below the 10th percentile for her weight and 50th for height. The doctor says not to worry bcse she is following her own curve. The problem with her is that she doesn't like food period (unless it's junk such as candy, etc).
My little guy loves to eat, but only a few specific things. Everyday for breakfast he has Kix or mini waffles and fruit. Since he won't drink milk I give him Dannon Danimal smoothies 2x a day. Lunch is ham rolled up and sting or american cheese and more fruit. He will not eat bread or crackers. He actually cries if u try and give it to him!!! Dinner is usually fine since he is meat and potato freak. His weight is fine, he is actaully on the chubby side.
My problem is that I feel like a short order cook for every meal. I also end up throwing away a lot of food (which in this economy is something I cant afford)> Does anyone have any fun food ideas to get my kids on the page of the menu. I'm in trouble whent they start school!!!!!