food allergy meal ideas

I don't know much about it but my nephew was allergic to several things including dairy, carrots, eggs, honey who knows what else (He has out grow them all so there is hope)My sister use to buy veggie slices they look like kraft singles and we found them right with the other cheese. but that was awhile ago (he is now 12) so I am not sure but hope that helps you some. Also you could keep eye ut for goat cheese or try goats milk my boss makes both you can get the goat milk at the store it is VERY expensive and is sold warm. ours is near the condensed milk.hopefully you could find a farmer in your area that has goats and has extra milk and makes cheese. As with the other allergies if there is a snack or food he really enjoys look at other brands or generic versions, for example i know my nephew could not have oreos but the store brand did not contain dairy and were not to bad. I don't know all the other things but I know she did that with oreos and gram crackers. sorry not more info hope you have luck!! I just thought is he allergic to chocolate or cocoa beans maybe white chocolate if it is the cocoa beans. Just start reading everything and depending on the severaty of his allery you may have to be careful of things made in places that handle any of his allergans!

another thing I want to throw out to you to check on is many places are switching to peanut oil to deep fry things please ask before serving to you son. My Brother is very allergic to peanuts/peanut butter and we found this out the hard way. I don't know of any subs for this we just never ate it I also have a mild allergy to peanuts ( I vomit if eat more than a bite or two my bro swells and his throat and lips swell first causing breathing issues.

I use the tofutti cheese slices for my son. Those of us who have eaten dairy don't like the taste of the non-dairy cheese. Be careful as rice and soy cheese contain casein, a milk protein. The tofutti cream cheese and sour cream are very good. Everyone in our house likes those.

Some good resources are FAAN, Food Allergy and Anaphylaxis Network, and The Food Allergy Kitchen, a yahoo group. You can search for recipes and ask questions of other members.

I love the cook book What's To Eat? The egg-free, dairy-free, peanut-free cookbook.

Good Luck!

It is rough when there are that many things to avoid. When we were first trying to decide what my daughter was allergic to we had to take a way all of the allergens and work up from there. If you like meatloaf, you can substitute a banana or applesauce for the egg. It really does taste pretty good. It gives it a much sweeter taste. I was pretty much cooking from scratch at that point. Check the label on the veggie slices, I believe that they still have a dairy based preservative in them. I am not positive on that. I know that hotdogs have a dairy based preservative in them also. McDonalds french fries have a dairy based preservative in the seasoning that they put on them. Go to, they have a lot of info on the dairy based preservatives and a list of some substitutes. It was very overwhelming at first, but we found out she was only allergic to dairy. It gets so much easier after you figure out the hidden allergens in some things. Meijer has a healthy section in each of their isles and they have boxed foods that are allergen free. It made my life a lot easier when shopping and trying to find some quick lunch ideas. If you think about it this way, your child is going to be a lot healthier by not eating all of the dairy and the prepared boxed foods anyway. I never did find a cheese substitute that was very good. My daughter is 3 and she can eat a lot of the dairy products now and it doesn't seem to bother her. I still can't give her a glass of milk, but I think the soy milk is better anyway. The doctors told me that kids with dairy sensitivities can usually handle hard cheese like real cheddar as opposed to the cheese food products (slices). My son had a milk allergy also and he could eat anything except for a glass of milk. I put him on lactose free milk and he did fine with that. There is also a butter that is pretty good called earth balance I think. That is one that I found in the dairy free section, but there is one butter with the rest of the butter that should work (atleast with the dairy allergy, I am not sure about the peanuts and eggs) It was called....I can't quite remember the name but it was in a yellow container and it was one of the heart healthy butters and it was only the light because the regular had dairy based preservatives in it. The website I gave you was a great resource for me. It will even give you a list of the fastfood places and what contains the allergens there. That is how I found out about the milk based preservative in McDonalds french fries seasoning. If you need someone to bounce ideas off of or just to vent I would be glad to listen because I know how overwhelming it can be at first. good luck

Books to get from the library, then buy if you really like them: The Allergy Self-Help Cookbook by Marjorie Hurt Jones; Dairy-Free, Egg-Free, Kid Pleasing Recipes & Tips
by Theresa Kingma; Kid Friendly Allergy Cookbook
by Leslie Hammond and Lynne Marie Rominger; What's to Eat? by Linda Marienhoff Coss; 8 Degrees of Ingredients
by Melissa Priem
What might help: Many Kosher products contain no dairy ingredients when the word "parve" is on the packaging, or have a kosher mark [such as a "U" with a circle around it, for supervision and approval by Rabbis for the OU/UO] without a "D" for dairy. Also, cCheck with your local supermarkets for a selection of products that may also be listed as 'nut-free', etc. Note that this does NOT mean organic. Good luck.

My daughter is allergic to dairy as well. There is a brand of hot-dogs that is dairy free. It is called Hebrew National - you'd have to read the label to ensure it is free of egg/peanut, but I think it is. Giant Eagle carries it. They are kosher hotdogs, and any meat that is kosher is dairy free.

The healthfood section at Giant Eagle also carries some cookie, cake, brownie, and pancake mix by Cherry Hill farms that is dairy, egg, gluten, and peanut free. I've tried the pancake mix - it's pretty good. (No egg required to make it).

If he like's soup, Progresso makes a few soups that are fee of the allergens you mentioned and they clearly label all their soups in regards to allergens.

There are "ice cream" sandwiches called Cutie Pies, made by the Tofetti people, carried at Giant Eagle that are also dairy free (not sure about the other allegens you mentioned).

Fleicshman's unsalted margerine is dairy free. (Also carried at Giant Eagle) It's not tasty to eat straight, but works well when baking/cooking. You'd have to double check the label on the egg, peanut ingredients, put I don't think it has any of those in it.

Some health food stores do carry soy cheeses that are dairy free - but don't assume - you need to check the label. My daughter eats a lot of pasta for lunch and dinner. Tyson chicken nuggets are dairy free (you'd have to double check on the egg though) and Van De Kamps Fish Sticks are dairy free (again, double check the egg though). I'm pretty sure those both only identify wheat as being an allergen.

My husband used to make "mac & cheese" for our daughter using the Tofetti cheese and she loved it. Of course, at that time, she had never tasted real cheese (she was diagnosed with the allergy at 10 months.)

Hope this helps. Good Luck

Thanks to everyone who responded with food ideas that my son can eat. It really helped having suggestions of certain products that other people have tried. We are adjusting well to life without dairy, eggs, peanuts, and chocolate. I do have occasional chocolate cravings and eat a candy bar or something when my son is not around. I found some great cookbooks that cater to the major allergies and we have been able to make some cookies and other treats.

We are now seeing a better side of our son now that he is not feeling sick to his stomach all the time. It is also comforting to me that we now know what was going on and can help improve his health and life! Thanks again!