I am wondering if anyone has an experience with flying in the third trimester. My sister died yesterday and I can't imagine not going to her funeral to be with my family. I am 35 weeks now, I might be 36 weeks on the return flight. I have heard airlines won't allow you to fly after 36 weeks even with a doctor's note? My pregnancy is going fine and there are no complications.
So sorry about your sister. You should talk to your doctor. A girlfriend of mine flew while 36 weeks with her second son and delivered him in florida while visiting there. her husband missed it and she was all by herself. airlines don't want you to go into labor on the plane. your doctor could check to see if you're dilated and give you some advice on the risks. i flew at 30 weeks with no problem, but that's a big difference!
With my first pregnancy, I flew at 35 weeks...might have even been about 36 weeks coming home. I had never had any complications and things were great. It wasn't a problem for me. And I got back in plenty of time. Both my kids have been late comers. :)
I'm so sorry about your sister!
So sorry to hear about your loss, my heart goes out to you. I flew in my 8th month. I was smaller and the airline wasn't the wiser. However I was healthy and felt great and had no reason to be worried about early delivery. Best of luck making the correct decision for your situation.
I flew from Colorado home to Indiana at 36 weeks and didn't have a problem. I think that "airlines don't let you fly" thing may be an old wives' tale. I'd still get a doctor's note to be safe. My condolences on your loss.
I would contact my doctor today and ask if he would have an issue with you flying. You have my sympathy in the passing of your sister.
I had the same thing happen - my Mother died and I flew at 36 weeks with my daughter. My sister was 35 weeks with her son. It was a difficult funeral to say the least.
I went to my OB, got complete copies of my records, a note that I was not in pre-term labor, and had no problems. I took the records so that I knew if I did go into labor the docs would have what they needed. I also had my doc contact a local doc where I was going so that I had a name should I need it.
I am sorry for your loss. Please remember to relax and remember that your state impacts that little person. Focus on the positive - I know it is hard.
Hi Rebecca,
I don't have any advice about flying other than to check with both the airline and your doctor ahead of time. I can't imagine not going if it were my sister either but you don't want to put yourself and the baby at risk. Keep in mind that the added stress of your sister passing could impact you also. I am so sorry for your loss. You and your family are in my prayers.
Be safe!
First of all, my prayers and sympathy goes out to you and your family. I had a sister who was in 3rd trimester and no problem. I would call your doctor to see what he says. how long of a flight is it? Maybe that will determine whether or not you should go and the amount of stress you may have from the loss of your sister. You need to take care of you and your baby. Just be careful if you go. let us know how everything works out for you. .
Its been 11-1/2 years now, but I went to Atlanta for a wedding in Oct and was due mid Nov. No problem at all. I did use the courtesy car to get to the gate and boarded with the 1st boarders. You should clear it with Doc 1st. You're a little further on than I was. I'm sorry for your loss and hope you can be with others that share your grief.
I'm so sorry about your sister. How awful. Yes, GO to the funeral. I flew from Asia at 33 weeks and returned at 35 weeks during a perfectly normal, healthy pregnancy. And that's a really LONG flight! Get the doctors note and call to make your reservation (bereavement rates) and inform them that you are so many weeks pregnant and have a doctors note to fly. This way they are alerted before you're there. Then, just as a suggestion, wear maternity clothing that play down your belly so that the gate attendants don't freak out on you.
I don't know you, but I have a sister and two daughters who are blooming as sisters, and I can only imagine the shock, pain and grief you're feeling. Hugs to you.
Rebecca, I'm with you. There would be NO way that I couldn't imagine going to my sister/brother's funeral. I wouldn't miss it NO matter what. You definitely need to check with your OBGYN for his/her clearance. They may suggest you drive as opposed to fly. Either way, with the added stress of your sister's untimely death and pregnancy you should be prepared (bags packed) to go to your nearest hospital, whereever that may be. Best of luck to you and I'm very sorry for your loss.
I am so sorry for your loss and to know that you are going through this during your final trimester.. You poor thing!
I would contact your doctor explain the situation.. Take in to consideration what he has to say but also know that this is your sister's funeral and you really will regret not going (trust me) regardless of the circumstances. If you have had a stable pregnancy this entire time then go be with your family and everything should work out. I will send a prayer out for you and your family.. God bless
Can you ask your family to postpone the service until after the baby is born?
I flew to the Netherlands for Christmas for a couple of weeks when my second was due mid Feb.. It was smooth and easy. My opinion was they have doctors where ever you are going. Good luck.
Hi Rebecca. So sorry for your loss. I flew at 27 weeks and 36 weeks with my first born & neither time did the airlines ask for anything from me. My doctor had to clear me for my own good (quick check up) and allowed me to go because it was just a 2 hr flight and he made sure to tell me which hospital to go to in my destination city if need be. My advice would be to Go ahead and book the flight as long as your doctor says its ok.
I am so sorry for your loss. Do check with your doctor first, before booking your flight. I don't suppose you could possibly drive there?
Take care and again my sympathy to you and your family.
First I am sorry for your loss. My thoughts will be with your family and you as you make your decision. During my third trimester my doctor told my that it would be alright to fly. I know that I was restricted from flying after my 36 week because how close to my due date. It should be fine for you to travel. My only advice for you is to locate a hospital near by and OB just in case anything happens.
I am so sorry to hear about your sister. Of course you should be at her funeral. What I recommend is calling and talking to your doctor because he/she knows exactly where you are at with your pregnancy. Then I would talk to the specific airline that you would be flying with. If it is close enough, the other option is to drive to the funeral if they won't let you fly ( and map out some hospitals along the way just in case) I hope you can make it out there! Good luck!
I'm sorry about your sister, you should definately go. I flew when I was about 33 weeks along with no problems, actually everyone on the plane was extremely corteous and attentive to me. Check online about the airlines policies, I think after 36 weeks you need a note from the dr. Just make sure while your on the plane you get up if it's a long flight and walk around!