Financial Advice

Well, this is embarassing, but I need advice. I'm really thinking about filing bankruptcy and I'm not sure if I have the nerve to do it or not. I worked so hard to keep my credit in excellent shape. Ever since I got married it has just gone down hill. Its nothing against my husband, its just things have come up unexpectedly. Anyway, I have a job that I do not like and if I do this I will be able to stay home with my 7 month old baby boy, which would be wonderful. I need advice on what to do. If I keep making minimum payments on my bills I will be paying them for 23 years!!! What do I do?

If you can NOW afford to make the minimum payments keep making them! Hopefully your financial situation won't always be the same. Bankruptsy won't be fun in the long run and since you and your husband have jobs you will probably have to pay it all back anyways.

My husband and I struggled with money as well. I recently read Total Money Makeover by Dave Ramsey and since September we've been following his plan. We make A LOT less than we used to since I've been staying home and my husband joined the mlitary BUT financially, we're MUCH better off. has lots of great resources and you can check out Total Money Makeover at your library.

We've cut back a lot on our spending but after a couple months, it becomes a way of life!
If you have any more questions feel free to ask! I'm FULL of money saving advice!! Good luck and check out the website!

There are many professional ways for Moms to make money from home. In these difficult economic times, many families are looking to find reliable sources of income from established companies. Bankruptcy is such a drastic measure and the way banks are conducting themselves today, it makes reestablishing any type of credit extremely difficult. You may want to visit to gain more information. If nothing else, you may find out how to have a healthier environment for your family.