Father's Day gift ideas, please!

This will be my husband's 2nd father's day and I am drawing a complete blank for a gift idea for him! Last year I got him a framed picture of our daughter and me to have at his office. Please help me out with some gift ideas!! Thanks!

Is he a baseball fan? Buy a baseball and paint your daughter's hand to make a handprint on it. Put her name then and the date. I bet he will cherish it forever.

Does he have any hobbies? I know that my ex always loved it when I bought him new tools, a grilling set or just a "World's Greatest Dad" t-shirt. You can buy the plaster casting sets, perhaps you could make an imprint of your daughters hands or feet. Something to remember how little she is now, since they grow up so fast. Another idea would be to draw around her hands and make it a card. Hope this helps.


I just put together about 6 different ideas on my blog. One is a make each year tradition and another is a really cute Nuts About You keyring. You can check them out here:


But just remember that your husband probably just wants to feel pampered and loved and anything you and your daughter do is special!

A couple of the things we have done for dad's day gifts are: 1. pop can holders (buy the foam cozy covers at Michael's) have your daughter color the cozy cover... dad can use all summer long.
2. BBQ tools - take the wooden ones and have her color (with a sharpy) the handles and write happy fathers day along one side! Make a really cute gift.
3. the other thing they did for my husband was built a bird feeder at home depots build clinic (the first Saturday of every month is build clinic there for free!) then colored the bird house and hung outside. They are really proud of it!

4. Last idea is a tree. Get a really small tree and plant it! The idea is then year after year you see the trees growth. Every year on fathers day you take a picture of the trees growth... while standing infront of the tree you then get to see the growth of your daughter next to the tree year after year!!
Good luck and remember it's the thought that counts!

My husband really needs a new universal remote for the home entertainment system. It is a more expensive gift (I have to get one that can be programmed with macros) - but I know he will like it, especially since it will be from his little girl.

What about lawn games that he can play with the kids? We are getting my dad a bean bag toss game that comes in a nice case because even the littlest grandkids can play with the whole family.

try www.sharemykidsart.com. My wife got me a coffee mug with a drawing that my son did for me and I love it! I know, it's a little sappy, but what can I say. We also got the grandparents a calendar from the site and they love it too. It's a fun site and free to use, the only thing you need to pay for are the products (like coffee mug, calendar, etc...).

Good luck!