False Negative Pregnancy Test?

Hi ladies - you all have been so helpful in the past, I'm hoping you can come through for me again this time! Okay, here's the background. After my son was born (12/05), I went back on the pill about 3 months later, and was on the pill until last Nov. (07). My husband and I decided that if I got pregnant, that was okay, though we weren't actively trying. Fast forward to now - we are in the early stages of truly trying to get pregnant, and thankfully, my periods have always been very, very regular. However, I am now 8 days late and have a negative pregnancy test. Have any of you moms had a negative test that turned out to be positive? How long do you wait to take another one? When did you call your ob/gyn? I don't want to get our hopes up, or get overly worried that there may be a problem!! Thanks again ladies!

I had a false negative. I would wait about another week and retest. I used first response-its a lil more expensive but has been reliable. If you still dont get a period after you retest, go get a blood test.

I never had a negative and I always took a test two weeks after I was late. As soon as you find out call your OB to make an appt., now they wait till your like 12 or 13 weeks to be seen. Good luck on trying to have another precious gift.

I always get a positive on the day my period is due, but it is my understanding that it can take longer. If you are 8 days late, I'd test every few days. Use first morning urine, even if the test says you don't need to. My OB sees patients at 8 weeks pregnant. It wouldn't hurt to call your OB/gyn for advice, since you aren't sure what is going on. Good luck!

My friend recently had a false negative. I think her period was a week late at that point. She took another one several days later and it positive. It would probably be ideal if you could wait a week or so and try it again, but I was never that patient and I'm sure I wouldn't be able to hold off that long. If it were me, I think I would buy a really sensitive test (I think there is one that you can use 5 days before your missed period) and take it first thing in the morning in a day or two so that hopefully if there is a pregnancy hormone there, it will be concentrated enough to detect. Good luck! :)

false negatives are actually very common, because HPT check for horomones and your hormones can increase at different rates. I'd wait a week and retest, or call your doc. keep in mind though the stress of trying to get pregnant can make your period late as well, though for me testing normally makes it start, lol. best of luck.

It's possible that you are pregnant but are getting a false result.

What time of day are you taking the test? It is best to do it first thing in the morning because your body has stored up urine from the night and therefor will have more traces of hCG.

Also, actually 'trying' to get pregnant can throw your body off a bit. I was late a few times when we were actively trying to get pregnant with our first child.

You might wait a week or so and retest. If you still do not have your period or are still getting a negative result, contact your physician for a blood test.

God bless,

Hello, I had the same thing happen to me! It turns out that I ovulated later than i thought, so I didn't get a + until 8+ days late. I would also suggest the dollar store tests. I use them everytime. I can test every day, and they also detect a smaller amount of HCG than some of the more expensive tests. I have never gotten and I don't think you can get a false +. Due to detection of HCG. Good Luck!

Did you make sure you waited long enough on the first one? I remember being so mad that I threw the thing in the garbage. Only to return later and see two beautiful lines indicating I truly was with child. Don't wait try again.

Hi Kristen!

That is a very good question. My recommendations would be to take another test, false negatives are quite common.

Wishing you the very best!!

Hi Kristin..here's my story
We moved in with Dan's mom while the house we were buying was still waiting to be closed on. (to avoid another rent payment and resigning of a lease) Well Dan's mom alaways cooked full course meals. My Periods have NEVER been regular. It would be nothing for me to go a few months without a period.
After not having a period for 2 months I took a pregnancy test...negative......I continued to take them here and there...I took a total of FIVE DIFFERENT BRANDS.
I was at work on day and PASSED OUT!
I went to the dr and found out I was almost 5 months pregnant.
I thought i was gaining weight from eating my mil's cooking lol..with this being my first pregnancy I didn't really know any better...so my answer is YES you can get a negative result and still be pregnant but the best way to know is see your dr.
Good luck!!!

with my first i got a negative on sunday re took on friday and it was positive.
My sister just recently took one in may after missed period said negative took one in june said positive went to doctor she was 11 week pregnant. So yes it could happen. Good luck!

I got a negative when my period was 2 days late, waited 5 days, then got a positive. I know it's hard to wait, but also hard (and expensive!) to take one every day. Although if you are already eight days late, if you are pg, you should get a positive soon. Maybe wait 3-5 days and test again. Good luck!

Yeah, when I got pregnant with my 2nd. I had all the symptoms, was 2 weeks late and got a negative. I waited one more week and tested again and it was positive. Good luck. Hope it works out for you.


Yes - this happened to me! Two tests were negative, but I was pregnant. I called my doctor after a week. They asked that I wait two weeks, but we compromised on ten days before I went in to get a blood test.

One thing I realized - my pregnancy tests had expired. I didn't even know that was possible, but my doctor thinks that could explain the inaccurate results.

Good luck!!

When I got pregnant w/ my first child, the first pregnancy test I took was negative. But I knew that didn't seem right b/c of how late I was. I think I took the second test only a day or two later and it was positive. Good luck!

How much water are you drinking? You might be diluting the HcG to the point where it doesn't produce a positive reading.

Also, your pregnancy test should contain contact info - don't hesitate to call them about your specific test.

Yes. One to two weeks worked for me.

With my son - and second child, I took a pregnancy test bc I was nausious. I was so sure I was preggo.
It was negative.

Two weeks later I took a test again and I was pregnant.

He is 14 months now :)

Not an expert in this area, but have a lot of friends who have had this happen to them. I have heard that you can have a false negative, but never a false positive. my girlfriend had 3 false negatives and then wound up with twins on the 4th.

You never know!!! I would wait a few more days and go from there, just maintain your vitamins and then everything will be ok when it does happen. Good Luck!