Experience with laser eye surgery

I've been considering having laser eye surgery for years. But I'm a little freaked out about it because, well, it's my eyes! I only wear glasses because I can't stand contacts and I'm really ready to get rid of the glasses. I'm hoping to hear from those of you who have had the surgery. What did you think of the process? Did you have any problems/side-effects? Would you do it again? Thanks.

My friend had it done and is so happy she did. I remember that i guess some times your eyes can be a little sensitive after words but other than that she had no problems. I say go for it. And it would help to go talk to your eye doc. first i'm he or she could answer all your questions.

I would do it again in a second! My husband and I had it done about 5 years ago and I am still happy with the results. I think that the procedure is really safe and it doesn't hurt at all. It takes about 30 minutes but they recommend that you stay home from work (if you work) that afternoon and the next day just to let your eyes heal. I had a bit of discomfort the night of the surgery. No pain, it just felt like I had grit in my eyes. That feeling was gone by morning. The only side effects that I experienced was a worsening in my night vision and and halos around lights for about a month. Those went away after about a month.
I say go for it!

It was the best thing I ever did for myself. My quality of life definitely improved dramatically. I can see better than I ever did with contacts or glasses and you would not believe what a luxury it is to wake up in the middle of the night and see what time it is! It has been a year since my surgery and I have had no problems. I would do it again in a second! The recovery wasn't bad either. My eyes stung for about 6 hours, but I could still see. The next day I was back to normal. The only thing I didn't know about was that you can't rub your eyes at all for 6 weeks. That was a little hard not to do, but you get used to it. If you are in the SLC area I can give you a great referral. Good luck!

Oh Katie,
I had it done 8 years ago and had to do it 3 times! I was literally legally blind. My negative was -11.75 in one eye and -12.75 in the other. (most peoples average is a -3.
So I went in knowing I had to do it 3 times. But I am SOOOOO happy I did it. I would definately reccomend it. The only side effect I had (I hear this same one from most) is it feels like sand is in your eyes for several hours and you can't rub them so it kinda hurts. But by the next morning I drove myself to the dr.'s office and could see everything wonderfully! So really check into a good dr. and you will not regret it for a second!
Good luck.

Hi Katie,

I would not only do it again if I had to, but I would pay double what I did for it! I LOVE it. I am so happy I finally did this and wouldn't go back to glasses or contacts for a second! It is well worth the money and time.

I had it done & love, love, love it. My husband, too. It looks like you're in the Salt Lake area. I would go see Dr. Corey Miller for a free consultation to see if you are a candidate. His office is on 3900 S. He did my eyes & my husband's. I like him because he is an extremely gifted eye surgeon - a corneal specialist - who happens to do laser eye surgery as well. He has done thousands & thousands of laser eye surgeries - so he has plenty of experience. But I trusted him with my eyes because he is such a great surgeon. I continue to see him for my regular eye exams - 7 years later. I wouldn't trust my eyes to anyone else.


I worked in a Lasik Center for several years. It was such a rewarding experience because I saw Lasik change people's lives. Lasik is a miracle of technology. It really works.. I myself dont' wear glasses and have always had good eyesight. In my time in the Center I saw hundrerds of happy endings.. I can honestly say I did not see one unhappy customer. I would suggest going to 3 different Optometrists and getting evalutated. First see if you are a good candidate for the surgery and get several opinions. If you are a good candidate it is only a matter of finding a doctor that you feel has the best expertise and equipment..
I wish you the best and hope that you can experience Lasik.. it is truly amazing. I wish you the best..

I was one of the VERY few people that did have some problems with lasik--and I would still do it again in a second!!! The thing that my doctor told me which put me at ease is that anything that could go wrong (which is highly unlikely in the first place) can be reversed. I ended up just having to put steroid eye drops in my eyes for a few months. That was three years ago and haven't had any problems since. Do it! You won't regret it!

My husband had Lasik done last year. He has been impressed with the results as well as the professionalism of Hoopes Vision Lasik Center. They are worth the extra dough. I always feel like you get what you pay for. The first few days was rough on him, but that went by fast and was over in a "blink". Okay, that was cheesy. Best wishes.

I’m so glad every one had positive results to share. I’m definitely going to look into it. Hopefully soon I can say, “Bye bye!” to my glasses. Thanks!