Does anyone have any ideas for making inexpensive easter baskets. Also inexpensive easter decor. I need them for my 3 kids 6, 2 1/2, and 1 year old.
Check out the website:
They have tons of ideas on their site for Easter baskets, crafts, decor, etc...
I make baskets for my 3 boys every Easter. I began buying @ the 99 cent store. Buy what looks good from there. You'll be surprised at what you can find there. The celluphane to enclose the basket, grass, plastic eggs, bubbles, nik naks (balls for boys, barbies for girls, etc), the list goes on. At Walmart I find the plastic baskets for $1. Or you can invest in the wick baskets & reuse them as long as possible, year after year. Then I buy one good toy or whatever it is they're into at the time & ta-da!!!!!!!!! And don't forget the candy!!! Good Luck!!!
I make gift baskets for the kids out of paint cans.(New ones) I decorate it in a easter theme and they use that year after year. I have a online store if you would like to check some out....I can make them for fit your tell me the amount and I get it done for you with all age appropriate items. Check them out at
If you have any questions you can email me at [email protected]
I usually shop the dollar store too, but I try to find a theme. Something my girls are really into. I have two daughters 4 and 6. Think of their interests and go for it. If they like animals, think plastic animals, books, coloring books, puzzles all with animals on them. My 4 year old was really into dinosaurs one year so she got a dinosaur themed basket. My 6 year old loves barbies, last year I filled her basket with inexpensive barbie-like dolls from Big Lots and inexpesive clothes, plus books. They love books. Kids just love playing with new toys so whatever you choose will be fine. Bubbles are great for everyone so think lots and lots of bubbles. One year I just bought the inexpensive baskets from Walmart and added a few items to them. Walgreens has great deals on toys too. Just don't go overboard. I've done that too. Good luck.
Go online and print some coloring pages and puzzles then put in those inexpensive binders w/holes. Try this site: Yes....for sure shop the 99c store for crayons, markers, basket, etc..... I use food coloring to make tie dye easter eggs. It much easier and less expensive than those kits. Bake some cookies and wrap in the cellophane or zip locks to include in basket. ( Or those Little Debbie snack cake/brownies. Also try
Tie-dye eggs:
My mother-in-law always has the kids make 'Easter nests' the day before Easter. They go outside and pick up moss, leaves, pretty flowers, grass, etc. and then pile all their materials into a nest of sorts. When they wake up in the morning, their nests are full! It's fun and FREE!
I have two boys ages 7 & 8 so I know baskets can get expensive. My husband & I usually buy everything seperate instead of those ready made baskets. One year we bought plastic buckets like to take to the beach for sand castles, and about 5 Hot Wheels each, some plastic eggs, maybe one bag of chocolates for the eggs, of course the bunnies which were only maybe five dollars each. The best idea we had was, instead of buying the easter grass that lingers around until Christmas, we cut up the Sunday comics in shreds. It makes the baskets colorful and easier to clean up than the easter grass. I hope these ideas help you. Happy Easter!
I find the Family Dollar Tree to be very good when trying to do holiday stuff for the kids or maybe a 99cent store
I have found it easier to buy stuff in quantity and usually make several baskets for my little one and my nieces 7 nephews. I buy some goodies that all of them can enjoy: Vanilla Wafers, fruit juices, chips, a little candy, and some toys like crayons, coloring books, bubbles and water guns. Sometimes they have baskets also. Use seran wrap which they should have there too. Hope this helps.
Dollar Tree is my best friend...I have 10 nieces and nephews to buy for. I get their little buckets, add inexpensive Easter grass and find toys that will work for each age group I have to buy for. I even hit walmart for some little people in a tube for the youngest, he is 1 1/2. If you have the time, oriental trading company is another place to hit for really inexpensive items. for the inexpensive decor.
Hope this helps you out.
I have seen baskets made from plastic gallon milk jugs with construction paper ears and cotton for a tail. Those are long gone from my home.
However, growing up we always had our basket that got filled every year. We didn't get new ones every year they just got filled.
My boys have various baskets from grandmother's but have still used the same plastic bucket now for several in a row. This saves money and like the others - just go to the dollar store. My boys get a swim suit each easter too.
Have fun!
I have to agree with going to the the dollar store or dollar general or the .99'd be suprised at all the cute knick knacks they have. I'd go there alot of times to get stuff for my sunday school class and the kids loved it. Also, I recall one year my grandma sat all of us grandkids at the table and gave us markers and we got to color our own eggs any way we wanted was a good idea because then you don't stink up the house with vinegar and worry about stained clothing!
As for decor, get an origami book from the library and some inexpensive colored paper. (not construction paper- it is too thick) You can make several varieties of butterflies, bunnies, frogs, inflated egg shapes, birds, and all manner of other spring like things with paper and a little practice.
Good Luck.
I got a ton of stuff at walmart. Also, you can check Dollar General. Both have really cute stuff pretty cheap.
go to any 99 cent store they have a kinds of stuff i have 4 kids so they have stuff for all ages
I make my kids easter baskets too. I go to Dollar Tree or any Dollar Store that has good items and get whatever I think they might like. put like their fruit snacks, cookies, or whatever you like hust be creative. Thats what i do.
Hey. I make my childrens Easter baskets every year. It's better than buying the pre-made ones because you know what your kids like. Plus the pre-make ones have a bunch of cheap stuff in them that breaks pretty easily. I use their same baskets every year and we recycle the plastic eggs, and sometimes even the grass. The dollar Tree has really cute Easter deco, and baskets. The trick is getting there early enough to get the cute stuff. You can find, Easter coloring books and crayons and Easter activity books, and there are usually toys geared towards Easter as well. If that fails there is always Walmart.
something I've done every year now for the past 6yr. is bought plastic beach pails and painted bunnies, grass, eggs hideing in the grass, a great sunshine, clouds around the edges and then painted that childs name on the basket really cute. I would use paints that are for plastic bought at my local walmart of course. And then the kids have something fun to use at the beach two months later, instead of a typical basket that gets put away in storage in the attic and forgotten for years to come. I fill the baskets with the same kind of tissue you would use in a gift bag. (easter grass is way to messy),and put that childs favorate candies in the bucket along with a chocolate easter bunny. It's been a big hit with my kids for years,and now we do it for all the little cousins too. We have so much fun. It was also neat to see how others end up useing thier baskets. We went to AZ. at Christmas to visit one of the sisters and she had the one I made for her little girl last year in the bathroom with all of her bath toys in it. It was still so cute and made me smile remembering how much fun we have makeing them. I'm sure you will get alot of really great ideas. In fact I can't wait to read them myself. Good luck finding the one you will use.
Instead of baskets...get a Pail and Shovel and maybe a toy from the Dollar store. Then fill with some candy and stuffed animal. I did this several times when my kids where young. I loved doing outside stuff in the pails...The one year old will be happy with just the pail and a stuffed animal to hold. Have a great Easter!
I have a son age 7 and during the easter holiday the school always came up with cute easy easter baskets for the kids. milk jugs, easy to cut and decorate and cute too. Have fun