Hi Ladies. I am looking for a double stroller that would accomodate a 2 year old and a new born baby. We have a Chicco Infant Car Seat. Do you suggest tandem or side by side and what brands are the best? I'm looking into the Kolcraft, a sit and stand, a Peg-Perego and a B.O.B jogger. So many choices - please shed some light!!!! Thanks.
In my experience, the tandem was easier because the side by side was impossible to get through doorways.
My daughters are 18 monts apart. I had a tandem, which was hard enough to use in the malls and department stores. I couldn't immagine trying to use a side by side for shopping.
Also, I used to take walks arround the neighborhood. My neighborhood was built in the 40's, in most cases the sidewalks are narrow and in disrepair or nonexistant. A side by side would have never worked.
I agree with Gina in my experience the side by side is very difficult to get around. The tandem was so much better for us. I have a 3 yo and a new born. I also the tandem is more respectful of others when you are out in public.
Definitely tandem. My best friend with twins hated her side-by-side and warned me not to buy one. She had too much trouble getting around.
When I looked at double strollers, the most important aspect for me was one that allowed the infant carrier to click in. That way, I wouldn't have to unstrap the baby from the car and re-strap him into the stroller seat while he was sleeping. You will need things as easy as possible when you add your baby to the mix!
I have a Graco DuoGlider and was able to use my existing infant carrier. However, I don't know if you can mix the Chicco infant carrier into the Graco product. I loved that it had TONS of storage space under the seats (I could fit my over-stuffed diaper bag, a lunch pack for snacks, and a golf umbrella!) Plus the back seat is higher than the front...so when your baby is ready to sit upright, s/he can see over your toddler's head.
I would have considered a sit-and-stand if my firstborn had been MUCH older (she was 15 months when my son was born). The sit-and-stand offers a huge amount of "freedom" for the firstborn. I don't know which side of the 2s your firstborn will be on -- you'll need to decide if s/he is ready for that amount of freedom. I found it was nerve-racking to keep track of two little ones in a busy, public place (the mall, the zoo, etc.) and it was a lifesaver for me that I could strap them both into the stroller. Once they experience a little freedom, you'll never get them back into stroller!
I hope some of this helps! Good luck!!
I used all 3 kinds when my kids were that small, and I loved loved loved my sit and stand. Get the one with the cup holder up top (not just the metal handle). It is not as wide as the side by side, which can hardly fit through doors, but I always found the tandem hard to maneuver. The sit and stand was awesome, easier to drive and turn, my older son loved sitting different or standing up, he had more freedom and was happier.
definitely the side by side.
I prefer a side-by-side with a front wheel that both swivels and locks.
I have a BOB Duallie Revolution for my newborn and almost 3 year old child and LOVE it. It's ridiculously easy to fold, the wheels lock/unlock easily so it can fit in your trunk, and so entirely easy to maneuver. It is a side-by-side, so it might be a little difficult to move in and out of some stores BUT, if you're a jogger like I am, you'll definitely want to invest in this high-quality product. If you go with the BOB you will need to get the car seat adapter. It installs easily and holds the infant securely. I found the only downside was that it is a bit on the heavy side, but hey, it's a double stroller.
You will definitely want to go to stores and try out the various strollers. Some are darn near impossible to fold. I know you can find a Duallie at the REI in Oakbrook Terrace, but if you decide to go with one (they're pricey) your best bet would be to buy it online from Amazon.com - no tax/shipping!
Feel free to PM me with questions. I love my BOB!
Hate my side by side. too wide. I ended up carrying my son in a sling and keeping the single for her.
I have 16 month old twins, and definitely recommend the Combi Twin Sport. Its a side-by-side, and I've never had trouble getting through doors, aisles, etc. Its very light, turns and maneuvers so easily, and fold up very easily, to the size of a golf bag, standing up. I get get it out of the back of the minivan and open it with one hand. We also have the Graco Duoglider, and I hated it. It was so hard to maneuver. I can push the Combi with one hand and pull a grocery cart with the other hand to do my grocery shopping.
I used a peg perego with my older kids, which accommodated a baby seat but was hard to maneuver. I have a bob now with my twins, which is a breeze to move but doesn't fit through some doors and shopping lanes. So it depends what you plan to do with it - shop or walk around outside.
Hi there. I have a 21 month old and a 3 month old and we just purchased the Joovy Ergo Caboose and it's awesome!
It really depends on your main purpose. If you shop a lot and do malls then you want a tandem, because the isle are narrow and it is very hard to get around in a side by side. If you want to go to the zoo and do lots of walking then a tandem might be best. Also remember in a tandem they can get in and out easier as they get older, but they can also reach each other easier. Just some thoughts. I'm am out of the stroller stage, so can't recommend a specific brand but thought this would help give some thought to the type.
We have the Phil & Ted's Vibe and LOVE it! We have been using it as a single stroller for a year and a half and now plan to use it with our newborn (due in April) There are several ways to attach the second seat, and then it can go back to being a single stroller as your older child gets older. It folds with the second seat on it and has all sorts of attachments you could imagine. Its not perfect, you will hear some complaints about the brake being too sensitive, or the sunshade...but all in all this stroller is awesome, and you get used to how everything works. Easy to clean too. I believe there is an attachment to buy for attaching the carseats as well. It's worth a look.
We have the Peg Perego Aria Twin and have been very happy with it. Although it is a side by side, we never had trouble going through doors or maneuvering through stores. We had a tandem when they were little but once they got bigger, we preferred the side by side. Good luck
the kolcraft is super heavy and I believe better if you have two kids the same age....my friend's older child outgrew those seats not too long after purchasing. I had an Aria that fit through all doorways but pinched too many fingers because my kids had their hands on the outside of the trays. I had a Graco Quatro double that was tandem but heavy and hard to turn corners with (though lots of great storage and cupholders). My favorite double by far is the Baby Jogger City Mini. Turns easy and folds so easily (not too heavy). While it is a side by side it does fit through all the doorways and kids are sitting back enough so their hands dont get pinched. LOVE the canopies!!! Kids are totally shaded from the sun. You can see it at Buy Buy Baby in Downers. They also have the infant carrier attachment. The whole thing is less $ the the BOB. Good luck! I think I wrote in a similar question a couple of years ago!
Definitely a Phil and Ted's! We have the Sport, which is cheaper than the vibe (and a bit smaller too, I think) and I highly recommend it.
I am in the same situation. The only stroller's that accommodate the Chicco seat are the kolcraft and the sit and stand. I have heard that Chicco will be coming out with a double that accommodates the infant carrier but I am due very soon so I can't wait for its release. We ended up purchasing the double sit and stand. The carrier does not click into the frame but securely sits in the required spot with out moving. There is a safety strap that also attaches the carrier to the stroller. Once we placed the safety strap on the carrier, it was pretty clear that the baby carrier would not be going anywhere. I fell that the sit and stand is a safe option and will last us the lifetime of needing a double stroller. Good Luck!
We used our double stroller everywhere, I just loved it, it's so convenient to plop the kids in it and go. With a baby under 1 you really need the ability for the baby to lay down as needed. The stroller I bought was tandem. We thought about the side by side but it only took me about 2 minutes to realize it wouldn't work for us. We couldn't take it to Wal-Mart to shop, the rows are too close together. I liked the maneuverabilty of the tandem.
I prefer side by side. If you were going more towards the BOB, I would do Bumbleride instead, way better in all areas and about the same price if not cheaper. Love love love bumbleride. And if price is not an issue, the Jane(european just came to US last year) front back is the BEST double stroller, even though it's front back, you cannot tell, it's a dream!