We just adopted a 6 month old pup from the animal shelter. He's a BIG boy (about 48 lbs) and very very rambunctious. He LOVES to jump on people. I need to know how to break this habit and FAST! I have a 3 year old, and 7 month old and I babysit for a 4 year old. When the kids are outside with him, I leave him on his tie out because he knocks them over with his jumping. He's not jumping to be mean, he just wants to play. I look at him like a big kid, he just doesn't know his own strength. He doesn't hurt the kids when he knocks them over. I really want to be able to let him off the tie out and leash cause I know he needs to be able to run and play. We've only had him for a few days and we tell him "NO!" when he jumps, but he still does it. I've never had to train a dog before, so I'm kind of at a loss. He's a sheperd/boxer mix and is not fixed. He has to get caught up on all his shots and he has an appt to be fixed in April. In the meantime, are there any suggestions?
The best thing my husband and I did when we got our dog was to go to a training class with her. It wasn't for her as much as if was for us to understand her breed, etc. (she's a mut) and for us to be good dog owners.
It's relatively inexpensive, and it doesn't require a huge amount of time. It may also be really good for your kids to establish dominance over the dog (or it will be a continual struggle).
That being said, the training they gave us regarding jumping was to essentially knee the dog in the chest when they jump up on people. Never hard enough to hurt the dog, it just trains them that it's not a pleasant experience.
We had to work diligently with our dog on submission, jumping, etc. It took about 2 years, but she's been a relative angel since then.
I know places like PetSmart offer dog trainning classes. There are also other private places you can go. Or if you have a little bit of extra money you can actually have someone come into your home to help you personally train the dog to the environment. PetSmart lets you bring the kids with you...anyone that will be interacting with the dog is allowed to come for the most part. Ask your vet. They might have suggestions too. I'm also looking for a puppy training place as we just got a puppy that is likely to get well over 90lbs--(5lbs at 6 weeks) and I have a 7 year old child and a 2 year old Lab-Terrier Mix that's 35 lbs. Time to get these doggies under control! lol
Check out www.barkbusters.com
They're training is focused on the pack mentality. There has to be a leader in the pack and if it isn't you, it's the dog. Good luck
join an obiedience class. he is just a puppy and means no harm.I train with choke collars and reward make a big issue if he minds lots of petting good boy and such. I would buy a ball to take his hyperness down a level. I was told to break a dog of jumping on you by kneeing them in the chest. this is almost impossible to do. I would get him a pen for outside and if he jumps on the kids tell him no be nice and put him in the pen. put a collar on him and if he gets hyper make him sit by pushing in on his back knees and pull back on the collar. this makes them automatically sit. make him stay till he can calm down. when he calms down he will be allowed to play again.
hes been caged to long give him time to calm down a bit and quit craving attention. we adopted a cat 5 days ago the first 3 she was real clingy. now she still wants attention but its not constant now its off and on like we are used to with the other cats we have had. she had been caged too long also.
Look at them like they are a kid and need time outs too. it works the same way. make the time outs short since puppies have a short attention span. if you use a cage when she gets in trouble and told no dont be suprised if she goes to the cage on her own if she does leave her be. good luck and find an obiedience class
As in work in pet care, I would suggest www.barkbusters.com or caninedimensions.com as they come to your home and help train you as well. Agewise, he is at the right age to still be jumping. I would not let him off leash as he does not respond to commands. Also consider bringing in a pet sitter to walk him or run him daily.
Too many people get a puppy and do not realize they need to be trained as they see all these dogs out and about and listening. Repetitive behavior using key words so he understands to stay off the furniture. Also consider getting a crate for him to go into as well as this will help with housebreaking if you do not have a doggie door.
There are Fetch's all over the country so feel free to contact anyone locally. Also, call the various training places around your area to see how to begin working with your baby. Your little guy is just a baby so he acts like a three year old...well, because he is.
Libby Mitchell
Fetch Pet Care of NE Dallas
[email protected]
Taking your dog to obedience classes is a MUST. But between now and then when the puppy goes to jump on you (or any adult) pull your leg up and have him jump into your knee. Do this each and every time he jumps once say "No JUMP" and knee him. This may help him with the jumping. Good luck!
This is fixable, first don't spend money for someone else to handle your dog. You can do it, my god you had children you can do this!!!
First put a leash on with a chain collar. Make sure the collar is on right(there is a right and wrong way).
2nd Step on the leash low enough so when your dog jumps he is pulled down by the tension from your foot on leash. He won't realize you have a leash on him because your foot is on it. This will tire him out if he keeps jumping and will get the idea quickly.
3rd clap,and use a high pitch sound of voice to encourage him to jump on you and when he doesn't give him praise, dog treat, petting whatever he likes.
You have a smart breed of dog and will be amazed at what you can do with a hand full of treats and 15 min of your time...and it don't cost a thing!
Unless you have experience training previous pets, I would suggest seeking help. There are a few things you cab try yourself, but it sounds like this is going to be a big dog. And the last thing you want is a 100 lb crazy beast you can't control. And in considertaion of people visiting your home, its really unpleasant getting jumped on by an excited, hairy, LARGE dog. Try the leash trick mentioned before. Whenever he's around anyone keep him on the leash at all times. If he jumps up, snap the leash and say "NO, DOWN!" EVERY time he jumps. Also teach everyone around to ignore him completely as long as he's rowdy and jumpy. When he's sitting and calm, then approach him calmly and praise him. "Good boy, stay down" etc. If that doesn't work, seek help.
A few things:
Sign up for obedience classes NOW! If you don't have any experience with dogs paying for someone to help you train your dog will be very helpful and reduce a lot of frustration. You must work on obedience with this dog EVERY DAY! You are going to have a big dog, that WILL become a danger to your children and other humans if not properly managed. This is not optional! If you cannot or do not want to commit to this kind of work, you, your children and the dog would be better off if your returned/rehomed him.
Get him neutered ASAP! It will help avoid behavioral issues down the road as well. It is not a substitute for training, but it makes most dogs more docile/ not as easily distracted.
Do not leave your children alone with this dog EVER. Not with him romping around, not with him on a leash. You should always be at arms length. You are right, he doesn't mean anything bad, neither do your children... but this is a big dog and even accidental injuries can be life threatening or fatal. When you are watching a child that is not yours, confine the dog to a separate area of your home. If anything happens to that child in your care, even if it's just a minor injury, you are opening yourself up to liability issues, which likely won't be covered by insurance.
There are different methods to train your dog, most will work if you are consistent. You can buy a book - but again, joining a class will really be helpful and fun if you have never trained a dog before.
We always taught our dogs to sit when someone was at the door. You can leash them, or block them and reward good behavior. They were never allowed to romp in the backyard with us...that's just inviting injury. My mother taught us to properly play with the dogs (for example "fetch") and when when we were playing by ourselves the dog was required to sit or lay and stay there.
I grew up with shepherds, I love big dogs - I think a dog can make a wonderful family pet... but you do have to be a responsible owner, otherwise it can be a disaster.
Good luck and have fun!
First of all, good for you for rescuing instead of buying your dog! You saved more than one life, because not only did you rescue your dog, but you opened up space in a shelter for another dog to look for a home as well. Fixing him is just one more step in the right direction (and may help with his energy levels - it depends on the dog).
I agree with what most people said about training. The woman who suggested that you don't need training (after all you raised kids) is full of it. I have been working in animal rescue for over 10 years, I have been fostering dogs for the last 3 years, and I've had dogs all my life. I still go to training seminars with my dogs regularly, and would seek help with a problem in a heartbeat. When in doubt, I ALWAYS recommend training (if it's a waste of your money, then you're going to the wrong trainer - I still learn new things each time I attend a seminar). Since you have no experience training a dog, training classes will also help you get a feel for the dog's psychological state so that you are better prepared to address any future problems. The worst thing to do with a dog is to get in over your head, and your pup is about to enter adolescence, so now is a great time to make sure you have the basics under control.
Having said that, there are a number of things that you can do on your own while you're waiting for or beginning training. I have 3 dogs at the moment (all of them rescues), and each of them required a different style of training. My65-pound Australian Shepherd is by far the most bumptious, and he was the hardest to train to "stay off." What I found most effective with him was a very simple denial of attention. When he jumps, I turn my back on him, as many times as it takes until he sits and waits. I don't scold him, I don't tell him to get off, I don't make eye contract. I avoid him completely until he sits. Only then does he get any attention. If, when I start to give loving, he jumps, I go back to ignoring him again. It takes a while, but it's a lot more effective than "No" in the long run. After all, he jumps because he wants my attention, to be closer to me, to get me to react to him. Any attention in his case is positive attention, and so that's what I deny him until he is calm. All visitors to my home are instructed to do the same, and if they cannot (children, ignore my instructions, etc.), I crate him while they visit. I rarely have to, because most people don't want a big dog jumping on them, either.
Kids running in a yard are going to be a temptation for your dog, and at this young age, he may not have the self-control to resist. Let him off leash in your yard (assuming your yard is fenced to protect him from traffic and other dogs and to protect you from liability) only when the kids are calm so that you don't encourage bad behaviors. The trainer will help you learn how to work with your dog and rambunctious kids, but that's probably a bit beyond everyone at this stage.
I wish you the best of luck.
We used to have a rescue boxer and I have to say that even though she was very well trained, boxers JUMP. They have springs in their behinds, so you will really have to work to get this dog trained. On the plus side, our boxer was wonderful with kids and they could do anything with her!
Being tied out in the yard is not very good for a dog. He isn't learning how to behave out there- just running in circles and getting excited because the kids are playing.Your kids are really too little to be interacting a lot with the dog when he isn't on the leash at this point. You are right- he would not mean to hurt them, but he might and you need to be right there at all times.
Get yourself and your dog to dog school ASAP. Best case, find a trainer who will come to your house for a few sessions and see how the dog interacts with all of you at home. But also, just get into a basic training class at the local rec center, or Petsmart or whatever.
I see other people here who say just do it yourself- but obedience classes are not just for the dog! The trainer can help to make sure you are doing things the right way, so that the dog will understand and you will be consistent. But also, they are for socializing your dog- getting him used to strangers being around, other dogs, etc. You don't want to have a dog that is not used to other dogs and gets crazy when they walk by. Going to dog school is good for everyone, dog and owners alike!
You need to get the training technique down and constantly reenforce it. Every member of the household needs to be on the same page here- if one of you lets the dog get away with wrestling or jumping because they are just 'playing' or its 'fun' you are sending a mixed message to the dog and it won't be the dog's fault if it's confused and doesn't do what you want.
ANY time the dog jumps up, the person needs to say NO, one time in a deep voice, and turn their back to the dog. Practice by having your husband or a friend come to your door, over and over and over. When they knock or ring, teach the dog that if he does NOT go over and jump all over them, he will be rewarded with attention, treats, etc. If he does, he gets the NO and gets ignored until his behavior improves. No treats ever, unless he is being rewarded for something he is supposed to do, like sitting down calmly.
You've taken on a big responsibility with kids that little in the house too. I hope your husband is clear on this and will do his part to make this successful! good luck and get a dog trainer!
Thanks everyone! Great suggestions! I happened to remember that I have a cousin that used to train animals for the k9 unit. I’m going to speak to him to see if he can help us train our dog. I also have some calls in to obedience schools in our area. He’s an outside dog, not an inside dog, I had forgotten to mention that. We live in the country so there’s not much chance people will be walking their dogs past our house. I was just outside with him and I tried a few of the techniques you all had mentioned. I’ll be practicing withholding attention and speaking in a firm clear voice and lots of positive reinforcement since those all seem to work the best. With some training I know he’s going to be a great dog! I’m still open to suggestions!