Do you use a microwave?

Hi all,

I was wondering if you are one that is against using microwaves. If so, what do you use instead to heat food quickly w/o having to heat the oven up?


We nuke stuff. I don't "cook" in the microwave. But we do use it to warm or re-warm things. If I make breakfast burritos, I sprinkle shredded cheese on the tortilla and nuke it for 9 seconds before adding the eggs and salsa...

We haven't had one for 8 years now. I have a toaster oven that we use regularly but we also reheat food in a pan on the stove when needed.


We reheat in the the button, and run into the other room until it is done.

When my in-laws lived with us, we had to reheat everything on the stove or in the over or a toaster oven because they were very anti-microwave.

Ours is just used to reheat things or melt cheese on things. Never to "cook", just warming, etc. But I use it all day long to reheat my cup of coffee or warm water for tea, etc.

As a small kid we had a BIG toaster oven we must have used for re-heating food and leftovers, etc. But got a micro when I was in Jr high and haven't been without one since (I am in my 40's now) =)

Sorry - I couldn't live without my microwave. I use it for reheating, warming up cans of vegetables, and defrosting items. It's just too convenient for me not to use.

I WILL use my microwave on rare occasion, however, my 7 year old daughter did a science fair experiment involving the microwave, and it truly does slowly kill us... so yeah... there's that...

Instead of a microwave we use the below oven. I purchased one several months ago from a family dollar store that works much better and was cheaper than the new below one we just purchased. I love my little oven for many reasons as I do not always have to turn on our big oven for small things and in the summer time it does not heat up our home like our big oven does.

I have been microwave free for about a month now.

I LOVE NOT HAVING IT...But I tend to forget cooking in the oven takes longer then using micro wave...So I have had to do alot of trial and error with getting things thawed...or just heated slightly.

I will not be buying or taking an old one in though. I am happier without it on my counter:)

I am another who nukes but doesn't cook in them. Really when I think about how much counter space it takes up and how little I actually use it.....

It is not that I am against them it is just they are not the best appliance to cook in. I like good food too much.

We have a microwave and use it from time to time, but we'd do just fine without it if we had to. Most of the time we just use the stove top (where our cast iron skillets are permanent fixtures).

I use the heck out of my microwave. I often "par-cook" (partially cook) things and then finish them in the oven to save time (like baked potatoes or corn dogs). I also steam veggies in the microwave, and use my Pasta Boat to prepare pasta.

Our stove/ oven died on us about 6 months ago. I miss it so much! Since then we have used the microwave alot! There is some stuff you just can't cook in a timely fashion with the electric skillet or crockpot/ broaster oven. ( pastas or veggies, left overs)

Before that we hardly ever used it but the kids used it to cook thier lunch/ snack... burritos or mac n cheese cups stuff like that as something to eat before running back out the door on thier next mission.

I wish I didn't rely on my microwave so much . . . I've read some of the "negatives" allegedly associated with microwaves. I've stopped using plastic in the microwave.

I'm wondering if a toaster oven would work for us, for those quick re-heats.

Great question.

I do not "cook" in my microwave. It is used solely for reheating, etc. It is used a LOT for that. My microwave is built in over the oven and yes, i would replace it.

We also use the toaster oven a lot for things like cornbread, quick things so i don't heat the entire oven (and house).

So, YES I love my microwave!

If I had to do without the microwave, the toaster oven would be my 2nd choice.
I use the microwave a lot and try to avoid plastics. Most things I cook in the microwave have an alternate method of cooking but either it's not fast enough for me or I'm trying to do a bunch of different things all at the same time. I heat water in the microwave and add it to my pot of water on the stove so it boils faster. Heating 1 frozen sausage in the microwave takes 30 seconds- so much faster and easier than heating up a skillet just for that. I microwave most rice dishes and steamed veggies because I am terrible at remembering to stir things on the stove top.
When I cook breakfast, I use the toaster, toaster oven, stove top, and microwave all at the same time.

I rarely use the microwave.
We went 2 years with no microwave at all.
We got a good-sized toaster oven instead (for chicken, casseroles, potatoes, nuggets, corn dogs, tortillas, etc), and reheated things like pasta or rice dishes in a big skillet on the stove instead.

I used the microwave today for leftovers (quicker, less dishes) but only reheat in glass or porcelian, never in plastic. Before today, I think the last time I used the microwave was a week ago to make popcorn. Before that, probably two weeks ago to reheat my cold coffee.


I use it rarely, mostly to heat water sit the baby's bottle in.

To heat food I first take it out of the fridge before I'm actually ready to eat it. It's cool enough in my house to let it sit on the counter for a little while, so it can get closer to the temperature that I want to eat it at. I have a small side oven in my stove that I use. Because the food isn't cold, it doesn't take as long to warm up. I use a small cast iron skillet because it grabs and holds heat well.

Why wouldn't you use it? I use it in to defrost in an 'emergency' situation. i use it daily - to heat frozen pancakes, reheat leftovers..etc., etc...

If they are that dangerous, then I will use my cell phone, turn on the microwave, preheat my gas stove and have at it.