So this isn't a mind blowing question. But, so if your child's Birthday falls right in the middle of the week.... do you make their Birthday party, the weekend BEFORE their actual Birth date, or on the weekend after?
Trying to plan my son's party. Don't know if I should do it for the weekend before or after, his birth date.
If on the weekend before, to me this is more exciting. If the party is on the weekend after the child's actual birth date... then to me that is not as exciting?
Then on his ACTUAL birth date, in the middle of the week... I will give him a couple of small gifts. Because he is also having a "party."
Then there are cultural traditions. Some do it before, some do it after the child's birth date.
For whatever reasons.
What do you do?
Who'd think such a simple thing is causing my brain to be in knots, and my demeanor, to be so irked.
whatever fits best in your schedule. This year i did my kids party combined on a weekend right between their birthdays. They are only 11 months apart almost to the day so it worked well for us this year. Kids dont care when it is they will be just as excited either way.
For us, it depends on the schedule around his birthday. My son’s birthday is the week of xmas so of course there are many events (ours and potential attendees) to consider.
As a rule, I don’t like to do it before b/c I feel weird singing happy birthday and saying he is X years old when he hasn’t officially turned that yet. This year we had the party two days before his birthday b/c that worked best for guests. I had to explain to him he wasn’t really 4 yet, even though his cake said so! I’m a very literal person and so is he.
One year we waited until January. That was kind of fun b/c it was something to look forward to - and do - after the hoopla of the holidays was over.
I also like after b/c it gives us another thing to count down to. All of the anticipation before the actual birthday is fun and this makes it last even longer. I’m also a big fan of delayed gratification.
My daughter’s birthday is Feb 22. This past birthday we were going on a family snow ski trip AND in the middle of moving into our house we purchased AND we still had the previous homeowner living in the house WITH us. (Don’t ask LOL).
SO, we didn’t have her birthday party until March 17! She turned 6. She didn’t care. She got her party!
Do you really think the date of his birthday party, affects your son’s excitement? No, I think he’s going to be REALLY excited. This is one of those things parents worry about, that kids NEVER think about.
What works best for you and your schedule? Make sure it’s not on a holiday weekend, a weekend before school starts, etc. People will be less likely to have time for parties. Other then that, is does NOT matter.
My daughter’s lands in the middle of the week next month, so what I do is have it the week of. Say if your son’s bday is on a Monday, have it that Saturday or Friday. (Whatever is good with you) I hope it helped!
I had never put such thought into this! My son’s birthday is right around Memorial Day (29th) so that usually answers this question for us… weekend after so we don’t interrupt other peoples’ plans! We do a family party the weekend that is “closest” to his birthday as well- that sometimes falls on Memorial Day, but when it comes to the family it’s OK.
I think both are acceptable, and a little kid wouldn’t care either way - that’s your adult mind thinking like an adult & not like a kid. I don’t think a little kid is going to think “Gee, that party sucked because it was the Saturday after my b-day & not before”. Ya know?!
I think you should do what suits your schedule. If you can do it before, then that’s what I’d do.
I do it whenever we can do it. I prefer the weekend before, but since DD’s birthday is a week off her sister on one end and 2 cousins on the other, sometimes it just can’t be before. Her first party had to be delayed a week and a half from her birthday b/c she got very sick.
In Chinese culture you always celebrate before, so says our friend.
I have no cultural wisdom on this, we’ve just tried to get close to the actual date. If his birthday’s on a Monday or a Tuesday, weekend before. If it’s on a Thursday or a Friday, weekend after. Wednesday, flip a coin. I also have this thing about Sunday parties, so I’ll have an extra day to prep.
This year will be before my son’s bday, because we will be out of town the weekend after, but I usually do it the weekend after. I dont know why, I just dont like saying “Happy 4th Bday!” when he is not even four yet.
Kinda weird on my part I guess…
Whichever one fits better in the family schedule. However, my younger son usually likes it before because he gets excited. My older son is getting too old for official birthday parties, but he usually has to wait until after his birthday to do something with his friends because his birthday falls right during baseball playoffs and he and most of his friends play baseball. Do whatever works for you.
It depends on when it is convenient. Sometimes neither of those weekends works out and we have it a couple weeks earlier or three weeks later. The specialness is in the party, not the date.
On their actual birth date, we let them pick a restaurant for a meal out.
I would just go with whichever weekend works best for you and your guests…if someone can’t make it one weekend but can the next, etc. He’ll be receiving some small gifts on his birthday, and maybe a small cake with the family? If so I think it would be fine either way. I’ve done them both ways and never regretted my choices : )
I ALWAYS do the weekend prior to the birthday because otherwise it is like you missed the birthday. My son is 20 and my daughter is 5 and THE only time that I did a party after the birthday was for my son’s 16th…he knew we were having a party (but not the theme). He was on the soccer team and there was a tournament or game event the Saturday before so he and some of his friends wouldn’t have been able to attend. On his birthday, I took him to DMV to get his license and then to dinner. Party was that weekend.
We’ve always done whatever works on the calendar. We don’t really throw traditional birthday parties but everyone gets their special trip to Disneyland and we always get togther with at least the family and sometimes a small something with another family we’re all friends with. Because we have a couple at Christmas time birthdays we will sometimes wait until January for doing something with immediate family if someone is traveling. Sometimes we have to work around rain or other “party poopers”.
Do what works for your calendar.