Do you love your bank?

We are looking at switching banks from Bank of America. We could bank with USAA, but the fact that there is no brick and mortar bank kind of freaks me out. Chase just gave us a $150 offer for signing up for their checking account. I don't want to go with a local bank (I don't think) because we may not be in our current location for very long. We just need a personal checking account and savings accounts. What say you?

i say look into a credit union. i love mine, MUCH better than a bank. they are more accomodating, don't have as many fees, AND (here, at least), you can use ANY credit union atm (not just theirs) and there are no fees. there are other great things i'm just not thinking of. and i do online bill pay, banking,'s great.

We use Wells Fargo... We were actually with Wachovia who was bought by Wells Fargo. I really can't say anything good or bad about the bank. I am just too lazy to go through the trouble of opening up a new account and changing my direct deposit etc....

I love my experience with Chase. Never had a problem with them - but all I do is basic checking & savings. As of right now it is free checking as long as you have direct deposit. I've never had trouble with electronic banking, customer service face to face, or if a vendor messes up a debit/credit card transaction Chase has had the $ back in my account very quickly.

But, if they start charging fees like BoA and some of the other banks -- I'll drop them like a bad habit! :-)

I finally do have a bank I love. After 15 years with 5/3, I left unhappy for numerous reasons. Then went to Chase because they gave me that $150, and I only stayed 6 months. They were a nightmare. I then went with PNC Bank, and they're wonderful! I have yet to have a single issue with them.

i loooooooove usaa. they are much much more helpful than any in person could ever be...the most polite...don't charge for debit card, and you can deposit at a ups store. omg, the best lol

Have you looked into a credit union? That is what we have and I have never found better service or rates with any bank.

We left Bank of America because they screwed us on our HELOC (after they bought out Countrywide). WE have our mortgage and a checking with a small town bank and another account in a credit union and we love it. WE get to speak to actual people on the phone when we call and they are providing jobs in our community. Both the bank and the credit union do public service projects in our community. I also love that our credit union allows our children to learn financial responsibility by having free savings accounts that come with kid-friendly savings incentives. I have Wells Fargo stock I inherited and I STILL will not bank with them.

go with a credit union. many work together even though they are seperate. we belong to Gynisys CU but its only up in MI but we moved down to IN and use 3 rivers CU as our hub but still have ou accts with Gynisys. we love our CU we only have to have $5 in our savings to keep it open, we have mor than that of course and no charge for debit cards. and no other fees to have an acct.

I really would recommend a credit union or local bank. You might only be there for a little while, but I think it's totally worth it. The service is so much better, the people are nicer, the fees are lower, if you have a problem they will actually talk to you and help you with it. With those large banks like Chase and Bank of America you can often have a lot of trouble rectifying a problem.

We love USAA. Not having a "brick and mortor" bldg has not been a problem and their pluses far out-weigh that single negative.

Good luck.

LOVE USAA...I don't care that there is no local branch, I don't need one!! I have a local credit union for cashing checks and quick things- but I would only ever recommend USAA to someone.


I love and adore my bank. And... they're USAA. I was going to say, if there's ANY way you can get with them (dependent of anyone, govt employee/military yourself or anyone in your family), to get with them. Since you're eligible, you're golden.

I do 98.3 percent of my banking (and insurance, and etc.) online, but whenever I need to talk to a real person; Bam. Polite, helpful, amazing staff on the other end every single time I've called save one. I've had them for 15 years, averaging a couple calls a month, so that's saying something. My parents have had them for over 30 years.

If you have a USAA credit card, you can just SCAN OR TAKE A PHOTO of the check, and bang. It's deposited. We don't, so we just deposit into Wells Fargo, and transfer the cash. USAA INSTANTLY transfers it (no waiting period). We also have a LOT of accounts through them.

Mortgage and Bills
Kiddo's school

Kiddo's school
OSF (oh "shoot" fund for things like car repairs, bday presents, new dishwasher, parking ticket... the things that crop up month after month that aren't "in the budget")

The accounts are all on the same page, and all linked. So money gets deposited into the account we designate purely for that, and then we spread it out where we want it. Keeps things very simple/streamlined.

We've had other accounts through other banks, and NONE have been as simple/easy/straightforward/use anywhere/great customer service as USAA

Love, love, love USAA

We are an MBD family. Typically smaller branches more of a small town feel.

I have USAA and I LOVE them. Because they don't have a branch (I can't even imagine going to a branch - ugh!) their technology goes above and beyond. You can make a deposit through your phone or scanner. You can't get better than that!

They refund atm fees and their customer service is exceptional. I use all of their services - mortgage, insurance, credit card, car loans. A friend once tried to give me an estimate on insurance because she was starting her own business. When I told her I had USAA she flat out said she couldn't do better than them.

I love our local Chase and now that they are in grocery stores too, well, it makes it even better. The local people are SO nice here. :D I usually just deposit through the ATM but every now & then, need something only a human can do.

Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. Does that answer your question? Have Old National now (it sucks!). We had TCF up in MN and loved them - open 7 days a week.

Really look at the fine print of the Chase offer. I don't think they give you the $150 up front, but over time. And they have a $9.95 fee or something monthly. That adds up over time for way more than $150. It's been awhile since I read it.

One more vote for USAA!! No brick and mortar has never been a problem for us in the last 10+ yrs. We make deposits with our phones! (You can also do it by mail.) I love that I don't have to go to an actual building to do my banking. It's all done right @ my computer or on my phone. I also love when I go to an ATM -any ATM - and it asks me to accept their fee... Yup! No problem. I don't even look at what the fee is. USAA refunds it to me. I've had many experiences where someone (car salesman, mortgage broker, insurance agent, etc.) have wanted to give me a quote. I tell them I am with USAA an they immediately back off. They know they can't compete. That, alone, is a huge endorsement. They have also been consistently given the highest ranking by Consumer Reports for customer service. I honestly don't know why anyone (who's eligible) would choose any other bank/insurance company. Applying for a mortgage or car loan is as easy as a phone call. Maybe a little TOO easy - LOL. You mentioned a possible move - USAA moves with you.

Everyone I know absolutely hates Bank of America. My employer had them and we switched.

You may want to consider going with a credit union.

I'm currently with People's and I've had no problems. They have hours that fit our schedule. I like their online bill paying system and the ease of transferring money from my savings to my checking account. Best of all, I have a plan with no fees.

We've been quite happy with our local credit union. We kept banking there even after we moved 3 hours away. The great thing is that when you bank with a credit union they are usually affiliated with other CU's that allow you to use their ATM's etc for free. They even allowed us to use a different credit union to access cashiers checks etc. I feel good about it cause it serves our community.