I just read that the Department of Education is potentially on the chopping block. I have to say I am pretty upset. Their mission is to foster educational excellence and ensure equal access to education. I personally know so many children who benefit from IDEA. I can’t imagine what would happen in states with little funding available for education without federal oversight and funding. I looked this up:
The mandate of the U.S. Department of Education (ED) is to promote student achievement and preparation for global competitiveness by fostering educational excellence and ensuring equal access. It is responsible for setting policies, administering federal financial aid, collecting data, enforcing federal education laws, and ensuring equal educational opportunities for all students.
The U.S. Department of Education plays a key role in implementing and overseeing IDEA, which is the federal law ensuring that children with disabilities have access to a free and appropriate public education (FAPE) tailored to their individual needs. The Department oversees IDEA through its Office of Special Education Programs (OSEP).
I’m sorry but as a mother I am having a panic attack over the idea of losing this part of the government. Do other parents feel similarly?
Sure it would seem like we do @Midwestgal but it appears all these presumptions are up for debate now! Maybe some of this is just bluster to try and reform the organizations, I guess who knows, seems like everyday there is some new surprise and uncertainty.
I am definitely panicking, it’s not just you. It is thanks to a scholarship that my daughter is in her 2nd college semester and knowing that this man can suddenly wield the power to put an end to her scholarship is a very frightening prospect. Seems very radical and as if no thought went into this to remove an entire department, and leave all these people, including many educators, without jobs, and the rest of us without ways of obtaining loans, etc. My daughter also has special accommodations on campus due to health issues, so knowing this can also be taken away leaving her with no hope for her future and not even a way to obtain a loan is very upsetting, plus nothing to do if she does face discrimination because all protections would be gone. I’m not sure what can be done to put a stop to this madness. It’s as if they want to make it nearly impossible for people to obtain an education and risk public schools/universities shutting down. There are so many other things that anger me, but I am trying to take it one day at a time.
@Natalie_L1 I’m am so hoping that your daughter continues to be able to concentrate on her studies and feel safe and comfortable in college. One day at a time is all we can do. I did write to my congress people and tell them that the Department of Education is a valuable department in the federal government and as a nation I can’t imagine that we would not make education a top priority. I mean as a world leader, shouldn’t we want a quality education for all? I see that as a national aspiration and commitment.
This is definitely time to to call your congresspeople. If your representatives or senators are Republicans, remind them of how important the Dept. of Education is. Stress your personal concerns. If your representatives or senators are Democrats, remind them that you expect them to do everything possible to prevent the coup that is currently taking place in front of our eyes.