Do 6 year old boys generally like stuffed animals?

My 6 year old still likes them and I'm thinking of getting a small stuffed animal as a party favor instead of goody bags. I know the girls will love them but do 6 year old boys generally like them too? It would be a monkey to go with our jungle theme. Thanks!

Mine did, and well past the age of 6. He always chose when if we went to a zoo or museum gift shop and he quite a supply until the age of 10. I think they are a comfort item for boys who’ve never had (or who have had pressure NOT to like) dolls. And many kids can relate more to animals than to “toy people”. You might find that dinosaurs or jungle animals are more fun than those puppies with long eyelashes though!

My just turned 7 y/o has gotten rid of all his stuffed animals but did ask for a stuffed Boo for his birthday. He also got stuffed Minecraft guys but in general he is not a fan of stuffed animals.

EDIT: The reason my son doesn’t like stuffed animals is not b/c he is “teched out”. He has never cared for them. It’s just his preference. He is far from teched out…legos as far as the eye can see though!

No. They would toss aside. Maybe a book of games that are age appropriate. Not sure what’s out there for that age.

Kind of surprised by answers. My rough and tumble 10 year old still holds onto his favorite, and certainly liked stuffed animals at 6.

My boys are 14 and 11 and still loved stuffed animals. They are dying to spend their Build-a-Bear gift cards. A stuffed monkey would be well received in our house!


My 12 year old still talks about how upset he was when the nice stuffed leopard he got from the zoo was destroyed by the dog. But that’s because he got it from Nana. I think it’d have less meaning if he’d gotten it as a party favor.

I still don’t think you need to give anything :slight_smile: However, this time I am just going to answer the question: I think you will find that some of the boys will be thrilled, some will act like it is too “babyish” but secretly be thrilled, and some will just toss it. However, this is probably true of just about any party favor - can’t please every kid all the time. Maybe just buy enough and set them out and let them choose if they would like to take one home (some might for a younger sibling anyways). What ever is left you can donate to the nearest children’s hospital (or ask the kids if they will donate theirs instead of taking it home - whichever seems most appropriate for your group).

Good luck!

Both of my boys loved stuffed animals past 6 years old, but not all of their friends did. It was split. It totally depended on the kid. I think it’s a cute idea though, although I don’t do goody bags.

Yes, my son and all his friends were very much into Beanie Babies at that age.
ETA: I should add that they had battles and used them as bombs just as frequently as they cuddled with them…I still remember a famous snakey vs. bunny buns attack lol!


ETA: I have 3 sons, ages 7, 11 and 5. The 5 yo could take or leave it, but the other two sons would be delighted, though the 11 yo would act “cool” about it.

My two youngest boys are 4 & 7 and LOVE stuffed animals!!!

My 7 year old loves his Minecraft stuffed animals, but that is about it. My daughter is 5, and just got rid of all of hers except her favorites so she could buy Barbies.

Get some legos for the boys.

I think it depends on the kid (I know, you probably hate this answer!). My kids are almost six and almost eight and they would love to get a stuffed animal as a party favor. But they also love the bags of junk that they get, too! I do like the idea of a small Lego set better though as a mom!

My 9 year old still loves his stuffed animals and is thrilled whenever he receives one. Was the same at 6.

I think they would love them. The little boy I nanny for is 10 he has several little stuff animals he loves and still has on his bed at night.

My boys are 7 and 4 and both LOVE stuffed animals!!

My older son did not really. He was pretty much take it or leave it but if he was given any stuffed animal he was happy with it. My currently 3 1/2 yr old loves them. He is begging me to buy him a dragon stuffed animal. I think if they are not “teched out” they would be fine with it. I would just stick with it if that is what you want to do.

In my experience six year old boys do not really like stuffed animals, and most parents I know absolutely hate stuffed animals!